Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


Imogen Davis


I was welcomed with lots of photographs. All of them had him in it.

Jared and Alex were sixteen when they decided this was their hangout place. It belonged to Alex’s uncle, and he wasn’t using it anymore, and then you get the rest. They started putting photos up of everything they had ever done, and everyone they hung out with. It was something they both loved, once Jared died, I guess Alex finished everything. Now all the walls are covered in photos, every single one having Jared in it.

I started looking from the left, my eyes automatically landing on the one of Jared, Jessica and I all smiling for a family photo, without our parents. Jared was in the middle, his arm wrapped around both mine and Jessica’s waists. He was grinning like an idiot. That day he took his pills.

“Jared, are you up?” I yelled out the question banging on my older brother’s door. I heard a groan come from inside the room and within ten seconds, the door was opened revealing a very grumpy, tired looking Jared.

“Yes, im up, what do you want?” He asked me and I looked over his shoulder.

“Depends, what are you willing to do to get me to go away and leave you alone?” I asked and he thought for a bit.

“Anything” He said sarcastically.

“Take your pills” I said with all playfulness gone. Jared looked at me as if I had gone nuts.

“Gigi” He sighed, I pushed past him and walked into his room, he shut the door and faced me.

“I know it isn’t easy J, but please, for me?” I asked him and he groaned.

“Im, I can’t” He said and I shook my head.

“You know you can, stop playing this game and please take the Pills J, I love you and I really need you to take them” I said.

“Fine” He said and then he took two pills out and swallowing it with the glass of water that was on the bed side table. He glared at me, but I could see the playfulness in it.

“Mum wants us to get family photos today so get ready” I said to him before skipping out. I felt him glare at me but I grinned back at him.

He was Happier that day, and that made me happier.

I wiped the tears that fell before continuing to scan my eyes over the unending memories and photos of Jared. There were so many of him smiling. That was what I missed, I missed him smiling, I missed everything about him.

I then scanned a photo and Luke was in it, it wasn't the photo I had seen before, it was a new one. It was one of them jamming out together; Alex must have taken the photo. Luke and Jared were closer than what I thought I guess. They looked as if they jammed out all the time.

“You aren’t going to go anywhere in life Jared, not with your music, just do something useful” Jessica said with a glare in her eyes.

I knew that all she really wanted was all the attention, she wanted the perfect and successful world, where as I hadn’t have decided and Jared was dedicated to his music.

“Shut up Jessica, no one even likes you” Jared said rolling his eyes at his younger sister.

“Mum and Dad do” She fought back.

“Wow” Jared said sarcastically clapping. “Mum and Dad, they must be great friends”

“Shut up Jared, don’t come crying to me when you and your stupid guitar and your stupid voice get rejected, because when I’m rich and famous, nothing will go to you or the slut I have to call my twin”

“She isn’t a slut, you open your legs more than Imogen opens her mouth, do you know how much she talks?” Jared asked, he looked over at me and grinned.

“Don’t act like you are innocent Imogen, because everyone knows you aren’t”

“I could have sex with everyone from our school and still be more innocent then you” I shot back.

“But you won’t do that” Jared said looking at me with a disapproving look.

“Of course not J, I was just saying” I laughed. Jessica walked out of the room and Jared and I high fived each other.

After that conversation, Jared was determined to prove Jessica wrong, and he did that. He was winning, but then Jessica kept shooting him down. And each time I saw Jared’s hurt face, I felt a bullet hit my heart. That’s when calling home became unnecessary because it ended up being a battlefield. Two against Three.

‘You may fight yourself on the outside, but on the inside you are already dead’

The quote written on the wall, Jared wrote it when he was writing a song one time; he even got a tattoo saying it. That was 4 weeks before he died. I wish I could of stopped him though, it was my fault he went, because I couldn’t stop him.

“Maybe it should of been me instead” I muttered.

“I don’t want to hear those words come out of your mouth ever again” A voice made me jump, I turned around seeing Alex standing there.

“Well it might aswell has been like that” I said and he shook his head.

“Shut up. Look I loved Jared and I know for a fact, if it was you who died that day, he wouldn’t be alive either. He loved you, you were the one person who made him smile, you know, he wouldn’t of been alive as long as he was without you” He said and I shook my head at him.

“I watched him, his whole life slipped through my finger tips and I couldn’t stop it”

“He didn’t want to be stopped, he wanted to be cared for, and you did exactly that, he didn’t want you to be like this and you know it” He yelled. He then walked over to the set of drawers, pulling it open aggressively. He pulled out a disk and a letter.

“He told me if it ever did happen, to give this to you, but he told me to wait until it felt right, and now it feels like the time” He said handing me the note and the disk.

“What is it?” I asked.

“You have to look at it yourself, I can’t do that, but let’s just say, it’s a message. You don't have to read it straight away, but you will probably go and do that.” He said and I nodded.

“Go home, get some rest” He ordered and I once again nodded my head. I walked out and walked towards my car. I placed the disk and the note in the passenger seat next to me.

All of a sudden my phone started ringing though out the car.

“Hello?” I asked.

5 words were said, they made me freeze and my blood run cold.

“The hospital is in flames”




Oooops, another cliffhanger.

Oh no.

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