Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Imogen Pov.

“Wow you are still here?” Calum asked and I laughed.

“I told you, I am not quitting” I said and he shrugged. “Did anything happen last night?” I asked and he nodded.

“There was a baby in the hallways playing with the blocks, she was adorable though, her blocks fell over but when I went to help her she ran off” He said sadly. I then remembered the files from the other night and Calum’s case. 

“What did the baby look like?” I smiled at him. He looked up shocked at my question. Was everyone else harsh on these four boys?

“It was a girl and she was wearing a little flower dress, she could only just run and she had blonde hair and green eyes” He said and I smiled.

“She sounds so cute” I awed.

“She’s real you know, im not lying, I see her, why does everyone else call me crazy?”  He asked.

“You aren’t crazy, I know you aren’t lying and everyone else doesn’t know what you see when you are alone so how would they know?” I asked and he hugged me. Now that I wasn’t expecting. Calum ran back into the room, letting me in aswell. I looked at Michael and he was playing the Xbox. He grinned up at me and I smiled back.

“Do you guys want any food or anything?”

“No we just got our food” Michael said.

“Okay, im going to see the other two, see you tomorrow guys” I called.

“Bye” They said. It had been three days since I was given the position with these boys. With Michael and Calum nothing bad had happened, the hallucinations with Calum, was something that usually would happen but he hasn’t had one where he would be threatened. Yet. Michael was always happy, He wasn't always smiling, but he was always thinking positive. Luke and Ashton on the other hand haven’t been the best. Luke had had one nightmare that he refuses to talk about and I respect that. I don't like talking about my bad dreams, so why should he? Other than that, he was fine. Ashton still didn’t like talking to me, when I walked in he would just glare at me. Occasionally he would snap at me. The boys all seemed to like me, except for Ashton, but I wasn't going to let him stop me. I was going to help these boys. Not because I was put on the Job either, because I care for these boys.

I walked into Luke and Ashton’s room where it was silent, except for the TV that was going. They turned to look at the sound of the door opening. Ashton groaned before turning around, whilst Luke stayed silent.

“Are you guys okay?” I asked.

“Yeah we are good” Luke spoke with a slight smile that gave me relief.

“Did anything bad happen last night?” I asked and he shook his head.

“Nope” He replied and I nodded.

“Can you go now?” Ashton asked glaring. Luke scowled at him.

“I think I might stay a bit longer now” I said.

“Wow dare devil, no one’s ever done that before”

“Whatever Ashton” I said rolling my eyes.

“Do you guys want anything to eat or drink?” I asked the two of them.

“Can you get me a coke please” Luke replied and I nodded.

“A meat lover’s pizza” Ashton said rudely.

“If you are going to act like that then I will eat it myself” I said and he huffed.

“Please” He groaned and I grinned laughing. I walked out and towards the cafeteria. I got the orders of Luke and Ashton and waited for it to be ready. Once it was ready, I walked back up and into the room.

“Here you go Luke” I smiled handing him the coke.

“Ashton” I groaned handing him the pizza. He rolled his eyes and snatched it out of my hands before sitting on his bed.

“Thanks Imogen” Luke said.

“No problem Luke” I responded. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow” I added on.

“Bye” They said, through mouthfuls of pizza. I laughed before walking out. As soon as I walked out I frowned. Ashton just reminded me so much of someone that used to be close to me. Personality almost identical. I shook my head getting rid of any thought of that person, but when the thought has never left your head, it’s hard to get rid of.

Why are you trying so hard Imogen?

My brain spoke to me.

Because they need help.

I shook my head again, clearing my thoughts. I walked to the receptionist desk and one of the very annoying girls sat there.

“How are you going trying to tame the insane?” She asked me. I glared at her.

“Stop calling people in this building insane, the only person insane in this building is you”










I watched her walk out. I hated everyone in this building except for my three best mates. Everyone thought we were insane. Probably even her. No matter how much she tries to say all these nice things, and how she doesn’t think we are insane, my thoughts are that she always will.

“Where are you going Ash?” Luke asked. I was walking towards the door. I shrugged.

“Just going to walk around” I replied, lying. I looked out the peep hole and saw Imogen standing there with a frown. She shook her head, as if she was clearing her thoughts. For some reason, as she walked away I had to follow her.

I ignored everyone that tried to talk to me, either giving them a glare or just ignoring. I followed Imogen to what looked like the front desk. I stood behind a wall and listened to her talk. She had an annoyed expression on her face as she walked towards the front desk, where some girl I didn't know was standing.

“How are you going trying to tame the insane?” She asked. See she thinks we are insane. Everyone does.

“Stop calling people in this building insane, the only person insane in this building is you”

Now that was unexpected. She didn't think we were insane? Was I really wrong?

Of course I was wrong.

I huffed in anger and walked back to my room, pushing past everyone as I walked. Why did she have to be so nice? Why did she insist on us liking her? I walked into my room and slammed the door shut.

“What happened?” Luke asked.

“I hate people” I groaned and sat down on my bed, looking out the window, something I had came used to doing since I had gotten here.



I don't know when my next update will be, because im going on holidays for two weeks. But after holidays I will update as much as possible.


I love you guys <3

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