Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

“So how is it?” Alex asked me taking an Oreo and placing it in his mouth.

“How is what?” I asked him.

“Working at the hospital?” He asked.

“Well it’s hard, but I’ve met people like him and im determined to fix the four people I am working with, or at least one of them” I said and he nodded at me.

“Im proud of you Im, really proud” He said and tears gathered in my eyes as I watched him.

“He would be proud too” He said nodding. He hugged me and I cried in his shoulder. We stood like that.

“We are visiting him” I said unlocking myself from the hug. I saw his eyes were red and glassy. He nodded at my statement and took my hand. As we walked out the door I took a deep breath in.


When we arrived I was scared to say the least. I visited every so often, after it happened I was here every day. I loved him, loved him so much, and this incident just broke me. Everything just fell apart after that, and I am only now, just starting to get back on my feet.

“Hey Jared” Alex said with a smile.

“I miss you man, I can’t even tell you how much I miss you because word’s can’t explain.” He continued. I slid my hand across the gravestone and kissed it. Alex’s words blocked out.

When the words all came back, he was finishing up his little speech. He sat down, defeated and just kept his eyes on the stone.

“Jared, I love you, I miss you, I need you. You didn’t deserve anything, but I promise you that I love you, and that promise I made to you, im working on it” I said. “If you are watching, I guess you can tell mum and dad are still complete douche bags, and Jessica, she is living her life, forgetting everything, but I couldn’t ever forget you, or what happened” I said closing my eyes.

Alex rubbed my knee comforting me, trying to anyway.

Jared was my brother, my only family I got along with, He was always there for me and he was always by my side. Alex was his best friend. When he died two years ago, it hit both Alex and I hard. Mum, Dad and Jessica all left, left me behind. They never said they were going to be gone forever. Jared was my best friend and I loved him so much.

But I see him every day, not only in photo’s though. I see him in Ashton. My brother suffered from Manic-Depression disorder just like Ashton, he was a big case. Jared usually took his medication but once he and his girlfriend broke up, he stopped, he fell into a deep depression. He would try everything to get him off the earth, and one day it worked. I remember his last words, I remember everything, I remember his face, I can’t get it out of my head.

“Hey, are you ready to go?” Alex asked me and I nodded. I kissed the grave stone one last time before walking out, being cuddled into Alex’s side.

“Just know he loved you, he loved you so much, don’t ever think this was your fault” Alex said to me seriously.

“I know, I loved him too, I still too” I said truthfully and Alex nodded. Alex understood what I was going through, he understood why I worked at the hospital with people like Jared, and the reason was because I was determined to help someone like him. Stop them from doing what Jared did. And now that I have the 4 cases that I am in charge of, I think everything is going my way for once. Im always up for a challenge and this is a challenge I am willing to accept.

“I have a feeling about something Imogen” Alex said with a small smirking lingering on his lips.

“And what is that?” I asked him. We were now on my street, it was a long street unfortunately.

“You like that Ashton kid” He said and I started coughing rapidly.

“What?” I asked. Liking Ashton? Yeah. No.

“I mean come on, you talk about him all the time, is he attractive?” He asked.

“Im not answering that questions Alexander.” I said. Because of course the answer is yes. I mean have you seen him? Hello! The four of them boys are attractive, I would never tell them that though.

“You do! Oh my god you so like him”

“No I don’t” I trailed off. “And besides, just because he is attractive doesn’t mean I like him” I continued.

“So he is attractive” Alex stated. Alexander Bullet, one boy who can be the most annoying person in the world, yet you can’t hate him no matter what. Annoying, so annoying.

“Shut up, Bullet”

“I think im right, Davis” He laughed at me.

“I honestly 100 percent just want to kick your ass” I said. I looked up and saw my house coming into view. I smiled at it. Finally.

We got to the door and I opened it up. As soon as it opened I let out a scream, because standing right in front of me, was my brunette haired best friend.

Poppy Jones

I ran towards Poppy and hugged her tightly. I think I was crying but I didn’t care because the girl I hadn’t seen for so long, was now here in front of me.

“Surprise” Her and Alex spoke in unison. I hugged Alex.

“Thankyou so much” I turned to Poppy, hugging her again. “I missed you so much”

“I missed you too, I have now come to live with you”

I don’t think a grin can get any bigger.

My best friend

Here, right here.

“Im back bitches” She whispered loudly.

“Holy crap” I grinned.

“What?” She asked.

“Is that a nose piercing?” I was surprised. She grinned at me and nodded. She lifter her shirt up and I caught a glimpse of Alex looking.

Such a boy.

“You got a belly piercing?!” I shouted excitedly. I remember when she was so scared to get them piercings done, and now look at her.

“Yes!” She yelled.

“Oh my god guys, that is like tots so cool” Alex said in a high pitched tone. Lets just say, we were on the floor laughing at this. I now have the two people that have always been here. My two bestfriends I love so much.

And one of them was living with me.




This is a happier chapter, because im happy !

I bet you that some of you just read that in a song !


Anyways here is chapter 6 ! xx



Insane -Ashton Irwin-Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora