Chapter 20

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Chapter 20 






"Did you guys want to crash here or call your parents?" 

"Can we crash here and do all that tomorrow please? Im to exahausted" Luke said and i nodded. 

"No worries, have a good sleep guys" I smiled and they all thanked me and walked into the same rooms they slept in before. "You go, i need to talk to everyone" I said to Ashton and he just walked up to the rooms. Firstly i went and saw Michael. 

"Hey, you still awake?" I asked and he nodded at me. 

"Why did you try so hard with us? Why did you try to get us out?" Now that was a question i expected from the other boys, not Michael, but i answered anyway. 

"Because from the beginning, i knew you guys didnt belong there, Sure you have things going on, but i never beleive what anyone said about you guys being insane, you guys didnt belong there, and i know for a fact that you three only went in for Ashton"

"Thankyou Im, we really appreciate everything you have done"

"Its alright Michael, I will give you my number when you leave and you have to promise me if you ever have bad thoughts, im gonig to be making this exact promise with everyone"

"I promise, but you do know that Ashton won't leave right?" 

"What?" I stopped talking with that question. 

"He has to many memories in that house, he can't leave you, you are basically what gets him gonig and what keeps him there, You know that right?" 

"It's crossed my mind once, but i dont think i have that much of an effect. Anyway, i have to go see everyone else. Night Michael" I said hugging him and then i walked out, shutting the door. 

Next was Calum. 

"Hey Cal" I smiled walking in, I was hoping i wouldn't see him and Poppy doing something, luckily, it was just him. 


"You need to promise me that you will call me whenever anything happens, please make this promise with me" I said. 

"I promise Imogen, thankyou so much for getting us out of that dump, we appreciate it so much" 

"No worries Cal" He got up and hugged me tightly. 

"And thankyou for showing me to your extremely hot friend" I laughed at that and walked out, just as Poppy walked in. 

I walked down the corridor to where Luke was staying and i walked in for him to be asleep. He looked peaceful and cold so i got another blanket and placed it on him. He mumbled into the pillow and then stopped moving.. I started to walked out and then a voice stopped me. 

"Imogen is that you?" His voice was cracking throught that, probably from the lack of sleep. 

"Yeah it's me Luke, i was just checking up on you, but you're tired, so get some sleep" I smiled at him and he nodded. 

"Goodnight Imogen, Thanks for everything" He said. 

"No worries" I said and once i heard his snores i walked out and headed towards Jared's room where Ashton was staying. 

"Imogen" He said as i walked into the room. 

"Yes?" I asked him and he hugged me, not just a normal hug either, He held me close, so that i couldn't move, but i could still breathe. 

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