Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

“Are you okay?” Dakota asked me once I walked into the room with Calum and Michael.

“Yeah im fine” I laughed fakely. Ugh, I hated faking.

“Alright, you just looked really in thought” She said. Dakota was really nice honestly.

“Yeah, sorry about that, but im going to head down to the office, is that alright?” I asked her and she nodded in response. I smiled at her before walking out. As soon as the door shut I was running down to the office. I refused to cry. No I wasn't going to cry. I haven’t cried since it happened.

“Imogen?” The voice from the phone asked. I had dialled the one number I always knew.  My mum. Even though she left me, I still need her to help me. But that might not be the case.

“Mum” I sucked in a breath, hoping my voice didn’t give in. But it did, it always does.

“What’s happened Imogen?” She asked, I could hear the concern in her voice.

“I need you to come see me mum, I need you back in my life, im sorry for yelling at you, im sorry for forcing you to leave, im sorry just please come back” I cried, I wasn't actually crying though.

“Imogen, you know that we can’t just pack up and come back, you know that, your father wouldn’t allow it either, Jessica is still here doing well” She spoke emotionless.

“Why mum? Can’t you come at least for a weekend? Im your fucking daughter too”

“Don’t swear at me Imogen, I said No” She was raising her voice a bit but it still sounded emotionless.

“You’re a bitch mother; go enjoy your life with your perfect husband and perfect daughter. Forget about me and everything else you left behind, you know the reason why I stayed behind, but you never told me you were leaving for good” I yelled slamming the phone down. I ended the call. The lump in my throat wouldn’t go away and I ended up letting tears slip out. I knew I shouldn’t have done this job, but I really wasn't giving up on the boys.

“Imogen?” Shit. I wiped my tears, but it didn’t work because they kept on falling out of my eyes. “I know you are crying already, you don’t have to hide it”

“Go away Ashton” I sniffed.

“Im sorry alright, Im sorry” He said. I wasn’t expecting him to say that, but I was sick of the word sorry at the moment, and that may have been the reason my bitch came out of me.

“As you heard Ashton, Sorry doesn’t fix anything” I glared at him.

“God damn it Imogen, I was out of line to say what I said, I shouldn’t have judged you on the way you came out to be, and I shouldn’t have said it” He was angry and I could tell.

“You can’t be here Ashton” I said standing up and walking past him towards the door. He grabbed my wrist and I turned around to see what he was trying to get at.

“Look, I hate you and you hate me but” he grabbed my hand and placed it to his chest where you could feel his heartbeat. “This beats for you” He said.  Stood wide eyed as Ashton walked out of the room. My heart melted and my cheeks heated up.






“Ashton Fletcher Irwin, where the hell did you go?” Luke asked and I just smiled at him.

Wait what?

Im Ashton Irwin.

I don’t fucking smile.

“Calum” Michael said shaking the boy from his video game. Calum turned around totally oblivious to everything.


“Ashton isn’t Ashton” Michael answered with a slight giggle.

“What?” Calum asked again, totally confused. Calum looked at Luke for an explanation, but Luke just stood there in shock.

“He just smiled” Michael said and Calum got wide eyed, with the biggest grin forming on his lips.

“HOLD UP” Luke yelled everyone looked at him; he had a curious look on his face.


“Why were you smiling Ashton?” Luke asked and they all repeated that same curious look.




Why was I smiling?

“I wasn't smiling” I said and crossed my arms over my chest.

“Yes you were, you were smiling” Michael rushed.

I now know why I was smiling before.

Because of Hatred.

I hate her so much, yet she made my heart race.

What did that even mean?

That you hate her even more.

“ASHTON DUDE” Calum screamed. I looked up.


“It’s a girl” Luke said studying my face.

“No it isn’t” I snapped back. Luke let out an over exaggerated gasp.

“Oh my god” He said repeating the words. He whispered into Calum and Michaels ears and they all repeated the words together staring at me with a mixed grin and shock.

“What?” I snapped getting impatient.






Why am I fan girling?????


Did you like this chapter?!?!

You found out a bit more about Imogen! What a bitch mother.


My mum isn’t like that in real life by the way. My mum would never leave my annoying face. HAHAHAHAHAH. Her words not mine.

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