Insane -Ashton Irwin-

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Chapter 1


Imogen Pov


These corridors were what I walked through every day. But the direction I was walking in today was different. Somebody had just quit the job, leaving me to take over their place. Three days ago, a file was dropped onto my desk. It held four folders in it. Four boys. It was a mental hospital, you weren’t meant to say that people were insane yet everyone has been calling these boys insane.  I knew that deep down they were just normal boys.

“Are you just going to stand there?” I looked up to see that I already had walked to the room I had been issued.

Room 296

I looked up at the boy who spoke. He was tall and had curly hair and Brown/hazel eyes. I smiled at him and he just kept his straight face.

“Ashton who was there?” Asked another voice walking up. He looked at me and had a blank face.

“Who are you?”

“Im your new-”

“Oh the other one left?” Ashton I think his name was, asked coldly.

“Yes she quit” I said with my arms crossed.

“Well no need to be rude” Luke said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes.

“Aren’t there four of you?” I asked and they shrugged.

“I don’t know, maybe there are only two and the other people telling you this stuff are insane” Ashton said. His eyes were dark in anger as he walked away.

“There are four of us, he just hates people calling him insane, and well he just hates people” Luke said letting me in. I nodded. I walked in and saw a small room, two single beds, one on each side, a TV in the middle with what looked like an X-box but I couldn’t see it properly. Ashton was sitting on his bed with his head resting in his hands. He looked at me boredly.

“Im not going to call you insane” I said and he raised his eyebrows.

“Yes you are, everyone else does” He spoke back.

“Im not everyone else am I Ashton?” He huffed. “Anyway the other two boys are in the next room yeah?” I asked and the two of them nodded.

“What’s your name?” Luke asked.

“Imogen” I said and he nodded. I was meant to read their files but I didn't yet so I have no idea why they act the way they act or why they are even here. I walked out of the room and into the room next door. I knocked and saw another two boys.

“Hi” The one with close to white hair beamed. I was a bit taken aback.

“Hi” I said back.

“Who are you?” He asked. He looked like he was on a sugar rush or something whilst the other boy just stood there looking tired.

“Imogen, im new here and yeah” I said. He nodded and then ran back into the room.

“Im Calum and that was Michael. If you are our new carer person, you will most likely be out the door in three weeks” He said before closing the door. I just chuckled. I just want to prove him wrong now.

I guess so many people had left them. I was probably the youngest to take them on, but I think that instead of old ladies and man trying to help, it should be someone their own age to do it. Someone who would be easier to talk to. And I don’t plan on giving up on these boys, because even if they don't show it, I know that they just want to go back to the way they were years ago, the happiness, without having medication for it.

I guess all the boys had a different personality all together. Yet the four of them were bestfriends. I started walking towards the door after visiting my office to collect my things. I walked through the car park and towards my car. Looking up at the building, I caught a glimpse of a boy looking out, I don't know if he was looking at me or not, but he was looking.

Once I got home I sat down on my lounge. I pulled out the four files and then opened the first one on top.

Calum Thomas Hood.

Age – 18

Born with a case of schizophrenia. Abused drug use with LSD and Marijuana to trigger it, causing more damage.

Has been known to have hallucinations, always saying that he can hear someone coming when it is completely silent. Some of the hallucinations come off harmless, but others are said to give him the feeling of being threatened. He has also told some doctors that he had seen a baby sitting in the hallway just playing with the blocks. Occasionally he has confused thoughts which affect his daily routine and change his moods around people.  

I scanned over the file, I nodded taking in the information. I looked at the photo of Calum and smiled. There was a baby photo and a photo taken of what looks to be around a year ago. I took in the file one more time before closing the folder. I placed It to the side before picking up the next folder.

Luke Robert Hemmings.

Age – 17

Has a case of Nightmare disorder, also known as dream anxiety disorder. Moaning, moving, talking and flailing in his sleep. When awoken he goes into a terror, fear mode making it almost impossible for someone to calm him down, unless he trusts the person. These dreams happen very often and some say it is because of drugs he has taken, others say it is because of a dreading past. But only he knows the truth.

That makes me wonder, who was there when he woke up? Was it just Ashton or was he left with someone who he didn't trust? There were photos of Luke as a baby and what seemed to be taken around the same time as Calum’s.

The next one I pulled out was Michael’s.

Michael Gordon Clifford.

Age – 18

Born with Bipolar, most of the time he experiences the high, over excited type of this mental disorder, It shows off like he is on a sugar rush, but these are his actions daily. But there will be those very unusual days where he is in a very upset mood. His case his from his genetics, having all the boys in the family with the disorder. However Michael had abused alcohol, which made him become very dangerous to the outside world.

He had a case that I had seen in many people before. I have known a couple people with the bipolar disorder that act the same way as Michael. But I have known people that act a different way aswell, experiencing the lower side of this disorder. I opened up the last folder which I was assuming would be Ashton’s.

As I opened it, I saw a bright orange sticky note. It read ‘Worst out of the four’.  I picked the note up and ripped it in half. Even if he was the worst case, it didn't mean he was the worst. I don't like putting labels on people, from what they do on the outside.

Ashton Fletcher Irwin.

Age – 19

Unknown as to how he got the disorder but he has it, and is one of the worst cases. He suffers from bipolar (Manic depression to be exact); He has never been seen with a smile by any of the doctors. With his parents dying when he was 17, he started abusing alcohol and drugs, only making his case worse. He always tries to push people away by acting coldly towards them, and it always works. He suffers complete trust issues and also suffers from minor Nightmare Disorder. It is very rare that he gets bad nightmares. He doesn’t like anything to do with the doctors and has said he would never trust one of them.

I sighed. Ashton needed saving from that hole he was in, before he did anything he would regret. It makes me wonder if he takes his medication. That would help with his mood if he did. The four of the boys needed saving. I was willing to put all my effort into getting them to trust me, so that I could help them. But I refuse to put a needle into their body to calm them down. It is clear that the four of them have trust issues and that the four of them all got into this place around the same time.

But I knew these four boys weren’t used to people trying, they were used to people just giving up. But I won’t give up, and that’s a fact.

Insane -Ashton Irwin-Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang