Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

“I don't want to go back to the hospital Im, I just want to stay here with you and everyone else”

“I know Ash, but soon you’ll have to go back, I’ll still be there though” I replied to him crossing my legs and facing him. We were sitting on his bed and looking at each other. Its been a two weeks since everything had happened. They were repairing the hospital and I knew that the boys were only going to be here for another two weeks max.

“It’s not the same and you know it” he sighed and I sighed along with him knowing it was the truth.

“Why did you sign yourself in anyway Ash?”

“At the time it was the right thing to do”

“Ashton, what did my sister have to do with this? Why is it her fault?” I asked tracing circles in the palm of his hand.

“Your sister hated me, from day one. I don't know why she did, but she did. I was visiting my parents grave and for some reason she was there. I looked at her and well she was crying. I wasn't brought up to let a girl cry on her own, so I comforted her. From there we kind of had a thing, I fell in love with her, but all she ended up doing was sending me to that place. I told her everything, about everyone in my life, I told her about my parents, my mental state, everything. And when she told me about her career she wasn't exactly nice. I remember her words.

‘Ashton you are an insane piece of shit, no one is ever going to love you, I certainly didn’t, you’re fucked up and you belong in a mental hospital, you don't belong to live like a normal human being, you need to be locked up, I hate you Ashton Irwin, and man up about your parents aswell’

Then she walked away, leaving me heartbroken. So I decided to do it, I decided to go into the hospital. The other three started taking drugs and drinking more than they usually did until they were put into the hospital by their parents. So now we are here. Your sister is practically the reason the other boys and I are in the hospital.”

“Ashton, firstly im going to firstly apologize for my sister. Im really honestly sorry for her”

“The reason why I first hated you was because I thought you were here and also because everyone else in that hospital called us Insane but yeah”

“You know I would never to what she did to you, or to anyone for that matter”

“I know baby, that’s why I like you, you are imperfectly perfect”

“What?” He leaned closed to me and pushed me gently to lay on my back. He was on his hands and knees leaning over the top of me.

“I like the way you smile” Kiss. “I like the way you snort when you laugh” Kiss. “I like the way you get angry at me” Kiss. “I like the way that you care about the littlest things” Kiss. “I like the way you care about the biggest things” Kiss. “I like the way you don't have a thigh gap” Kiss. “I like the fact that you are so determined on things that you want” Kiss. “I like the fact that you apologize way to much for things that you don't even do” Kiss. “I like the fact that you don't look like a stick and that you aren’t afraid to eat in front of me” Kiss. “But I lied, I don’t like these things” Kiss. “I fucking love these things” Kiss. “And I don't even know why, but I think that is the best thing about it all” With that he gave me one last kiss. I definitely wasn't expecting any of that. I grinned up at the boy above me.

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