Chapter 3

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Today was a big day for me... again... I took Iago's word and decided I need to put together a CV and apply for a job at Café Nero. Now, I've never had to make a CV or apply for a job because my family is fairly wealthy, so they've always supplied me with enough money to get through Uni but it's time I do something for myself for once. I took a shower and got myself dressed in a fairly formal attire – suitable for the interview, I guess. I put on a basic makeup style too as a cakey face wouldn't be suitable for the occasion. Once I had finished getting ready, I grabbed my keys and left the house. I called my uber to come and pick me up, it happened to be Dane again, he asked where I was going and I said, "I'm applying for a job at Café Nero, I'm hoping they give me an interview straight away because I really want this job."

Dane looked at me through his mirror and said, "I'm sure they will, you're a smart lass, they'd be stupid to not give you an interview or job."

I smiled and him and looked into my phone, I had received a message from Iago, 'Good luck today, I put a word in, and they want to interview you straight away so don't worry about applying – they've already accepted you x' After reading that I felt like a lot of stress was taken away from my mind to be replaced with pressure – what has he said about me to make me instantly get an interview? I need to match the impression he's given of me but what is that impression that needs to be met?

Okay so the stress came back. Dane looked at me through his mirror again and asked, "Is everything okay? You look flustered." I looked at him and asked to roll the window down, I needed some fresh air to breathe – I was 'flustered' because what if they don't want to offer me a job. Dane rolled the window down and gave me a prep-talk before I left the car to go to this interview, I thanked him for the ride and I walked into Café Nero faking my confidence and holding my head high – I hear that's always helpful – fake it 'til you make it.

Sat there, surrounded by three managers of this cafe outlet, full of anxiety my leg shakes uncontrollably. My palms are now sweaty, I couldn't relax. Finally, they spoke - the interview didn't last too long as they only wanted to see my CV and ask some questions like:

No work experience?

Why do you think you'll be suitable for such a job role like so?

What makes you believe we should hire you?

I managed to answer their questions quite well, taking into consideration my stress and anxiety before. The interview finished and I headed home - as I left the office where the interview was, I recognised a familiar face on my way out - I saw Iago. Is he waiting for me? I asked myself, no don't be stupid why would he? I ask myself again. Pacing past him as bumping into him was not on my list of things to do today, I felt him tug my arm and pull me back, I'm only light you see so my body ended up pushing up against his. He gave his mischievous look and said, "Steady on there, new-kid. How did it go?" I looked up at him and thought to myself, wow, maybe he was waiting for me. Before I came up with an answer I looked in his eyes, his dazzling green eyes with freckles on either side of his nose and said, "Yeah, it was fine - thanks."  He looked at me in desperation that I would tell him whether I got the job or not. He started bobbing his head in a goofy way, changing direction but still maintaining eye-contact. I looked away and said, "I got the job!!" Iago jumped up in the air in excitement and lifted me off my feet - woah, his firm grip and veiny hands holding me up was kind of attractive.

He realised what he was doing and put me down, "Ahaha, erm, my bad, sorry. I'm so happy for you! Congratulations!" I look back at him as he scratches the back of his neck out of awkwardness and being unsure of what he should be doing with himself. I laughed at him and stared him down.

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