Chapter 18

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Some time had passed, it was May, Iago and I were boarding their flight. I wanted to say goodbye to Mia but she was busy with Ivanna. Going through security always sets off anxiety within my body - I'm uncertain as to why because it's not like I have anything to hide or anything bad on me but I always found it so nerve-racking. Thankfully security didn't beep me out and we were able to board the plane without interruption. Iago bought first-class seats that recline which was kind of him - we found our seats after quickly entering the plane and straight away I was reclining my chair to get comfy - the flight wasn't going to be that long but I thought it's best to catch up on sleep as I've been awake with excitement the past could of nights.

The plane landed and I woke up to see Iago was gone - where was he? Maybe he had gone to the toilet? He returned soon after I started questioning where he was, "Hey babe, we're here. Mum's picking us up outside the airport so best behaviour ay." I laughed at him and headed out. We were in the baggage carousel area waiting for our suitcases to come through. I only had a small suitcase because I didn't need to pack too much: skincare, bathing suits, swimsuits, and a couple of day clothes with an outfit to wear if we go out to eat. Iago saw our bags and ran to collect them, I checked his phone to see if his mum had text which side she's waiting, North, East, South, or West of the building. I saw a message from an unfamiliar number: 'Tell me when you're alone.' I found that really weird and blocked the number.

His mum was parked West-side of the building, I sat on my suitcase and Iago whizzed me around, we were laughing so much until security told me to get off because it's 'dangerous'. We found his mum's car and Iago ran into his mother's arms - mummy's boys are the cutest. Iago introduced me to his mum and she cupped my face and said, "Ahh, beautiful girl, does he treat you well?" Giving Iago the side-eye. I softly laughed and nodded my head. We placed our suitcases in the boot of the car and headed to his mum's home.

We arrived at the house and it's such a beautiful home, it was massive! The outer-house was a sunkissed tan colour, up one of the walls were vines and mother nature at her finest, there were plant pots with roses and tulips everywhere - it was beautiful. Inside the house was such a gorgeous layout - the kitchen was fairly big with a massive stove, the living room was cream and mint sage themed, there was a grand piano by the spiral stairs and a fireplace just in front of the sofas in the living room. Upstairs was super nice too - Iago and I's bedroom was comfortable and romantic. Iago took our suitcases upstairs whilst I made myself at home and sat on the sofa with Miss Rodriguez.

"How have you been, Miss Rodriguez?" I ask, she tilts her head and looked at me to say,

"Maddy, call me Luna, I'm very well, thank you, how have you been with the monster I birthed?" She asked,

I laughed and said, "He's not as bad as he seems. He was a bit of an arse at first, pardon my French, but he grew on me and I guess I grew on him."

Luna looked at me full of joy, smiling immensely before she said, "Yeah I'm not sure where he got that from, he's always been difficult to meet new people."

I nodded my head, not knowing how to respond. Iago came down in time to take me out and sightsee - it was coming close to golden hour. I was so tired and I wanted to sleep but I'm in Italy, I don't want to waste a single second whilst I'm here. Even though I have a while to go before we leave. Iago handed me a helmet and grabbed my hand, he took me to the garage and pulled a covering off his little moped. I started laughing at him and said, "Come on then loser, where are we going?"

He didn't answer my question, he simply said: "Hop on"

I placed the helmet on my head and hopped on the back of his little red moped. He opened the garage door and drove me somewhere. We were riding the moped for about ten minutes before we stopped. We were going up a steep hill and when we came to a halt, Iago took his backpack off and pulled out a little picnic blanket, placed it on the floor. We sat down on it and he pulled out some sandwiches from his bag, a couple of pork-pies and a packet of crisps.

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