Chapter 5

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My class was at 3:30 pm but today it was virtual, so as I was making note of the things my professor was saying, I was also getting myself ready to see Mia. I didn't want to be too dressy but I didn't want to be underdressed - I mean, after all, it's just a friend date. My class was kinda fun today, Professor Gilbert showed us a little social experiment and then cut class short so it was actually a really good lesson. By the time class had finished, 5 pm, I had finished my makeup, I just needed to do my hair and get dressed into an outfit I picked whilst he was showing us the social experiment - like I said, I don't want to be too dressy or underdressed - I started to get changed into some beige, straight leg trousers, a white corset and an oversized plaid overcoat to cover me when I'm cold. For shoes, I chose to wear my light smoke grey Jordans. Checking the time, it was only 6:45 pm so I had a while yet. I text Mia asking if she could pick me up earlier, 'Hey M, I'm super early I know but I'm ready. Could we meet possibly a little bit earlier and go and grab a bite to eat? x'

Only moments later Mia responded, 'Yeah can do, I've got to grab a couple of bits and bobs then I'm all yours. I'll be with you in 5 x'

As I stood outside of the building waiting for Mia, I saw Dane, my uber driver, "Dane! Hey, I haven't seen you for a while. How come I had someone else pick me up the other day?"

"Hey Maddy, I was... busy. How did the interview go?" He asks, but he seemed hesitant to tell me where he was even if he was just busy.'

"Yeah, I got the job!!" I screeched,

"Agh that's amazing! I'm so proud of you." He says,

I go to continue speaking but I saw Mia pull round the corner in her vintage blue truck. Mia rolled the window down and said, "Get in loser, we're going out." She started laughing as I put my head in my hand. I hop in her truck and we head to Wagamama for some food - it's a Chinese restaurant - the food was delicious. After we ate and caught up, we headed to a place - it seemed familiar but I've never been here before. I look around to see loads of cars parked around us all facing the same way. I lean forward and see a massive screen - we're at a drive-in theatre! Oh, this is so cute! I get comfy and ask, "What is it we are watching?" Mia looked at me and shook her head, "Well, I'm not going to tell you - it's a surprise duh." We started giggling, but it ended up turning into a laughing fit, it really wasn't that funny but somehow it was. I felt good when I was around Mia, she makes me laugh a lot.

The movie started and it was 'The Goonies' - a classic and my favourite! "OMG Mia, I love this!" she looked at me as if to say, I know. I mean how wouldn't she know, we were speaking about it the other day and how the drive-in movie theatre will be playing I- Oh my gosh, she actually listened. As we sit there laughing at Chunk doing the truffle shuffle I feel Mia moving closer to me. I look at her and smile, I didn't want her to move closer but I did at the same time - ugh this doesn't make any sense. Mia rested her head on my shoulder and I started to shiver from her cold touch - it was cold yet so soft and gentle. Mia noticed me shivering and said, "I'll be right back." She hopped out of her truck and moved to the trunk, she grabbed some bits and a blanket. As she jumps back in the truck she throws the blanket at me, "Ooo, this is nice." I say, trying to bring back some small talk. I wrap the blanket around myself and Mia slithers back to my shoulder and lay there. "Are you thirsty?" Mia asks,

"Mmm, a little bit," I reply, I see Mia pull out two options of a drink, an apple blast Lucozade or a bottle of water. I had a feeling this would be a long night so I chose the Lucozade. Oh, the beautiful flavours spread around my mouth as I hold it in my mouth, really taking in every detail of flavour. I don't drink Lucozade often because it's bad for you but whenever I do drink it, I try to make the most of it. Mia put her hands under the blanket and she was... she... she placed her hand on my thigh! WHAT? She looked up at me and said, "Are you okay with me doing this?" I look at her and nod. Why did I nod? I don't like it but I don't not like it. I'm so confused - I thought I liked Iago. I find myself to relax and remind myself that Mia's love language is physical touch so she does this to everyone. I spoke too soon about finding my chill, Mia started drawing circles with her thumb as she holds my thigh. I got butterflies but why? I'm straight, I don't like girls, or so I thought. I've never felt like this with a girl before. We finished the movie and we sat there for a while, it was hectic - everyone was rushing out trying to get home as it was getting late now - it was coming up to 10 pm so I don't blame people being chaotic. I looked into Mia's eyes as she looked at mine and I thanked her for a good time. She took the blanket off of me and threw it in the trunk.

On our journey home, I must've fallen asleep because I don't remember the drive home. I felt a nudge on my shoulder, it was Mia, she was trying to wake me up gently, "We're here" she whispers. She walked me to my apartment and kissed me on the cheek goodbye. I smile and thank her for a good evening. As I get in I flop onto my bed and completely pass out.

I woke up to three missed calls from today and a message, 'Why weren't you answering my calls last night?' It was Iago, I laughed and put my phone down. The next thing I know, I had a knock at the door, I walked over and opened it - it was Iago. He hugged me and said, "For God sake new-kid, you scared me!" I started laughing hysterically at him being a big child, "And what? Do you suddenly care about me now?" I ask, still laughing at him. He looked at me with his puppy eyes and said, "Not suddenly no, I've cared about you since I walked out of that bathroom at that fresher's party at spoonies. We haven't spoken about the other night..." I looked at him in confusion, the other ni- OH, I stopped laughing and told him to sit on my bed.

I sat beside him and said, "Look, Iago, what happened the other night but it was just a one-time thing..." His face dropped, "... You're sweet and all but I'm not in the right mindset to date. Can we just be friends for a while?" I continued. He looked at me in pure sadness but he understood, he nodded and hugged me. "Okay, we might just be friends but I will grow on you, new-kid. Can I take you out tomorrow night?" he asks, I look at him and smile, "Great, so that's a yes. I'll pick you up at 7:20 pm" I look at him and say, "Another late night thing? Hmm, are you sure you're taking me out to be just friends?" He looked at me and his eyes widened, I was teasing him of course, "I'm only messing about, you can get rid of the panicked look now." His face relaxed and a sigh of relief burst out of him. I know what his game was...

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