Chapter 12

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Mia looked nervous, "Are you okay?" I probed.

"Yeah, I'm just nervous aha, I'm meeting and staying with your family for Christmas and they don't even know who I am - It's nerve-wracking." She expressed her emotions and her hands started to shake, I interlock my fingers with hers and replied, "I've told my family all about you, they can't wait to see you, trust me."

I knocked on the door and walked through the door, my mum jumped up and down in joy "BAAAAAABYYYY!! You're finally here!" mum looked over to Mia and said, "Aghhh, baby number two!! Welcome welcome, please come in. I'm Jo, it's lovely to meet you."

My little brother came running up to me and jumped into my arms, "COREY!!" I shouted, I squeezed him to death and then tickled his stomach. My older sister, Malia, came downstairs and screamed, "Maddy!! You're home, I was wondering how much longer I would have to wait to see your ugly face ahahah!"

I punched her in the arm and exclaimed, "You love me really!" My sister rolled her eyes and laughed back. "This must be Mia?" She asked,

"Apologies, yes, everybody this Mia, as you all know she's staying with us this Christmas - let's make her feel as welcome as possible. Mia let's go upstairs and unpack, shall we? I'll show you your room."

"I have a whole room to myself?" Mia asked,

"Yes, you moron, why wouldn't you?" I laughed,

We headed upstairs and I took Mia to her room, I heard her mutter woah under her breath as she walked in and looked around. Her new temporary room had LEDs, a sofa, a beanbag, a king-size bed, a TV and a PlayStation5. You must be thinking, isn't that excessive as this is just the guest room but my parents like to make those who stay over have a comfortable setting. Mia dropped her duffle bags on the floor and sat on the bed, "Maddy, I don't know what to say; thank you." She looked at me full of awe and she couldn't believe that she'd been spoilt with this room.

I left Mia to unpack whilst I unpack my suitcase and get ready for dinner. I turned my speaker on and started playing my favourite songs: Streets by Doja Cat, Ladbroke Grove by AJ Tracey, All the Stars by Kendrick Lamar and SZA, Marvins Room by Drake and Green Light by Lorde. I heard singing coming from Mia's room, I ran in with my phone and started recording her: "So you can sing!" I exclaimed.

"No, no no, Maddy come back here right now!" She shouted, all embarrassed.

I jumped over her bags and ran downstairs, through the dining room, into the living room, back upstairs and into my room. I saved Mia's singing video to my memories on Snapchat and *WHOOSH* I was rugby tackled onto my bed, Mia was pinning me down and tried grabbing my phone. Straddling my waist, we started laughing and she looked at my hand in determination to grab my phone to delete the video. She looked at me dead in the eyes and said, "Maddyyyyyy, come on now... Just give me the phone... I er- I need to check the time."

I looked at my bedside table and said, "It's six o'clock, look" Mia looked at the clock and I rolled over, I slid off Mia and tried running out of my room to give my little brother my phone, he's much faster than me but I was pulled back by my arm and I landed on the floor this time. Mia hung over the bed, still holding my arm and reaching for my phone. She leant over more and more and eventually, she fell off the bed, *BANG* Mia screeched, "Owww" I couldn't contain my laughter; it was pouring out of me. She eventually got hold of my phone but it was locked, phew. I got up off the floor and sat on my bed, out of breath my brother ran in, "What on earth were you two doing? I could hear you both banging around the house and laughing." Mia and I looked at each other and completely lost it again - laughing was projecting out of us.

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