Chapter 14

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A couple of days passed and it was the evening of Christmas Eve, I had spent the day seeing my grandma and grandad. I didn't realise how much I had missed grandad's silly jokes and grandma bitching about him to us and then her hobbling along to him to kiss his lips. She knows how to make me laugh that's for sure. Mia absolutely adored my grandma, she and I quote said, "She's so cute, oh my God, I aspire to be like her when I'm older." which of course made me chuckle especially as this was my nan's response: "Oh babe, you can't be like me... This city only has room for one mega-bitch and that's me!" We all laughed and mum told grandma off for swearing around Corey - he's only seven.

Once we had finished up at grandma and grandad's we drove home and got ready for Santa to come. Corey ran to the kitchen to grab some milk and carrots, he poured the milk into a glass and left it by the fireplace, he then had a plate with two vibrant orange carrots on and a golden brown mince pie. I headed off to bed because I was really tired and I could feel that I was going to be woken up early by a little monster. As I started drifting off I heard a rather soft and pleasant voice singing along to a song as well as strings of a guitar being played - it was coming from Corey's room; surely Corey isn't the one playing? The only thing he plays are video games. I open the door slightly and see Mia singing a cover of Asleep by The Smiths, a beautiful song that is and Mia played it perfectly. I looked at Corey and his eyes were locked onto Mia although they were starting to close very slowly. Within a matter of seconds, Corey was fast asleep. Quietly Mia stood up and picked up the guitar with her, being careful not to bash it on anything as she leaves his room - I stay by the door and catch Mia's eye, "That was amazing Mia! Why don't you sing more often, your voice is beautiful!" I say, she looked nervous and shrugged her shoulders. I hugged her goodnight and headed off to bed, I decided to message Iago as we haven't spoken since I first arrived home,

'Hey, we haven't spoken for a while - how're you doing? x'

No response.

I waited ten minutes more and then texted him again, 'Hello? x'

Still no response.

I decided to leave it until tomorrow morning where I could say Merry Christmas to him. I shut my phone off and closed my eyes.

Corey, the excited little boy he was, burst into my room and shouted, "Santa came! Santa came! Come on, get up, we have presents to open!" I looked at my clock on the side table and it was only six in the morning. Corey grabbed me and tried pulling me out of bed - I didn't budge. I pulled my Christmas themed duvet over my face, stretched, moaned and groaned about getting up but for Corey's sweet innocence I wriggled out of bed and left my room to see Mia rubbing her eyes too, "Morning" we both mumbled, our tired lips couldn't move. Before we went downstairs, Mia pulled me into her room and said, "Merry Christmas, this is for everything you've done for me over the past few months of us being friends. You saw me at my lowest and still stuck by me and I couldn't thank you more. So, I want you to have this." Mia handed me a small box and it was all the photos of us, on the back of each photo read the memory we made that day, there were also a few sachets of my favourite coffee, a box of chocolates and a promise ring. "Mia this is the cutest, thank you so much. Thank you for everything you did for me when I was drugged at that party. Your present is downstairs. Your support was incredible and I'm so thankful we met." Mia started to tear up and gave me a massive hug, "Anytime bub, honestly." And there it was, that weird excited sensation ran around my body again.  We ran downstairs with Corey. I couldn't wait to see how everyone would react to what I gave them all.

Downstairs they were and enjoying themselves. The fire sizzles and spits, exiling the frost to the world outside. It is a place of comfort, and safety. There is a carnival of smells drifting about the house. Most are powerful and earthy, like the smell of a cabin in the woods after it has rained. The faint crackling of turkey juices dripping onto tin foil which can be heard from the living room. Other fragrances make the room a sensory overload of pleasure. The spicy whisper of stuffing and parsley burning into turkey flesh makes stomachs rumble and mouths water. It is Christmas Day and abnormal smells inhabit the house. The strongest scent is not the smokey smell of Christmas crackers nor the midsummers night-scented candles flickering on the fireplace. It is the smell of the Christmas tree. A tall ten-foot, dark green, pine-tree towered over the beautifully wrapped presents patiently waiting to be opened.

Mia and I left the living room and walked into the kitchen to make some hot chocolate for us all. As I was waiting for the milk to heat up I checked my phone to see if Iago had responded yet. The answer was no. I was getting really worried. I text him, 'Merry Christmas bubba, missing you loads.' This is getting really weird that he isn't responding. I left my phone be and thought I'd message him again later. Mum, Dad and Malia were already downstairs. We came back to the living room with a tray of hot chocolate and a glass of water for each of us - to help wash it down.

Everyone sat and ripped open their gifts, everyone loved their gifts from me. It was so uplifting to see so many pure smiles on everyone's faces. I love Christmas; it brings out the best of us all. I waited for Mia to open hers and she started tearing up, I left a note under the ring box and it read: 'Mia, you were my first friend at Uni. The friendship we've formed since August has been crazy! I couldn't be more grateful for the things you do for me, day-in-day-out. I know you've struggled recently as you're staying sober, not being with family this Christmas and overall feeling overwhelmed with everything going on but I need you to know that you're appreciated - especially by me. Merry Christmas, I love you xxx' Mia opened the box after reading the note and stared at the ring in awe. Looking back at me, her smile was adorable and she rushed in for a hug. "Thank you, I love you too."

My brother opened his gifts from me and screamed, he was so excited! Mum loved her gifts but felt as if I had spoilt her, "Don't be silly!" I say. Dad adored his new perfume and Malia punched the air "Yessss, I've been needing these for so long!" I laughed and received hugs left, right and centre from everyone - this is what I've missed; being together, loving each other and appreciating the little things you take for granted sometimes.

A couple of hours passed and it was coming close to three o'clock, this is when we begin to dish up Christmas dinner and spend even more family time together. We all dug into the food and underestimated how full we would all become. Dad had to undo his belt, I had to change into some jogging bottoms, Mia and Malia had to undo their trouser button and Corey well, he didn't need to do anything - he stayed in his pyjamas all day. Corey released a sigh of relief that he had finally finished eating the tower of sprouts on his plate, the mashed potato, carrots, parsnips, meats and pigs in blankets; he looked shattered. We were all getting that sleepy feeling you have after eating a large meal - Iago taught me that word, it's Italian. Although we were all full and our jaws were tired from constant chewing, we made enough space in our stomachs for pudding. Mum came through with six bowls of thin slithers of chocolate cake with cream on top. Corey's pudding was gone in a matter of seconds! Even though the slice was only thin, I was so full I couldn't bear to finish it so I just scooped up the cream and left the cake for later.

It was coming close to seven o'clock and everyone was still so full, we decided not to have any dinner as none of us could look at any food without feeling sick. We decided to relax for the evening and watch another Christmas movie, this time we were watching 'The Grinch', what a classic! We sat in the same spots we did last time, except Corey decided to cuddle up with mum this time. I forget how amazing Jim Carey's performance is, he's so incredible. I looked around and caught Mia staring at me, I whispered, "Take a picture it'll last longer" she laughed and punched my arm, Corey screeched to us, "Shhhh! I'm trying to watch a movie." Mum looked over to us and started laughing, "Oi, bossy, shush yourself please." Corey looked into mums eyes and started giggling to himself. I then looked at dad but he had fallen asleep twenty-five minutes into the movie; dinner had completely wiped him out.

The movie came to an end and we all headed off to bed as not only were we full but if we stayed up any longer, we would've all passed out on the sofas. As I headed upstairs and walked towards my room, I heard Mia on the phone in her room too, what it sounded like was, her mum. I knocked on the door and walked in, Mia introduced me to her mum - she's ever so lovely. I wished her family a Merry Christmas as the day had only really just started, then I left to go to sleep.

I had lay there awake for a while as I had something on my mind - a bad feeling that something has happened Iago. I checked my phone again and there was still no response. I decided to call him because this is getting really concerning now: the phone rang but it then went to voicemail.

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