Chapter 6

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Okay so, the next day came and it's currently 6 pm. I need to go and shower, do my hair, makeup, get changed and do my usual hot girl summer shit so I look half decent when I'm going in public with a MODEL, A FREAKING MODEL. I undressed and entered the shower, I always create little scenarios in my head when I'm in the shower - I hope I'm not the only one who does that - and I imagined that he's going to take me to a private but slightly public spot, considering it's late in the evening, and we will be looking up at the sky watching clouds pass over and the sunset and the stars appear. I ran my fingers through my hair with shampoo on my palms, I rub it onto the top of my scalp and use my conditioner at the ends of my hair to try and soften my hair. As the water runs down my hair and washes it out I receive a text from Mia, 'Hey queen, do you wanna hang out later?' I text back saying, 'Sorry, I'm going out with Iago x' she saw it instantly and didn't respond. I let the water rinse the soap and salts off my body.

I came out and dried myself off so I could get started with my hair. I dried my hair and put it in twin dutch plaits, also known as handlebars. I wanted my hair to be out of my face today as for this past week I've been having it down. I then went straight to makeup, I went for a cute VSCO look as my hair wasn't in tight plaits it was fairly loose but the comfortable sort of loose. The makeup look was fairly basic, it was like my usual routine but highlight and blush were added. Once I had finished my makeup I chose a cute outfit to wear to put it all together, a white tee under a black denim dress - it sounds horrible but it was quite a nice outfit.

*RING RING* Iago is calling...

Iago: Hey Mads, you almost ready? I'm waiting outside.

Maddy: Yeah, I'm waiting for my lover boy to knock on my door...

The phone hung up and I heard a knock on my door, he was in some tight joggers and a varsity sweatshirt with a collared shirt underneath. He slicked his hair back and he put aftershave on. He held my hand and walked me to the car and told me to put this blindfold on - now, I know what you're thinking but I'm hoping it's not that. I put the blindfold on and ended up falling asleep but I could feel the motion of the car repeating the same movements. The car stopped and I went to take my blindfold off until I heard, "Ayo whatttt are you doing? Ahaha, I'm not ready for you to take it off yet..."

Now he's made this even more suspicious than it needed to be. He walks to my side of the car, opens the door and guides me to wherever we needed to be. He stood behind me so he could untie the blindfold. I look around and we're in a car park, like I thought we would be, I saw the most beautiful sky I had ever seen; I looked down to see a picnic blanket, some pillows and some food.

I looked at the velvet pink and pastel purple sky with some hint of blue and a small, very small, tone of green in there - it was beautiful. I turned to look at Iago but he was no longer behind me, instead, he was getting comfy on the picnic blanket on the floor. I crouch over and sit down, I take it all in and Iago pops a bottle of prosecco and asks me to hold the glasses for him so he can pour us both a drink. "Such a cliche," I said looking into his eyes and back at the sky. This was adorable and I loved every second of it. I started to shiver, "Damn Iago, I'm cold as shit right now." so I snuggled into his neck. "Such a dumbass, did you not think that it'd get cold once the sun has set?" He says sarcastically smiling. He took his sweater off and gave it to me, "Here, wear this." He handed the sweater over and I gaze at him, "Yeah, yeah, such a cliche ha ha" he says, mocking me from earlier,

"Hey, you said it, not me." I started to laugh as I snuggled back into his neck. "Hey don't you think it's odd?..." he looks at me in confusion, "...We're literally laying down in a car park in two-degree weather watching the stars shine bright." I turned to look at him and he turned to me, he shook his head and stared at my lips, I looked at his lips and looked back up at his eyes. Iago leans in to kiss me, I can feel my face glowing redder and redder. I go to lean in and he closes his innocent eyes, I slapped his neck and said, "I like ya cut G" He opened his eyes and jumped on top of me, he startled tickling me and I couldn't control my laughter, "You're a tease, you know that?" He said whilst laughing in disbelief that I seriously pied him by saying 'I like ya cut G.'

The moon rose and it was so bright, it lit up the city. It was truly magnificent, I've never really admired space or the sky because it was never an interest of mine but I'm in love with it. The moonlight pranced and danced in Iago's eyes, he made me feel safe. I couldn't look away from him, I can see why modelling agents want him, he's gorgeous. I started to get tired so I kissed Iago on the cheek and asked if we could call it short. He picked up the rubbish from the food we ate and we poured the rest of the drink down the drain. I hopped in his car and snuggled up against the window, I closed my eyes and when I next opened them I was at home, in my bed. I checked the time and it was 11:30 pm, I looked at my phone and saw a message from Iago, 'Hey beb, I used your key to let us in. Sleep well, thank you for making this night so much more than I imagined x' I think it's safe to say that he is a softie. I messaged Mia to see how she is because we hadn't spoken since I told her I was seeing Iago. 'Hey M, we haven't spoken all day - is everything okay?'

'Yeah everything is fine, how was the date?'

'I wouldn't call it that, we were just hanging out like friends do but it was good thank you. He went to kiss me and I pied him with the classic, 'I like ya cut G''

'Ahahaha, love it, that's amazing. Are you going to see him again?'

'I'm not sure, maybe, he is really sweet.' I say,

'That's really cute - you guys are cute. Can we meet tomorrow?' Mia asked,

'Yeah sure, Felix is holding a party tomorrow if you'd like to come? Felix is one of Iago's friends' I say, hoping she says yes.

'Sounds great. Goodnight x' Mia says, she was acting differently.

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