Chapter 19

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I woke up the next day in an empty bed, where was he? I checked my phone and it was seven o'clock in the morning; I noticed that I had received a message from Mia:

'Hey Mads, I know we haven't spoken for a while and I just thought I'd check-in. Did you land safely? Are you okay? Are you having a nice time?'

I didn't want to answer yet because my eyes are tired and sore from my screen. I closed my eyes again and woke up about two hours later, still in an empty bed, I slid my slippers on and wrapped myself in my dressing gown as I headed downstairs - where could he be? I couldn't smell food, so he definitely wasn't in the kitchen, I looked in the garden and he wasn't there either, I looked in the garage and his moped was gone... maybe he's gone to do a quick food shopping trip?

I heard two giggly, wide-awake voices coming from the living room, "Looking for lover-boy?" they said, in sync - twin telepathy is real I swear. I nodded my head and they said, "He works on the farm for our friend Jen and Barry - they moved here from England in 2010 - Iago has been working on the farm with them since we can remember." I smiled and felt a relief that he was working rather than doing something I'd hope he'd never do. I made the girls some breakfast and we ate together. Miss Rodriguez rocked up late to the party, she came down at about ten-thirty, her lipstick was smudged and she had a big smile on her face as she walked down the stairs. The girls and I all said, "Oooo" Miss Rodriguez waved her hand as if to say, 'Oh shush you, girls'.  Once I had finished my breakfast, I headed upstairs to take a shower because I stank. By-the-time I came out, Iago was waiting outside the bathroom. He was all sweaty, more tanned than I remember and his hair was scruffy - he looked hot in his little farmer dungarees and white vest-top. I laughed and said, "Oops, I used up the hot water, sorry." Iago laughed, gave me a cheeky smirk and his response was rather randy...

"I should've joined you." He chuckled to himself.

I rolled my eyes and headed back to our room so I could get changed. I decided to wear some flowy white shorts, ankle socks, white converse and a little pastel purple boob-tube top. I walked downstairs and the girls all hyped me up: "Wow! You look beautiful." Blushing and feeling silly, I smiled back and said, "Oh stop it, you two! You guys need to get changed, go on, chop! Chop!" I chanted, Miss Rodriguez gazed at me and stated, "They like you." I frowned a little as I smiled and questioned, "You think?" She nodded her head and stood up to give me a massive hug. Iago came downstairs with a different look than usual - he wore navy blue (formal) shorts, a white shirt with three buttons at the top undone, cream loafers and black aviators. The girls came down wearing the opposite to each other - Lola wore her hair in plaits again, she had denim jean cut shorts with a white tank top and converse on, whereas Isabella she wore her hair in it's natural chaotic yet so elegant curly state, she had her favourite summer one-piece on and flip-flops with a fresh pedicure. Luna decided to wear her favourite summer dress - floral design on a navy blue button-up dress - it was really cute.

We decided to go out for lunch and then go shopping for some beachy clothes - I had already brought beach clothes with me but you can never get enough bikinis. For lunch I decided to have a sweet chilli chicken wrap with a salad on the side and some fries with mayonnaise sauce - it really was the best sweet chilli chicken wrap I have eaten in a long time. We got onto the conversation of how Iago and I met, Iago's head sunk in shame and I laughed at him. As I was telling the story, Luna, Lola and Isabella's faces were in shock! They couldn't believe how much of an arse he was! Iago was incredibly uncomfortable, I'd never seen his face got so red before! When we had finished up with dinner we headed to the shopping centre and I picked up a couple of bikinis to try on; I had walked into the changing room and I found the perfect red bikini - it fit in all the right places.

I heard a gentle knock on my changing room door, I opened it to see the most interesting look I have ever seen on Iago - he was wearing bright blue spandex swimming ... I wouldn't even call them bottoms ... but bright blue spandex swimming bottoms. He looked rather proud of himself, he's quite a strong but lean looking man so he was looking at himself in the mirror and flexing, "I dare you to run around the shop in your spandex, screaming the most random things that come to mind." Without hesitation, Iago ran around the shop and shouted, "Spandex is what real men wear" and "I'm the king of the castle" he ran back to me and tried to hide in my changing room but I pushed him back out and closed my door. I could hear everyone in the shop screaming with laughter and Iago's changing room door slamming shut.

We left the shopping centre with our new purchases and Lola and Isabella were still laughing so hard over what just happened - I think they're trying to process it all. Iago and I were holding hands until he saw a familiar face and let go, that was weird. I looked at Iago and he looked back at the person we walked past. I linked arms with Miss Rodriguez and we skipped along the streets until we got home. When I headed upstairs to get changed into my pyjamas, I saw rose petals on the floor leading me to our room... I opened the door and there was a heart shape on the bed with a note in the middle of it, 'Wear your best dress and meet me in the garden in five-minutes.'

What has he got planned?

I came out in my dress and I saw lit fairy lights hanging over above me and more rose petals on the floor, I looked out ahead of me and I saw a little jazz band and Iago waiting for me. The jazz band started playing a song as Iago asked me to dance. He held my waist with one hand and my hand with the other - he pulled me close and we rocked side-to-side. It was a really nice surprise. I got a little thirsty and as I turned to go and get a drink I saw Miss Rodriguez smiling at us whilst Isabella was recording us. "You two were made for each other," Luna said. I looked at Iago, and looked back at her, "Ahaha, thank you - that's kind of you." Luna nodded her head and smiled at me. Lola came out from the living room in the cutest little dress and still wearing her hair in french plaits she said, "You and my brother - your love for him is ethereal. You two have ethereal love. Your love for each other is so angelic and delicate." I puckered my lip and smiled at her, "That's so kind, thank you. It's definitely delicate that's for sure. Angelic on the other hand, that is too kind of you." I walked over to Iago again and we began to dance again.

We had danced for about an hour now and my phone was going off like crazy, I excused myself and told Lola to dance with him whilst I answered my crazy phone.

3 Missed Calls from Mia

7 Unread Messages from Mia

Woah, what is going on? I checked my messages and they all said:

Sent at 03:30 - Hey Mads, I know we haven't spoken for a while and I just thought I'd check-in. Did you land safely? Are you okay? Are you having a nice time?

Sent at 11:30 - Maddy, you're starting to make me worry, is everything okay?

Missed call at 13:00 from Mia

Sent at 13:05 - Mads?

Sent at 14:00 - Maddy??

Sent at 17:20 - Maddy, I don't know what's going on, message me back.

Missed call at 17:40 from Mia

Sent at 18:00 - Mads??? What's going on??

Sent at 18:45 - Maddy, this isn't funny.

Missed call at 19:00 from Mia

I messaged Mia back, 'Dude, I haven't been on my phone all day - my bad - I did land safely, I am okay and I am having a nice time. Are you okay?'

Mia messaged back almost instantly, 'Holy shit Maddy, I panic and you say 'dude' wtf. I'm glad to finally know you're safe.'

I messaged her back saying, 'My bad, there was no need to worry because I'm in safe hands; I'm with Iago. I'll ft you later.'

'Don't bother' Mia's response was rude, what, I understand I haven't messaged her but it's not my fault I forget she worries easily.

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