don't hurt me

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The inocent boy ran into some men who got beated and screamed, a short handsome boy looked at him and it scared Mix "p-please d-don't hu-hurt me...I'll give you all the money I have" Mix said with teary eyes as he took out his wallet, offering it to the men.

A pretty boy went to the one andy the handsome guys and hit his arm "Papi, Don't scare that boy so much" the pretty one said

"What?! i'm still angry, they almost raped you if i didn't ran after you to apologise " the man named Papi said. "Why apologising, you ignore me, yell at me, why do you even care if i got raped, we were done anyway" the pretty one said with watery eyes.

"No, Gun, i love you. it my first time that i fell in love with a person, i've dated many girls, but never the feeling you gave me. i really love you, and i just don't know how to react. please forgive me Gun i really love you, give me one more chance" Papi said while his tears made their way to his cheeks, the boy Gun looked away.

"i..i y-you d-don't want t-to be w-with a ye-yelling, mean bo-boy. t-then how about fr-friends?" Papi said, he didn't look up , his heart hurted so much at the moment and Gun went to his side cupped his face and kissed him sweetly. "i don't want to be friends, i forgive you and i still love you, but i hope you won't ever ignore me again, yell at me or hurt me again" Gun said.

Papi hugged Gun tightly and kissed his lips and face. Mix looked at the couple and wish that it was him and Earth, but he knew that was a dream that will never come true. The Couple let go and looked at Mix. "So tell me who you are" Gun said, Mix gulped and said "i-i'm M-Mix , i-i'm 22 y-years o-old, p-plea-please d-don't hu-hurt m-me"

Mix almost cried and Gun came to hug him. "it's alright Mix, we won't hurt you." and he looked at the tall angry man "i think" Mix began to tremble "y-you think?" and he hold on Gun tightly and looked at him with pleading puppy eyes, that made Gun squish him .

"you are so cute,we will protect you, so now you are part of the babi family, what are you doing outside at this time."he asked. Mix calmed down and said." My 'roommate', looked at me like he loved me and i love him. but then when i found out he had a girlfriend and that he only saw me as a friend, i heard a conversation that i wasn't suppose to hear and ran"

Gun sighed and said "those males are so mean, awful, i hate them" Mix looked at Gun and asked "So you hate Papi?" Papi ran toward them and looked at Gun, He forgot about Mix and asked "G-Gun do you hate me. i thought you said that you love me?"

He smiled and placed at kiss on papi's lips "i don't hate you, i love you, i hate other males who are mean and awful, but you are my perfect lion" he said and Off pouted "i'm a lion?" and he looked at Mix who just nodded, Papi started to laugh

"then this lion will eat you tonight" he said, and he made Gun blush "Oi P' Off, Mix is still between us." Papi looked at Mix and ruffled his hair. " So Mix nice to meet you, i'm Jumpol Adulkittiporn call me Off" he said and mix smiled "eh. wasn't you name papi?" he said and off shook his head. "only gun is alowed to call me that" and he placed a kiss on Gun's lips.

suddenly a deep voice yelled "YAH MIX, COME HERE. WHAT ARE YOU DOING BETWEEN THOSE WEIRD PLEOPLE" Mix shook his head and burried his face in gun's chest. " WHO ARE YOU CALLING WEIRD GUN ISN'T WEIRD AND YOU ARE LOOKING STUPID" off yelled back and that guy came closer and said angry "you want to fight huh" off was ready to fight but Mix pulled him back.

"NO YOU CAN'T HURT THEM GO AWAY EARTH, I HATE YOU, GO BACK TO JENNIE" Mix yelled and Earth froze.' he chose those weird guys over me' Earth thought, he ran towards Off and rised his arm ready to punch him,

but off was fast and advoid the punch. before Earth could stop he punched Win in his face. Win felt and hold his cheek, before he could jell at him a the other man already punched him back. "YOU FUCKING WEIRDO, THAT YOU THAT THOSE OTHERS, DOESN'T MEAN YOU CAN PUNCH WHAT'S MINE." he yelled and went to Win, he touched his face "Baby are you ok?"

Win slapped the hand away and said "didn't you got enough of me? and besides everything i did wasn't enough for you. YOU NEVER STOOD STILL TO LOVE ME OR HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU. did you" he said. the man hugged him as tears ran down his face. "Win, when you ran, i wanted to say that i got enough of the things you do, i want you to relax and love me. you don't need to show me how much you love me with the things you do, as long as i can feel it and see it." the man said.

Win looked up the didn't believe it and said "but you yelled 'DO YOU KNOW HOW ANNOYED I GET EVERYTIME YOU CLEAN THINGS UP, I CAN NEVER FIND THE THINGS I WANT." the man looked in Win 's eyes "the reason why i got annoyed and that i never can finds the things i want, was you. everytime i want you, you weren't next to me." Win pouted," so it's my fault?"

the man shook his head "no it's not your fault, it's mine, i should have shown my love more, i really love you bunny, please love me again" Win began to tear up" Yes bright, i will love you again" Win threw his arms around Bright's neck and kissed him.

" P' Bright ~, you can't get annoyed, hate or be angry at me ever again" Win said with his cute pleading eyes, Bright smiled and gave him a peck "i won't ever do that again, as long as you stop trying to earn my love." he said and Win nodded before they kissed.

They let each other go and looked at mix and Earth. Earth stood there crying, not because he got punched, but that mix hates him. "Mix...i-" suddenly a girl began yell at him "Earth Pirapat Watthanasetsiri., get your as here or else I'll tell them your secret." Earth stood up and looked at mix one last time before heading to that girl.


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