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Wait what???

“sorry it seems that Yaya is calling. I’ll be back soon.”

'you just leave me here because she called you?'

Gulf was stunned as his eyes were following the man until he was back at his seat and Yaya hugged him. YAYA HUGGED HIM.

He raised his eyebrows and was glaring at them. He took a deep breath like the stranger said it must be for a reason.

The said man soon came back and Gulf was surprised

‘didn’t Mew said that he would be Back.’ I looked at the man with questioning eyes.

“Yeah I know. I’m not your man. Sorry for that. You know I wished I would have met you before you met him. Then maybe we could date each other ” Gulf was speechless.

“Uhm … I'm flattered with your confession. But I think if it isn’t Mew. I wouldn’t date any men” Gulf said with a small smile.

“that’s bad, I would love to date you. I don't want to be the one who ruins you relationship.  But I think you need to know this.

Did you know that girl you guys are with. She actually has  a crush on him. She tries to use this trip to get closer to that guy and then date him hoping that he will dump you for her. "

Gulf quickly went out of his seat and went to yaya. “Yaya. Is it true? Do you like Mew? Like romantically?” he said and patiently waited for an answer.

Out of no where she started to cry. “Yes. I love Mew but he likes you. “ she looked at Mew “I’m sorry. I couldn’t stop my feelings at all. I hoped that you will fall for me once we are on the trip." she said and put her face in her hands while sobbing.

Gulf looked at Mew . ‘tell her Mew’  he thought, he wanted Mew to tell her that he loves him.

“Gulf can you go back to your seat first. I'll talk to you later"

Gulf could believe what he just heard. It felt like mew stabbed his heart. He snorted as he felt he was about to cry.

“you know what, don't bother. You go and conform yaya. I'll go on my own whether it's here in a foreign country or in Thailand.

See you sometimes again maybe. Enjoy your relationship with her.  I'll root for you ” Gulf said as he walked back to his seat.

“Gulf" Mew said as he stood up but Gulf didn't turn.  mew wanted to walk after him but Yaya stopped him.

He looked at her and sighed before sitting down. Once back in his seat “Uhm Gulf? You ok?” the guy asked and Gulf gave him a tight smile. 

“it could be better. I'm sorry I dragged you into this whole mess.  Btw what's your name?” Gulf asked as he wipes away the tears. 

‘it’s not worth crying'

and the guy smiled.  “I'm First. Nice to meet you" He waied.

“I think you know who I am already, I'm Gulf. nice to meet you.  are you here for vacation?“ Gulf asked and the guy nodded. 

“So do you mind if I tag along" Gulf asked and first smiled “of course I don't mind.  I would love to.  The more the merrier Please give me your phone number” he asked.

The moment he handed his phone someone grabbed it away from him.  “You are not getting his phone number and you are not going anywhere together" Mew said angry.  he doesn't want Gulf to be so close to anyone other than himself.

“do you mind changing seat please.  I need to talk to Gulf. “ Mew said with his eyes pleading. 

first sighed and looked at Gulf “I'll hear it if you are going with me or this two-timer" he said before he walked away. 

Mew quickly sat down scared that Gulf would escape.  “Gulf..." he tried but Gulf kept looking outside the window ignoring him. 

“Gulf please look at me. Don't ignore me" he pleaded as he hold Gulf's hand.

Finally Gulf turned his head and looked at Mew. 

His sparkling warm eyes were gone and replace with a cold stare. 

“so what is so important that you left your girlfriend to talk to me." Gulf said as removed his hand from Mew’s.

“Yaya isn't my girlfriend.  I don't have feelings for her.  I only want to be with you.  I just wanted to tell her that I will not break up with you.” Mew said and grabbed Gulf's hand again. 

“Then why didn't you say that immediately.  Why can't I hear that.” Gulf said looking at his hands and mew immediately held Gulf's hand with both hands,  he didn't want to remove his hand again.  To Mew it  felt like gulf really wanted to break up him.

“I had multiple scenarios in my head that was you stood there while i tell her that i only love you, she might scratch your beautiful face or hurt you. 

I don't want anyone to touch you.  You are mine.  I'm sorry Gulf for making you feel this horrible.

Please don't break up with me.  I can't breath, sleep or think when I'm not with you.” Mew cried as he looked in Gulf's eyes. 

His eyes still didn't change and the cold in his eyes was still visible. 

“Gulf I hope you can forgive me and stay with me.  If not then I'll have to move away from you. 

By the time I'll make sure I won't bump into you ever again.” Mew said as he let go of Gulf's hand. 

Mew looked at him one more time hoping he will stop him.  But when Gulf still didn't react he slowly stood up.

“I understand.  Goodb-" Gulf quickly pulled him down and hugged him tightly. 

“You play a dirty card Mew.  You know I can't live without you.  You just threaten me to disappear from my life. Don't do that” Gulf said as he hooked his arms around Mew's neck.

“ Sorry my love.  Your eyes were so cold. I was scared, I really thought I had to give up” Mew said and looked in Gulf's eyes.

His eyes were sparkling again and Mew was relieved.  He placed a kiss on Gulf's forehead and down to his lips. 

“I can't wait to eat you in our hotel room.  Your skin taste so delicious, I want to lick every part of your body.

Leaving hickeys all over it so EVERYONE will know you are MINE.

It will be delightful to be so deep inside your body and fill you up with my juices .I'll make sure you can't walk properly for a few days so I can hold you in my arms all the time." Mew whispered in Gulf's ears while places kisses on his ear.

After hearing that Gulf’s face was super red and  turned on. He wiggled in his seat looking at Mew helplessly.

Oh.... Things are getting hot in the plane.
Thank you guys for reading.

My tears...Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя