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“Gulf, let's go on a trip together" he said as they parted. Gulf nodded , liking the idea very much. “where are we going?” Mew thought for a while. 
“how about going to Japan like I promised" Mew said and Gulf hugged him tightly.  “Yes. Thank you” Gulf pecked Mew's lips.

Gulf was so excited. It was like they are going on a honey moon. He started hopping around as they arrived on the airport. Instead of walking further Mew stood by the entrance waiting. Gulf tilted his head to the side wondering why he stood there “Mew what are you waiting for?” he asked.

“Waiting for Yaya" he said as he looked at him smiling. ‘so… this trip is not only us… no honey moon. ‘ Gulf was disappointed. ‘it’s not like I hate Yaya or something. But why’ he thought.

Finally after waiting for 10 minutes. Yaya appeared and Gulf smiled as he waved at her.  On the way to the check in Mew and Yaya were talking and Gulf walked behind them feeling like a third wheel.

“Look that couple. They look so good together" a stranger said to one another and they nodded.
It made Gulf feel ever sadder than before.

‘they are right. They look so good together.  I wonder why I am here again. Was it just like a cover up for their date’ he thought as he gripped the handle of his suitcase tightly as he looked at them.

While Standing in line by the check in. Mew and Yaya  were already standing next to each other as the stewardess printed out their tickets and putting a label on their suitcase.

As soon as they were finished they stepped out the line. It seems like they have be forgotten Gulf. With a tight smile he walked up to the stewardess and gave her his passport for check in.

After he was done he went into some bookstores trying to find something to focus on. He didn’t want to watch them being flirty all the time.  In the end he choose to buy a magazine.

With “Does he love me" column. He really wanted to know who Mew likes more. If he likes Yaya more... Then there is no need for him and then ending this relationship the quicker the better.

It’s been an hour and it seems that Mew didn’t miss him at all. He went to an information counter as he ask for seatnumbers from Mew and Yaya and his.  It looks like Gulf was sitting in the back and they sit in the front. As is it's destiny that put them together.

After waiting for 2 hours they were finally boarding.  Mew and Yaya were already in their seats as Gulf walked past them.

“Gu-" Gulf looked up , he wanted to turn around hoping it was Mew who called him, but too bad it wasn't “-rl. I’m so excited. I can’t wait until we are in the mountains” he heard a girl talk to her friend.

Everyone was happy except him. He sat near the window as he looked outside. Maybe he shouldn’t have board at all. Just walking away from them, they wouldn’t notice at all.

After an half hour the plane was in the air and the seatbelts were allowed to be removed . He looked out the window again and took photos of the sky. ‘so lonely, I’m so lonely… on my own ~’

He took his magazine and went to the relationship page.

He shows you genuine respect.

Respect should always be present in a loving relationship.
If your partner demonstrates respect for you: your choices, your time, your body, your thoughts, this may be a sign that he values you as more than just a friend. 

‘Mew does show respect to me. He knows what I like, he listen to my blabbering’

He puts you first.

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