Terror in a moment

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Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I just got really caught up with school. I wanted to say a couple of things. 1. How soon do you think that I should get Fourtris together? I will certainly try to incorporate your requests into the story, 2. for those of you who have read this far, can you PLEASE check out my other story Divergent Blood? I would appreciate it so much if you did! Just send me a message saying that you're from Wattpad, and I'll follow you back! 

Disclaimer: Veronica Roth owns Divergent, not me. 

~Tris POV~
        The next day I walk into school sporting a short sleeve black sweetheart neckline top with ripped blue skinny jeans and black converse. My hair is straightened and I have on black mascara and eyeliner. My lipstick is dark red and I have on cherry scented clear lip gloss. I begin to receive the signature wolf whistles and do my best to ignore them while pushing through the crowd. I look for the gang, and finally spot Shauna through the crowd. "Shauna!" But she doesn't hear me, and I give up trying to navigate through the students. Instead I let a soft blaze consume my entire body, so that it makes me look like I am glowing. People instantly make way for me, and I begin to here whispers of "woah, she's hot, who's she?" and "I am sooo asking her to be my girlfriend". I inwardly roll my eyes and keep walking until I reach Shauna who also has Marlene, Will, Uriah and Four with her. 
"Woah, someone's got a flame going!" Uriah comments. 
"Don't judge" I say raising my hands. "If I hadn't, it would've taken FOREVER to get to you. Where are Christina and Zeke?"
"Christina's on her way, and Zeke's probably fooling around somewhere" says Shauna
As if on cue, Zeke walks through the crowd and reaches us with a banana peel on his head. 
"What's this?" asks Shauna looking disgusted. She picks the peel of his head and tosses it into the dumpster. 
"Hey! I was trying to be the Man in the Yellow Hat here (A/N: Curious George)!" Zeke protests walking towards the dumpster to retrieve his banana peel. "I ate an entire banana just to get that peel!"
"Eww, why would you do that?" comes a new voice. Christina is picking her way to us, and when she reaches us she lets out an overly dramatic sigh. "Wow, that was hard" 
        The warning bell rings, and all of us rush to our lockers and practically sprint to class. Of course, I end up being late anyway, and get a tardy. Not that I care that much. Music, Art, Power Developement and Trigonemetry drag by and I escape to the haven called lunch feeling like I'm going to fall asleep. As I am waiting in the line for cake, I suddenly feel a hand slap my a**. Hard. I instantly whirl around, almost dropping the taco on my plate. Behind me is a tall boy with dark green eyes and pale skin. He's what some people would call handsome, but I instantly dislike him. His eyes travel my body up and down. They have a cruel and hungry look in them, almost predatory. 
"Wanna catch dinner with me tonight, babe? We can have some fun." he says trying to be seductive. Key word, trying.
"Don't call me babe and no, I'm going to decline that offer" I say shortly, grabbing my cake and walking away as fast as I can.
"Aw, c'mon baby, don't be like that", he says grabbing my wrist and pulling me against him. "I'm Peter, by the way. I don't think we've had a proper introduction" 
He yanks me around the corner of the cafeteria so that we are in a small janitor's closet, and locks the door. My tray lies forgotten on the table as his hands on my waist travel lower and lower. I begin to hit and punch with all my might, but he doesn't let go of me. Then I suddenly have an idea. I put on a full blaze, and he jumps off of me clutching his charred fingertips. 
"You little **tch!" Then an evil smile crosses his face. "You wanna play, girlie? Then we'll play" 
The temperature in the room suddenly drops to less than 30 degrees and I begin to shiver violently. I have fire powers, which means that I can't stand the cold unless I'm heavily bundled up. 
" I guess poor Tris forgot that my power is to control and manipulate the temperature around me" he says picking carlessley at his cuticles.
By this time, I am on the floor curled in a ball trying to preserve the little heat I have left. I try to think of a way to escape, but he is blocking the door, and there are no windows. I try to summon a flame from my pinkie but it sputters and dies out almost immediately. It's then that I realize what a predicament I'm in. I'm trapped in a pretty much soundproof closet with a horny boy (not in the 'good' way). It probably doesn't help that I chose to wear a tight shirt that shows some cleavage today. What is it with me and making bad choices?  
I am snapped out of my reverie of thoughts by Peter's voice. "You done reflecting, Princess? 'Cus I have some very fun things planned out for you" 
My eyes widen as he begins to walk towards me, but I am too cold to even move. He finally reaches me and begins to kiss me. Hard. I try my hardest to pul away, but my strength is fading away fast. It probably doesn't help that I skipped breakfast, and didn't have lunch yet. Hot tears begin to slide down my face, and freeze halfway down my cheeks. 
"P-P-Please d-don't do th-this" I manage to get out between tears. But he only holds me more firmly and kisses down my neck and jawline. 
I decide to take a chance and open my mouth and let out a bloodcurdling scream. It is guttural and earsplitting, and I can only hope that someone heard it. 
"Shut up, you little **tch!" Peter yells. He picks me up and dashes me on the floor, causing the scene in front of me to sway and bobble. Then he throws himself on top of me and kisses me again. 
Suddenly the door bangs open, and a dark silhoutte is visible against the soft light outside. Peter looks at my fallen form with a maniacal glint in his eyes. "My backup must have gotten here at las"t

Dun, Dun, Dun! Left you with a cliffy! I know I'm evil, mwua, hahahaha! Anyway, it was kinda hard for me to write that last part, so please don't be too harsh with it. Also, I just wanted to thank each and every one of you who are reading this story. I've already had a couple people add it to their reading lists, and you have no idea how happy that makes me! So thanks again for being awesome, initiates!


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