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I know, I know, it's been like a year since I last updated. I'll be honest, I lost interest in writing. But I'm going to try to keep this story going for you guys, although the updates won't be regular. The reason for this is because I've only written part of each chapter. The main storyline and like 95% of the chapter is coming from my best friend Neha. She's busy a lot, so she may not be able to give you regular updates, but she's trying her best and I think she writes brilliantly, so please don't be mad, and support her!

Disclaimer: I don't own Divergent. 

~Tris POV~

              Caleb? What's Caleb doing here? There must be some mistake...they must be holding him hostage. Or maybe they're forcing him to work for them. Whatever it is, I know that it's not because he's working for them. I clutch the needle, which I'm still holding in my hand, tightly. If I have to use force, all I have are my powers, and since Peter can change the temperature, I'm not sure how useful that would be. Instead, I strain to hear what they are discussing. I blinked dazedly, trying to get myself to focus, before remembering my friends, trapped inside the building and steel myself. Cautiously peering around to make sure nobody is around the corners, I listen. 

Eric is talking to all of them, saying "You guys remember what she said, right?" 
She? Who's she? 
"We can't let them take over the school. Those Divergents could take us down. Caleb, you don't want them to have unfair power, right? You were the one who said that power should only be given to those who can use it, and Divergents most certainly cannot use it."

I hold my breath, waiting for Caleb's response. Slowly, he nods his head. "Yes," he says. "I'll do it. No one should have more power than the others unless they deserve it."

Peter smirks. "Excellent," he says. "Now, we can finally get started on rooting out all the Divergents." A flash comes over his eyes, as though that isn't all that he's excited about. I've heard all that I wanted to hear. I need to get out of here and find everyone else. I back away slowly from the door, then let out a slight gasp of shock as I hear a "Tris" coming from the air. It sounds suspiciously familiar. The voice comes again. 

"Tris? It's me." 

I gasp again. "Shauna?! Where are you?" I jump as she materializes in front of me, out of thin air. 

"I have invisibility and elasticity, remember?" she whispers. "I was able to make myself super-thin and let myself out through the crack underneath the door. From then onwards, I was invisible, and I don't think anyone saw me." 

I smile, relieved. "That's great! But we need to get the others out. Do you know if they captured the boys too, or is it just Christina, Marlene, and Lynn?" 

She frowns, perplexed. "I'm not sure, but I think it's just us. I think they're going to use us as blackmail. Did you hear anything?" 

I frown, thinking back to Caleb in the room. "Yes, I heard, but I'll tell you later. Right now, we need to get them out." 

Shauna looks back at me with a gleam in her eyes. "Roger that. The people here were really stupid to try to kidnap us." 

After a few moments of discussing, we decide to split up and meet in the same spot in five minutes. That way, we can cover more ground. Just as we start down the hallway, something barrels into me. I fall backwards, clutching my stomach and groaning a bit, when I heard Shauna say 


I run forward and give her a giant hug before meeting her eyes. "How did you get out?"

Christina lets out a light laugh. "Have you heard about how rocks break due to ice? Well, I don't think any of the dunderheads working here ever went to school, because it was ridiculously easy to break out of here. All I did was let the ice seep into the cracks of the door. Then I let it expand, and well, the door came off its hinges. And it was even easier because all the guards were knocked out. What, don't look at me like that, Shauna. Seriously."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2016 ⏰

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