The Games

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Hey guys. Here's your new update! 
Also, can you pretty please check out my other story, Divergent Blood ? To be honest, I think it's better than this one. Thanks!

Disclaimer: I don't own Divergent.

Recap from last time: The whole gang plus Peter, Molly, and their cronies, and Edward, Myra, and their clique sit down in a circle to start truth or dare. 
Let the Games Begin.

~Tris POV~ 
"It's my house, so I'm starting." Uriah says bossily. 
"But it's my house too" Zeke protests. 
"No ifs, buts, or ands." Uriah replies. 
Ignoring Zeke's shout of protest, he surveys the circle before finally saying, "Christina, truth or dare?" 
"Um...dare, I guess" 
"GREAT!!!! I dare you to...aha! I dare you to tell your mom that Will knocked you up!" 
"Heck to the no!" Christina says pulling off her dress and leaving herself in her undergarments. "They would probably ground me for the rest of my life instead of hearing me out! My turn now, anyway." 
She studies the circle carefully and then asks, "Myra, truth or dare." 
"Dare you to kiss your crush!" 
Myra gets up and kisses Edward, which turns into a passionate makeout session. The two leave saying that they need to spend time together, and the rest of their clique follow. Edward and Myra are actually pretty nice, but we don't usually talk to them much. 
"Alrighty then, since Myra's gone, I'll take her turn. Uriah, truth or dare?" Marlene announces. 
"I dare you to call your mom and ask her how to use a tampon." says Marlene with a mischevious glint in her eye. 
Uriah gulps, and gets his phone out. 
"Alright, here goes nothing." he says, dialing his mom's number. 
His mom picks up on the first ring. 

Hi Uri baby! 
Hi mommy! Can I ask you something?
Of course, you can!
Mommy, how do I wear a tampon?
Mommy? Are you still on? 
Uriah, is this a dare? mommy. 
Uriah, say hi to your friends, and make sure that you don't knock up Marlene, okay? I don't want her folks after me. Bye sweetie! 

His mom hangs up, and Uriah turns to look at us. His blank expression and Marlene's bright red face make the rest of us burst out laughing. He sits back down, and says, "Hmm...Peter, truth or dare?" 
"Wow, somebody's a PANSYCAKE!!!! Anyway, I dare you to dye your hair hot pink and leave it on for a week." Uriah says looking triumphant. 
"But I said truth
"I don't care. I don't give truths. Only dares. I already said that if you were a pansycake, then you needn't play with us." Uriah replies seriously. 
Peter rolls his eyes.
"Fine. Whatever." 
Christina stands up, and pulls Peter up. Then she wipes her hands off. She hands him a bag of what seems to be pink powder and disappears into the bathroom with him. She comes out a second later saying, "He's going to look a tad bit different than he did this morning." 
                                                           {Time Skip: End of the game}
The game is almost over and the only ones left are me, Four, and Peter. {A/N: Sorry for interupting. Just had to put this in: Do you know how hard it is to say Four instead of Tobias? I keep typing Tobias and then backspacing. I'll let you continue now.} 

"Four, truth or dare?" Peter asks. 
Four groans and opens his mouth to answer, when the door suddenly slams open. I start and gasp, while Christina lets out a small shriek. A dark silhoutte is visible against the pale light of the moon outside. 

The intruder tilts her head up so that we can see hazel eyes that glow almost amber in the full moon.
"I heard there was party here."

Cliffy! Sorry the chapter's so short, I'll try to do better next time!


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