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Surprise guys! I'm doing this chapter in Tobias' point of view! Oh my god, I just love him so much! And Theo James? Did you guys know that Theo means god? I think it's very appropriate, I mean, have you seen him? I'll stop raving now. Wait! One more thing! 21 votes and 911 reads! I love you guys! On with the chapter!

Disclaimer:All rights go to Veronica Roth, not me

~Four POV~

As school lets out, I walk with Zeke towards my black Lamborghini. I'm his ride today, so I guess I'll have to put up with his incessant chatter just a little while longer.

"Sooo? Any girls in mind?" he asks while wiggling his eyebrows.

"My god, Zeke. How many times do I have to tell you that I'm NOT interested? Plus, all they do is throw themselves at me!" I exclaim, despite the face that the first thing that popped into my mind when he said that was Tris.

"Even a certain blonde with blue-grey eyes and fire powers?" he asks mischievously.
Hmm, so he's caught me staring at her. Now how do I get out of this without lying directly?
I am saved from answering since we pull up at his house. Thank God.

"This conversation isn't over" he said making the 'I'm watching you' sign with his fingers before stepping inside his house.

Once I get back home, I see him passed out on the couch. I try to make my way upstairs without making any noise. No such luck. He stirs almost immediately. 
"Tobias? Is that you?" he slurs. 
"Yes, sir." 
"You're late! Where were all this time?"
"I had to drop Zeke off at his house sir, it won't happen again." I say quivering slightly
"It better not. Now go to your room." 
            I can feel his eyes boring holes on the back of my head as I head up the stairs. They are clouded and filmy. He's drunk again. I sigh and delicately pick my way over the bottles on the ground, picking them up and tossing them in the garbage. Then I retire to my room and lock the door. I stare at my desk, then at my bed, debating whether I should do my homework yet. I decide on no and throw myself onto my bed.
            My thoughts wander to Tris. She was so delicate the other day. After I saved her from that son of a bi***, Peter. It makes me wonder what she's really made of. And that conversation we had in the infirmary. It was short, but I think that I learnt more about her in that short period of time, than I ever had before. She is certainly beautiful, but then again, she does have the gift of beauty. Not that she wouldn't look beautiful without it. And she didn't throw herself at me. I think that's what impressed me the most. Whenever I-'ring ring'. I frown and sigh impatiently. My phone keeps ringing, and I groan and grab it. 

"Whaddya want, Zeke?"
"Dude, the guys are meeting up at my place. You coming?"
"Yeah, I'll be there. Seeya in 10." 
"K, seeya bro" he says and hangs up.
I slowly make my way downstairs. 
"Sir? May I ask you something?" I ask respectfully with my head down.
He opens one bleary eye. 
"What do you want?" he spits
"Sir, may I go to my friend's house on a project? I may stay over because of how long it takes" I say innocently, trying to sound believable.
"Fine. But if you're not back by noon tomorrow, then you will get it."
"Yes, Sir." I say, before backing away, and hastily leaving before he can change his mind. 

When I get to Zeke's, I find Uriah doing the worm on the floor, Zeke videotaping, and Will laughing hysterically. The music is on really loud, and there is Coke and Dauntless cake slices on the table, which Uriah claims he stole from the school kitchen. I grin. These guys always know how to cheer me up. Eventually, we end up sitting on the couch, sipping coke while eating dauntless cake. 
"So. Let's talk about crushes!" Wow. Zeke sounds like a girl. 
"Hey! Don't be mean!" Zeke pouts.
Whoops, must've said that out loud
"Well, Four, my man? You got a crush?" 
I stare at Uriah, who asked the question. 
"Pshhh, of course not. I really don't care for any of the girls." I say, trying to shrug it off. Zeke gives me a look, but doesn't say anything. 
For the next hour, we just talk until one by one we all drift off to sleep

Sorry this was boring guys. The next 2-3 chapters will have the party in them! Games include truth or dare, never have I ever, and spin the bottle. If you guys have any requests for never have I ever, truths, or dares, then just comment, and I'll do my best to incorporate them into the story!


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