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Hope you guys read through my last A/N. If not, then PLEASE take the time to do so, as it held important information.

Disclaimer: Veronica Roth owns Divergent, not me.

Recap from last time:

My eyes widen with shock as he tilts his head down slightly and plants a ghost of a kiss on my lips, just brushing them with his own. Then he walks over, slips on his shirt and leaves the room. Just before he steps out, he turns around and smirks at me.

"I can't wait to do that again."


~Tris POV~

I stand alone in the room.

I can't wait to do that again.

What did he mean by that? Did he want to...kiss me?

Whatever it is, I need to to find out, and I think that I know the perfect person to help me. I look around for my nightgown before remembering that Christina has my dress. A humiliated sigh escapes my mouth as I traipse my way down the hallway wearing nothing but my black lace bra and panty set. Uriah whistles as I walk past him and I stare at my feet and continue walking only to be met with a wall to my face. My cheeks burning, I look up and realize that it's Four. Great. Like this couldn't get any more awkward.I give him a tiny smile and brush past him without saying anything, finally reaching Christina's room.

I knock on the door.

"Christina? Open up! It's Tris! I need my dress!"

I look around and realize that all the boys are staring at me except for Will, who's still inside with Christina.


"Okay, okay, geez, I'm coming, calm your tits.", she mumbles, throwing open the door.

She takes one look at my fuming face and bursts out laughing. I put my hand out expectantly and she stares at me blankly before suddenly realizing that I'm asking for my dress.

"Oh, uh about the dress...yeah, there's a small problem."

"What do you-?"

I stop short when she points to the bathroom. Hesitantly, I walk into her bathroom only to be met with the repulsive stench of vomit, and a once beautiful black dress covered in puke.


"Sorry, Tris. Will threw up yesterday after he came in, since he was dared to do that drinking contest, so yeah..."

I glare at her.

"You do realize that I have nothing to wear now, right?"

"Oh, not to worry! You can wear the extra set that I brought you!", she says cheerily.

"You brought spare clothes for me?" I ask, slightly creeped out.

"I have spare clothes for all the girls.", she says seriously, and I take a step back.

"Okaaay, then. Can I have them?"

She fishes in her duffel bag for a second before pulling out high waisted white short shorts, a short sleeve grey off the shoulder top, a brown beaded necklace, brown sandals, and a thick brown belt (A/N: See the cover picture).

"No wonder your bag is so stuffed...", I trail off, glancing at her bulging bag that looks like it's going to explode.

"No time for dilly-dallying! Go get dressed so that I can do your makeup!" (A/N: Lol, I just realized that I forgot to mention her brushing and showering and everything. Just pretend that she did all that already.)

"Yes mom", I reply, dragging out the 'o'.


When I get out of the bathroom, Christina has pulled out various tubes from her bag and set them all up on the dresser.

"Well? Aren't you going to sit down?", she asks, indicating me to the seat in front of the mirror.

I make my way over to her and sit down. She begins to straighten my hair, and I sigh slightly.

"You're not going to make my pretty, you know."

Christina pauses to stare at me. 

"Two things: 1. Who cares about pretty? I'm going for noticeable, and 2. Tris, you have the gift of beauty. Whether you realize it or not, you're attractive. You have massive curves, a beautiful face, and the sweetest personality that anyone can find. Trust me, boys are all over you."

I blush slightly and smile and at her in the mirror.

"Thanks Christina"

She smiles at me and continues.

I wait patiently in my chair for about 10 minutes before she lets me up. One glance in the mirror tells me that I did the right thing by coming to her. My eyes are delicately traced in black liquid eyeliner, and the black mascara makes my eyelashes look long and luscious. I don't have lipstick on, but I am wearing dark cherry colored lipgloss.

"I-I look good"

"Told you so! Now, c'mon, let's go get breakfast!"

"Wait! Christina, there's something I want to ask you."

"Spill, girl", she says stepping closer and leaning in as if it's a secret, which now that I think about it, it kinda is.

Here I go. I'm gonna tell her about the kiss.

"Well today morning, when I woke up, I- 'HEY LADIES' ", a voice yells, interrupting our conversation.

We turn to see Zeke leaning against the door frame. His eyes scan my up and down before landing on my face and grinning.

"Trust me, Tris. If I didn't have Shauna, I'd be all over you."

"Oh shut up", I mumble, just loud enough for him to hear me, and brush past him into the hallway.

When I get to the kitchen, I see Marlene and Shauna bustling around making what appears to be pancakes, while Four and Will are setting the table. Four catches my eye and winks at me, causing me to blush and look away. Zeke, Uriah, Lynn, and Christina join us in the kitchen and sit down. We have just began eating when something strange happens. 

A low hum begins sounding, almost like the buzzing of a bee, but louder. The entire room goes silent, as we listen carefully to the strange noise. Uriah shakes his head.

"It's probably just the washing machine or something malfunctioning." he states, just as a resounding crash echoes from the other side of the house. Christina, Marlene, and I scream, while Shauna and Lynn gasp in shock.

Christina is the first to speak.

"G-Guys? What was that?"

Four jumps up.

"Guys, come with me. Girls, sit tight. We'll be back after investigating."

The guys follow Four down the hall while the girls and I sit quietly in our chairs, too terrified to speak.

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