Dauntless...or not?

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Disclaimer: To my utmost sadness, I do not own the Divergent Series. If I did the, Tris might not have left in the last book. *tear*. anyway, all rights go to Veronica Roth! 

Recap from last time, 

         -Tris has just been told that her aptitude test results were inconclusive. 
        -She is discussing it with Tori, who is also her music teacher

"Inconclusive?" I echo, my heart racing already. "What do you mean? How is that possible?"

        "They call it Divergent. Listen to me carefully, Tris, you cannot tell anyone about your results, do you understand me? You received the results for 3 factions, Abnegation, Dauntless, and Erudite, and you may choose whichever one you believe would suit you the most. Your power of fire would fit in best with the Dauntless, as you experiment and play around with it which takes courage and guts. Your telekinesis would probably fit in with Erudite, as it requires a great amount of concentration, which comes with a gifted brain. As for Abnegation, you have the gift of beauty, Tris, and while you may deny it, it's true. You're stunning. However, I've observed that you take no pride in it, and try your best to help others feel better about themselves as well. You see what I mean? You'd fit in with all three of the factions.The choice is up to you.", Tori states quietly

        I squirm in my seat, thinking hard for a little while. Then I look her square in the eye, and say "Dauntless. I choose Dauntless." Tori stands up, and I stand up with her. She smiles at me and says, "Well, then Tris, welcome to Dauntless"

                                                                                                                                                                  Page Break! 
        I walk back to my table in the auditorium, and the gang ceases their conversation to look at me. "I chose Dauntless", I say answering the unspoken question. There is a moment of silence. Then Christina squeals so loud that my eardrums probably burst, and Marlene surprises me by coming around and giving me a huge hug. "Welcome to our family Tris!" 

        I smile and nod my head at her, before facing the rest of the gang. I open my mouth to speak, but am cut of by the bell signaling the start of 2nd period, art. I get up, and walk with the rest of the gang through the crowded hallway. I find out that the whole gang has art together, so we stride through the corridor talking about what could happen. "Four, Zeke, and Shauna are juniors already, they're all 17. The rest of them; Uriah, Marlene, and Will are freshman like us. Lynn is part of our group too, but she's gone to Australia with her family for summer vacation, and won't be back for another two days. She's also a freshman." Christina finishes just as the teacher walks in. 

        "Hi everyone! I'm Ms. Mueller! First off, I am going to have everyone introduce themselves and their powers! Any volunteers?" Uriah's hand shoots up before the teacher has even finished talking, and she motions for him to go the front of the class. I shake my head at him, which he sees, and he gives me a toothy grin in return. 

        "Hi pansycakes! I'm Uriah Pedrad, and I have three powers! 1. I can camouflage with anything that I want to. 2. I have night vision at will, which pretty much means that I can see in the dark, and I have the gift of cooking! I can pretty much whip up anything that I want at will within 5 minutes." So saying, he walks over to the light switches and flips them so that the room is almost pitch dark. We see two small glowing orbs at the front of the class, and I struggle to make out anything else. Suddenly, the lights come back on, and we see a perfectly made slice of Dauntless cake sitting unattended on the table in the front. Then I suddenly realize that it's not unattended. If I look very closely, I can just make out the faint outline of Uriah against the white board. He must've used his night vision to make the cake! "For you my fair lady" he says dramatically handing the cake to Marlene, who takes it blushing. He receives a wide roar of applause, and he struts over to his seat and sits down again.

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