Chapter 4

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        Holy Hephaestus, guys! It was recently bout to my attention by xo_love_ that the number of reads for my story is 99! My system was showing the number of views as 14, and that was why I was disappointed (last chapter). But now that I know that I'm getting somewhere with my story, I'm definitely going to continue! Thanks to all of you that are following this story, and a special shoutout to xo_love_ for pointing out that mistake to me! Also, I realized that in my last chapter, I made an error. I said that Four, Zeke, and Shauna were Juniors in High school, but then later, I said that they were Seniors. Just to clarify that, they are JUNIORS not seniors. 

        Disclaimer: I am pretty sure that Veronica Roth did not have to struggle through finals in middle school today, so therefore, I am not her and I do not own the Divergent gang. Also, the 'girl on fire' idea goes to Suzanne Collins, who wrote the wonderful series by the name of The Hunger Games {you'll see what I mean when you get to the end of the chapter}.

~Tris POV~

        After Art, I go through Power Development, and AP Trigonometry before finally escaping into Lunch. I stand in line chatting with Marlene, who is standing in front of me, and pick up a cheeseburger, tater-tots, and a slice of chocolate cake, which according to Marlene, is called 'Dauntless Cake'. We head back to our table, and I find myself sitting between Christina and Four. We chat idly about the day so far, and Zeke tells us a hilarious story about his teacher, Mrs. Turner, indirectly calling herself an a**hole. (A/N: I'm still a middle schooler, and I'd rather not use swear words, if you don't mind)

        By this time, I have finished my cheeseburger and fries, and I raise the first forkful of Dauntless cake to my mouth, when I realize that the table is completely silent, and that everyone is staring at me. "What?" I ask uncertainly. "We need to watch your reaction. That cake...that cake that you have in your hand is a synonym for heaven." explains Uriah seriously. Christina whips out her phone, yelling "I need to record this! Hold on...okay, go!" I roll my eyes, bring the cake to my mouth, and slowly chew it. My eyes widen, and I sit up straighter. "Woah! You're right! I think that my taste buds are on fire! This is like eating a piece of heaven!" I squeal, shoveling the rest of the cake into my mouth, and savoring the fudgy flavor. The rest of the gang laughs, and Four just sits there with an amused look in his eyes. Just then, the bell rings signaling that lunch is over, and I stand up and brush my hands off. "I have AP Social Studies with Mr. James. Any of you have that class?"  Four nods at me. "I have that class too. Wanna walk together?" "Sure" I say, turning away to hide my blush. My eyes make contact with Christina's, and she wiggles her eyebrows at me. I give her my best death glare before exiting the cafeteria and heading to my locker. 

               When Four and I get to Social Studies, we find that there are only two chairs left, side by side, and we sit down just as Mr. James walks in. "All right, class. I'm so glad to see all of you today. How many excited faces I see." he says in a monotone voice. I mean, seriously, the guy looks like he's gonna fall asleep any second! "First off, I am not going to have you do anything in class today." There are a cheers, that immediately stop when he continues, "instead, I am going to partner you up, and have you compile a report on how the economy and government recovered after the Great Depression." I slump in my chair, and Four lets out a groan. "The pairs are as follows:"

Peter and Molly
Nita and Drew
Kelsey and Cooper
Mia and Hadley
Matthew and Joey
Four and Tris
Lauren and Ryan
Lina and Riley
Zoe and Robert
Edward and Myra
Jacob and Rita

        I sigh in relief when I see that I have been partnered up with the only person in the class that I know.I am broken out of my reverie of thoughts by Mr. James' voice. "You may start working now" he states, before slouching to his desk and sipping his coffee while staring off into space. Four turns to me. "When do you want to work on it? I'm free anyday other than Tuesday and Thursday, because of football and hockey try-outs." 
I bite my lip, thinking. "I have cheer try-out on Tuesday, same as your football try-outs, and the girls and I are planning to try out for figure-skating on Wednesday, which leaves today and Friday to work on the project."
"Friday sounds good. My house or yours?"
"We can do it at my house. My address is 1046 Insurgent Drive. Does 4:00 sound okay?" "Yea, its fine" he replies, glancing at the clock as the shrill sound of the bell echoes through the hallway. 

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