Meeting the Gang!

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Hey Guys! I hope that you're enjoying my story so far! Also, just out of curiosity, how old do you think I am based on my writing? Review, favorite and follow! Thanks!

Disclaimer: I unfortunately do not own my fandom babe, Divergent, all rights go to Veronica Roth.

~Tris POV~

The principal of our school, Max, decided that the first period would be cancelled for an all school assembly, so Christina and I make our way to the auditorium of the school. When we finally get there Christina drags me towards a group of students sitting together and laughing about something. She plops down on one of the open seats, and pulls me down onto the seat next to her. The others students stop their conversations immediately, and stare at me curiously. "Hey guys! I missed you all! How's you're summer been?!" Christina fires off immediately. They all reply with some kind of good, and I clear my throat nervously. "Oh, sorry Tris! Guys, this is Tris. She's a freshman too and she's gonna be hanging out with us now! Tris this is Marlene, Shauna, Uriah, Will, and Four."

I say hi to each of them and they smile warmly at me. Marlene has natural dark red hair, and emerald green eyes, she seems to be one of those genuinely sweet girls. Shauna has pin straight light brown hair, and dark brown eyes. She gives me a grin, and then goes back to her conversation with Zeke, I think. Zeke has caramel colored skin with jet black hair and wide brown eyes. He is sitting with another boy who looks like a slightly younger version of him. I think his name is Uriah? That means that the one sitting next to him is Will. He has light blond hair and celery green eyes. Judging by the longing looks that Christina is giving him, I'd say that she likes him.

I turn my gaze to the last boy and my breath hitches. He has a spare upper lip and a full lower lip. He has a tall build, and clearly has muscles, though not in the gross way. His hair is dark brown, almost black, and his eyes...His eyes are the most beautiful shade of dark blue I've ever seen, like the ocean, with a patch of lighter blue on his right iris. They seem to hold mysteries and secrets, and I can't bring myself to look away. He's hot, I'll give him that. In fact, I can't seem to tear my gaze away him. He suddenly turns his head, and his eyes shift to mine. I blush and look down immediately, embarrassed to be caught staring. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch him smirking at me and I mentally facepalm. What did I get myself into?

Luckily, Principal Max chooses that oppurtune time to come on stage, and I thankfully avert my eyes to him, as does the rest of the school. He starts his long speech, and I mentally sigh. "Students! I am so glad that you are all here today! As you all know, our school is organized into five factions. Abnegation for selflessness, Amity for Kindess, Candor for Honesty, Dauntless for Bravery, and Erudite for Knowledge. Now, explicitly for the new students, you have taken the aptitude test, which determines the faction that you are placed in. Yesterday, during the freshman orientation, those who were new to the area took the test. We will be calling the new students up in groups and informing you of which faction your test indicaties you should be placed in. Both your personality as well as your powers will play a big part in this test, alright? Well, the first group of students are, Susan Black, Robert Black, Caleb Prior and Beatrice Prior. Will these four students please come to the main office?

I get up from my seat, and from across the room, I see Susan, Robert, and Caleb getting up too. The rest of the gang gives me reasurring smiles, and Christina grins and says perkily, "I hope you get Dauntless! That's where all of us were placed!" I give her a nervous half-smile, and follow Caleb into the office, where we see four teachers standing there and waiting for us. One of them, a young lady dressed in all black with a tattoo of a hawk, looks at me and says "Beatrice Prior?" I nod. "I go by Tris, actually." "Alrighty then, Tris, follow me, and we can discuss your results. I'm Ms. Wu, by the way, but you can call me Tori. Ms. Wu makes me feel old. I believe that you're in my music class too!"

I observe Tori's body language as I follow her down the hallway. She seems, tense, anxious almost, and I wonder what I have done to cause her nervousness. We finally reach a small room with a couple of chairs and a table, and Tori motions for me to sit down. She opens up the file that she was carrying, looks me straight in the eye, and says, "promise that you won't freak out. You cannot make a commotion here". "Um, okay?" I say hesitantly, still perplexed as to her behavior. "You results were inconclusive"

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