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Quick question. How old do you think I am based on my writing? Please let me know in your comments. Thanks!

Disclaimer: Veronica Roth owns all the characters, although I dearly wish that I could

~Tris POV~

I wake up to a pounding headache. As my hazy vision gradually adjusts, I realize that I am in a dimly lit room with no windows or chairs. A faintly glowing, yellow bulb hangs from the ceiling. Slowly, I drag myself up. My head throbs and pulses but I ignore it and look around me instead. I feel like I'm in a cell. A metal door is in front of me, and I can tell that it's locked.

Confused, I sit back down and try to remember what happened last night. The last thing I remember is a dart piercing me in the shoulder. I turn my head and pull my sleeve up to inspect my arm. The dart itself is gone, but I see a metal disk protruding from inside my skin. Blue dye spreads like tentacles in every direction for about 2 centimeters from the metal tip. I wedge one of my nails under the disk and pull upwards. Immediately, a momentary flash of extreme pain jolts through my body, causing me to gasp and clutch my arm tightly.

 This is going to hurt. Gritting my teeth and squeezing my eyes close, I pull a bobby pin from my hair, wedge it under the disk and push up. After a good 2 minutes of me pushing, the disk comes unstuck and comes off of my skin. Attached to the disk comes a needle, about as long as my pinky finger. It is wet, dripping with blood. I realize that the blue dye is still there, but now there is also a dark hole in my skin, with blood oozing from it. Just then, the door opens. The person that steps through it surprises me and I stare at them in shock.

Finally finding my voice, I stutter out, "What are you doing here?"

"What, are you scared to see me, stiff?", Peter taunts, an evil glint in his eye.

Sorry about the short chapter, initiates. Remember: 10 votes = 1 chapter

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