Buzzes and Hums

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 Yo Initiates! Yep, nobody commented and helped me, so I decided to just call you that. Glad that y'all enjoyed the last chapter (cliffy, muwahahaha) and thanks for the votes!

Disclaimer: In case y'all still haven't realized, Veronica Roth owns Divergent, not me.

~Tris POV~

The boys run off in the opposite direction, while the girls and I sit quietly in our chairs, to terrified to speak. The moment that the boys thudding footsteps recede, a huge bang comes from outside, right behind the wall to Marlene's left. Marlene shrieks and falls out of her chair, and scurries to Shauna's side and huddles next to her. Another huge bang sounds and Christina and I whimper while Shauna and Marlene just look terrified. The only one looking relatively unfazed is Lynn, and even she looks a bit nervous.

The low buzzing noise is present again, but this time it is at a loud hum. The girls and I begin backing away from the wall slowly. Just when we have reached the opposite side of the kitchen an enormous crash sounds, and the wall that Marlene was just sitting in front of bursts open in all directions. Shreds of wood and board fly everywhere. (A/N: Sorry, I don't know exactly what walls are made of.) This time, nobody holds it in. All of us, including Lynn, scream. A shout sounds from the other side of the house, and the sound of something, or somethings, striking the floor repeatedly is audible; The boys' footsteps.  

The footsteps are clear now, and I hear someone, sounding like Zeke, yell, "Oh my god, what happened here?"

All of a sudden, a pile of rubble and wood falls from above the door right in front of it, so that the entrance is completely blocked. I look at Christina to my left and Shauna to my right, and the three of us run to the door in an attempt to push the rubble away so that we can escape. It doesn't budge. Marlene and Lynn sprint over to help us, but it still doesn't even move. Behind the wall of rubble, I can hear Four's voice, distinct over the loud buzz that is filling the room. What is it with that noise? 

"Tris! Tris! Can you hear me? Marlene, Shauna, are you guys okay? Lynn, Christina, are you there? Girls, if you're there then give a yell!"

"We're here, Four!", Lynn yells back.

"But we can't get through. The rubble won't move!", Christina wails.

"Four, the entire back wall just busted open, almost of its own accord. We can't see the back of the kitchen at all though because of the debris in the air!" I cry, trying to make my words audible enough to be heard over the increasing hum.

Suddenly the hum vanishes, and a pin-drop silence fills the room. I can hear Four and the boys pushing against the rubble, straining to move it out of the way, but their efforts are futile. Suddenly, Marlene gives a shriek and collapses slowly to the floor. Her eyes slowly flutter close. From where I stand, I see a small black object sticking out of her shoulder. A dart. My eyes widen, and I drop to the floor as a dark shape whizzes above me, barely grazing my hair, before embedding itself in the thigh of the the unfortunate Christina standing behind me. She too sinks to the ground in a daze before her eyes close. Her breaths become steady and even. They're knockout darts. But for what purpose? 

Apparently Shauna and Lynn have caught on too, because they run towards me. The three of us form a circle around the fallen Marlene and Christina, with us facing the outside. I hear a shout from behind the door and Uriah yells, "Marlene?! Why did you scream? MARLENE?!"

Shauna, Lynn, and I don't answer. We're too busy trying to dodge the darts that are coming in from all directions. Then the unthinkable happens. A dart shoots by Lynn, just grazing her shoulder before striking Shauna in the waist. Shauna lets out a low moan as her knees buckle, and her eyes slowly close, although I can see her fighting to stay awake. Eventually, after a couple minutes, she gives way, and her eyes roll up. Her breaths become steady and rhythmic as she slowly rolls onto her back.

"No, SHAUNA!", Lynn cries. "You can't just leave me like that!"

Distracted by the scene, I don't realize until it's too late. I feel a sharp prick pierce my shoulder, and see a dart sticking out of my arm. My eyes widen, and I shriek, immediately prying the dart out of me. But it is too late. Already, I feel drowsy as the drug spreads through my system. Through the blurry haze, I see that the rain of darts has stopped, even though Lynn is not yet unconscious. She runs over to me and shakes me.

"Tris! Don't pass out! I can't fight them on my own!"

 Them? Who's them? My semi-conscious mind refuses to make sense of what's going on. I hear a loud shout somewhere to my right, and a male voice yell, "Tris! TRIS?!"

The last thing I see before I black out is the horrified expression in Lynn's hazel eyes.

Yo Guys. If you don't start voting, then I'm gonna discontinue the story. Sorry to be harsh, but when I was nicer in the other note, nobody took me seriously. So, can you guys start voting more? Only about a third of you are voting so far, and to those people, I would like to say I really appreciate it, and thank you.

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