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Hey guys! I just want to say that I love you all so much, because I had so many people add this to their reading lists, vote, and I even got one comment! Those little things really made my day, so keep being awesome!

Disclaimer: Veronica Roth owns Divergent. I own the plotline of this story. 

Recap from last time: "Shut up, you little **tch!" Peter yells. He picks me up and dashes me on the floor, causing the scene in front of me to sway and bobble. Then he throws himself on top of me and kisses me again.
              Suddenly the door bangs open, and a dark silhouette is visible against the soft light outside. Peter looks at my fallen form with a maniacal glint in his eyes. "My backup must have gotten here at last."

~Tris POV~
        I can't help the sob that bursts through my mouth when Peter reaches under my shirt and begins squeezing me. He grabs my head and smashes it against the wall, eliciting a scream of pain from me. I clench my eyes close and try to muster the will to fight, but the cold empty darkness drags me down again. All of a sudden, I feel Peter's body being ripped off of me. Hesitantly, I open my eyes. The scene in front of me sways and bobs. Peter is on the floor and someone is beating him up. I somehow focus on a pair of dark blue eyes. "Four" I croak before blacking out. 
        When I wake up, I am in a bright room with white walls and a grey ceiling. I turn and find myself wrapped in a stark white blanket. The material under me is soft and fluffy. I'm in a bed. I raise my head slowly, wincing as a burst of pain shoots through it, and focus on something sitting on the chair opposite to me. Someone to be exact. He has dark brown hair, and when he raises his head, I see dark blue eyes. Four. 
The next moment, he is at my side. I see no sympathy in his eyes. I would have been disappointed if I had.  
"Your knuckles." I say, worried.
"My knuckles are none of your concern" he says shortly
"But you're hurt"
I reach out to touch the cut on his lip, but stop when I realize what I'm about to do. What have you got to lose? I touch my fingertips lightly to his mouth. 
"Tris" he says, speaking against my fingers "I'm alright"
"What were you doing there?" I ask dropping my hand
"I was on my wayto lunch. I heard a scream"
"What did you do them?"
"I deposited Peter in the infirmary. He claimed he wasn't going anything, but I beat him up pretty bad."
I raise my eyebrows. "What do you mean?"
"He'll live" Four says bitterly. "In what condition, I can't say"
"Good" I say. White hot anger courses through me. "Good" I repeat again.
Neither of us acknowledges the tears on my face. 
"But Tris, when you see him again, you're going to need to keep your head down. Act as if you're scared. Try to-"
"I don't think I can do that" I say hollowly, cutting him off.
"You have to"
"I don't think you get it." I say, my voice rising. "He touched me!" 
A sob racks my body forward, and I hiccup.
"Touched you." Four repeats. His entire body tightens at my words.
I clear my throat. " the way you're thinking. But almost."
He is silent for so long that I have to say something. 
"What? What is it?"
"You need to understand that for the time being, it is more important for you to be safe than right."
He reaches his hand out and to my surprise rests it on my face, his fingers lightly skimming my cheekbone.
"I could report this, you know" His fingers are careful
"No. I don't want them to think I'm scared."
"Remember what I said, Tris? You need to act like that"
"No. I'll try my best, but Peter is my battle. Not one that can be solved by a stupid detention for him." I say firmly.
Four nods. "Alright. But just...know that I'm always here for you...okay?" he says. He scratches his neck and looks away, as though he's embarrassed. 
I open my mouth to answer, but just then Mrs. Grant, the school nurse, walks in, humming cheerily. 
"Oh, Tris honey! Your awake! Four, you bad boy, were you skipping class to stay with Ms. Prior?"
"Oh...erm" Four stutters. His entire face is goes bright red, and inspite of being embarrassed myself, I have to laugh. 
"What's wrong, Four? Scared to be seen with me?" I say teasingly. 
He groans, and I giggle. 
"Now stop flirting and go to class, Mr. Eaton." Nurse Grant says, shooing him out the door. 
"Wait, Four!" I call out suddenly just as he is about to leave. 
He turns around slowly and raises his eyebrows at me, and I look down at my lap, suddenly blushing furiously for some reason. 
His mouth forms that lopsided smirk and he walks away. 

Hi again! Sorry for having another short chapter, I didn't have much time today. Also, I know that this was just a filler chapter, but trust me, it gets better. One more thing; did anyone notice that almost the entire chapter was just quotes from the book? I did all of that off of memory, so please don't kill me if I made a few mistakes. Last thing; I didn't spell check this chapter (too lazy) so please excuse any spelling/grammar errors.

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