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Most of the family were already there when Ailbhe and Finn arrived. Arthur and Niall were bickering as they entered the other door at the front, pushing and shoving each other when they arrived and the family said their hellos. Polly was standing by the bar, her new fiancé by her side. Curly was sat at one of the tables, Johnny Dogs and Jeremiah standing next to him. Niall was talking to Aberama, leaning back against the bar as they kept a close eye on Michael and Gina who sat in the middle of the room. Everyone moved about, chatting noisily except for Michael and Gina who sat together and stayed silent, just watching.
“You alright, sweetheart?” Polly asked, a smile on her face as she held out a cup to Ailbhe for tea but Ailbhe refused politely, nodding.
She ignored Arthur bumping into Michael’s seat on purpose, an almost juvenile move to try get under his skin but Arthur didn’t really care. But Polly glared after him, sick of the way they were constantly at Michael but Ailbhe couldn’t ever defend Michael.
“You bearing up, Arthur?” Polly asked, the genuine concern evident in her voice.
But Arthur just scoffed, pouring himself a glass from the bottle of whiskey on the counter.
“Bearing up for what, Pol? Bearing up to be free!” He replied, acting as though he didn’t have any sentiment at all, especially not in public.
Ailbhe pulled off her gloves and sat down at the table opposite Michael and Gina. Finn and Arthur joined her, a glass in front of each of them but Ailbhe left hers untouched. It was still a little early for her stomach.
They were waiting on Tommy of course but Ailbhe was also missing a brother and an uncle around the bar. Of course, they hadn’t to wait long before Charlie shoved in past the doors of the Garrison, an obvious limp in his left leg and Liam looked almost out of breath.
“Are you alright, Charlie?” Curly asked, worry in his voice as he stood up to get a better look at him.
“Mad bastard, Barney kicked me in the shin when he woke up” He groaned in response, helped over to a chair by Liam who sighed and wiped his brow.
“For a man who’s been locked up for ten years, he can fucking run” He panted, accepting the glass that Niall held out for him and sipping it back quickly.
Waking up in Charlie’s Yard had of course, been a shock to Barney who was sure that the breakout had been his imagination. And so, he kicked Charlie into the kneecap and took off running until Liam caught up with him and Barney recognised his old comrade.
“Where is he the mad bastard?” Curly asked, pouring a whiskey for Charlie knowing that by the looks of it, he needed one.
“Tied him to a lamppost outside, there’s three Lee boys with him shitting themselves” Charlie groaned, stretching his leg out in front of him before taking the whole drop of whiskey in one sip.
Ailbhe went behind the bar, finding the bucket of ice and wrapping some in a cloth. She handed it to Charlie for his knee, knowing they were still waiting for one more man.
Aberama Gold watched them all carefully, starting to understand the family dynamic more and more as he became closer into the family. He was learning about each and every one of them. He had learnt that the Kennedy’s had fast tempers and faster fists, but that they had heart and they were tough. He had learnt that Finn Shelby wasn’t a replacement for John but his own man who wanted his own path, a path with Ailbhe it would seem from the way they seemed joint at the hip.
Tommy arrived quickly, passing beyond everyone and standing by the fireplace where everyone could see him.
“First of all, an apology from Lizzie she can’t be here. Charles has a violin concert” He explained, pushing out his cigarette into the ash tray in front of Ailbhe.
Ailbhe saw the smile and look between Aberama and Polly, seeing their genuine affection for each other shining through. She never was sure why, but Ailbhe liked Aberama. And she knew that he had genuine feelings for Polly.
“Also, welcome to Mr Aberama Gold” Tommy gestured towards their newest member who sat up at the bar.
“He and Polly are to be married in three weeks with my blessing. From now on, Aberama will be welcome at our meetings” He continued, hums of approval echoing around the room.
Everyone trusted Aberama and it was good to see Polly happy. At least they could all agree on this.
“First item of business, a bereavement.” Tommy announced and while nobody but Finn noticed, Ailbhe’s eyes dropped.
“Colonel Ben Younger, who one day may perhaps have become a member of this family was taken from us by dark forces.” Tommy continued.
A sombre atmosphere filled the room with thoughts of the poor man burned alive, killed for good intentions and wrapped up in a fight he hadn’t started.
“We’ve made some investigations. We think we know who planted the bomb.”
Michael’s eyes narrowed at Tommy’s words and glanced at Ailbhe who’s eyes were firmly on the table.
“IRA?” Michael asked, ignorantly.
But the way Ailbhe’s eyes glared back at him, he knew that was just what people wanted them to think and what perhaps bothered Ailbhe so much.
“It wasn’t IRA.” Ailbhe snapped, knowing that Michael would be only glad to pin more blame on Ailbhe’s old cause.
“Stop it” Polly warned them, wanting Michael to remember that a man had died, and it wasn’t just a game.
“Our thoughts are with Ada and the baby inside of her, who may one day sit at these meetings but hopefully under happier circumstances”
Tommy continued, wanting to draw the conversation away from Ailbhe. He knew she blamed herself partly for Younger and the kid’s death and Michael was only getting under her skin.
“Let’s drink to happier circumstances” Polly interjected, pouring out a drink for herself and then one that she pushed in front of Ailbhe.
Ailbhe wasn’t too bothered about the time anymore as she took up the glass.
“Ada” they all toasted, thinking about her and her baby.
Ailbhe’s mind wandered to Jade too, who had her own baby to worry about. But her mind froze when she saw Gina taking a drink. Ailbhe was no expert but pregnant women weren’t meant to drink whiskey or gin, for doctors now said it could harm the baby.
“Onto item number two, regarding Michael” Tommy continued, the noise of empty glasses being set down ringing around the room.
But Michael interrupted Tommy before he could get the words out.
“Before you go on, Tommy there’s something I’d like to say to the whole family directly regarding finances and the future of this company”
 He interjected, pushing his cigarette into the ash tray and drawing all eyes to him. An awkward silence filled the room before Michael carried on, eyes drawn to him now even Tommy’s. But Tommy didn’t look pleased.
“According to your own estimations, this new venture of the delivery and shipment of opium will bring into the company around two million pounds per year. Therefore, due to the amounts involved, I think this company should be restructured”
He sat there, bold as brass announcing that he thought the company needed a shake up, one that would undoubtedly put Michael at the top of the chain. How convenient. How good of him to be so kind to take on that burden.
“Michael, I think this can wait until after the family meeting” Polly warned, but they all disagreed.
This was family business, it would affect all of them and they all were entitled to hear it and have their say. And judging by the glowering and cross faces, people had a lot to say.
“Restructured in what way?” Tommy asked, eyebrows raised in a mock curiosity.
Gina’s voice rang out, surprising people when she piped up but they should have known she was involved. Michael wouldn’t have the balls to come up with this himself.
“Because of the amounts of money involved, shipment and dispatch will become the primary source of income to the company. It’s simple mathematics”
She explained, as if they wouldn’t understand it if she explained it to them because they were such simple minded folk but that they would just have to trust her. But Ailbhe didn’t trust her as far as she could throw her.
Ailbhe looked across at her brothers, both of them looking as irritated as she did and Finn too beside her.
Michael stood, now being the only other person stood with Tommy. He moved to stand behind Gina, putting his hands on her shoulders while he spoke.
“And with the help of my wife, I will organise an expansion into America where the narcotics business is just beginning to grow.”
There was silence. So, Michael wanted to head back to the states where he had made such a mess in the first place.
“You see, I have very good contacts in Detroit”
Ailbhe narrowed her eyes at him. Good contacts. What about New York? What about Chicago? What about the people he had come running home from with his tail between his legs when he made such a mess he couldn’t even try to clean it up himself.
“Contacts who I’ve already spoken to about this” He continued “And Gina has family who are very experienced in this kind of business”.
Ailbhe didn’t doubt it. Gina was quite the dark horse and she was enjoying fanning the flames around Shelby Company Ltd.
“According to the conversations I’ve had with them, with a regular supply of opium from China within a short space of time, the American narcotics business will be bringing in twenty million dollars per annum”
While Polly watched Gina carefully, watched how she smoked and sat back as if she was glad to see her plan finally coming together, Tommy watched Michael with cold and blank eyes.
“This is enough money for you all to enjoy an easing of the burden you all now feel” Michael explained, looking around at the people who used to call him family. He wasn’t so sure anymore.
Ailbhe looked at them too. They didn’t look sold on Michael’s big plans. This narcotics business that Michael wanted to build an empire on would be dirty money, money with blood on it and lives added to their consciences. Ailbhe didn’t need the grief, the spirits to haunt her any more than they already did.
“See, I know that the scars and wounds, they’re on the inside, not on the outside” He told them, tapping the side of his head as if he understood them better than they ever would.
As if he would ever understand why Tommy had trouble sleeping, why Arthur couldn’t let Linda go, why Ailbhe heard voices and whispers, why Niall had never married. They were all messed up but that didn’t mean they couldn’t keep going.
“And as a member of the new generation, I am able to take that great burden off of your weary shoulders”
Michael promised them, as if he was doing them a favour.
Ailbhe could sense Finn’s change, could see that the idea of moving up in rank was appealing but not if it meant knocking off his brothers to get there.
“A new decade is coming. There will be new opportunities and new territories, more money than we’ve ever had before”
Ailbhe didn’t like the sound of it the more he spoke. What would they need with more money, they already had more than they knew what to do with once before and when the crash came, it had brought them all back to where they started. They were back in the cash again now but what good was all that money when it came with such a price.
“Tommy, you can still do the good work that deep down you want to do.”
Tommy didn’t look like a man who did good work then, he looked like a man who was bored and wanted Michael to shut up.
“Mum, you can get married and live in that big house”
Polly Gray didn’t seem the type to head off to the countryside in wedded bliss especially considering her groom would rather sleep in a tent than a mansion.
“Arthur, you can be the man that Linda wants you to be”
The man that Linda wanted Arthur to be didn’t exist, he couldn’t be him and Arthur was finally alright with that.
“Fuck Linda” Arthur snapped, his patience wearing thin.
Michael turned back to the family.
“Niall, you can go back to just running the pub”
Running a pub was something Niall enjoyed but the race tracks and the sport was what he loved. It wasn’t a good day unless there had been a fight in Niall Kennedy’s eyes. It didn’t matter what age he was, Niall still came home with black eyes and cuts and scrapes like kids from a playground.
“Liam, you can leave Camden Town to the Italians, find a girl and settle down”
Liam Kennedy would rather eat a bucket of coal than leave Camden Town to Sabini and the idea of settling down with some girl who liked the life was almost enough to make him gag. The sport, the game of sneaking contraband past the docks, getting through the Blackwater, taking possession of things that weren’t yours, that was what kept Liam’s blood pumping.
But while Michael’s dangling of a dream was looking unappealing to some, Ailbhe knew that when Michael turned to Finn he was going to try and sway him.
“Finn, Ailbhe, you’ve proved yourself” Michael promised him, putting a hand on Finn’s shoulder and a hand on Ailbhe’s.
She bit her tongue but let him speak, she wanted to know what he’d try to tempt them with.
“You’re both part of the new generation, you could come to New York with me”
Ailbhe jerked her shoulder out of his grasp, gritting her teeth and grabbing the box of cigarettes on the table. She lit one for herself, needing something to keep her busy rather than telling Michael to go fuck himself. If he thought for one minute that she’d support his new ideas and leave her family behind, he was even stupider than she had thought.
She looked across at Finn as she lit her cigarette, his expression hard to read but Ailbhe knew Finn, she knew the idea was tempting but that he didn’t trust Michael, never had and never would.
“Here is my proposal” Michael announced, taking the folder from Gina’s outstretched hand and throwing it down on the table in front of Tommy.
“A full restructuring of the company. I will be managing director and you can be non-executive chairman. But under an assumed name to protect your reputation. I’ve found the name of a dead man. You will be registered as Mr Jones”
He told Tommy, as if it was a done deal. But Ailbhe saw no defeat in Tommy’s eyes.
Michael turned to the rest of them.
“You will each receive a percentage of the profits as an annuity and you will no longer have to engage in any of the associated activities”
Many of them looked unimpressed. These ‘associated activities’ had been what got them this far, what made them feel alive and powerful. Ailbhe knew that that feeling was more addictive than anything else in their lifestyle, more than the booze and the snow.
“Take a look at the future, Tommy. At least read it with an open mind.” Michael told him patronisingly, holding out the folder but Ailbhe knew Tommy well enough to know he wasn’t going to give up his crown, not to Michael.
“It’s cold in here, Michael” Tommy replied, grabbing the proposal and throwing it straight into the fireplace where it burned up within seconds.
Niall and Johnny Dogs laughed, glad that Tommy had shut him down quickly. They had no interest in packing up and heading to mansions in the countryside. If that life appealed to them they would have done it years ago.
Ailbhe had to admit it too. She wanted peace and for her family to be well and safe, but she didn’t want that normal life. If she did she would have moved to London or any other city years ago.
“Tommy, the Americans want to deal with me!” Michael shouted, his voice raised now but Tommy tried to speak over him.
“Item number three!” Tommy tried to continue but now Gina interrupted him.
        “Tell him the truth!” She told Michael, her eyes boring into Tommy’s “Go on! He can take it”
Tommy looked back at Michael, sure that whatever Michael did say, he could take it no problem. It was his reaction that they mightn’t be able to handle.
“Tell me the truth, Michael” Tommy shrugged, a mocking look on his face. He was growing tired of them.
“The Americans don’t want to deal with an old-fashioned back street razor gang, those days are done.”
Ailbhe felt the irritation and impatience in the air around them but she felt Michael’s eyes on her. She looked back at him just as he addressed her.
“They want to deal with professionals. Proper businessmen and women, people like the young woman they met in New York. Everyone is asking for Miss Kennedy to be the one who oversees the expansion into America.”
Ailbhe now felt everyone’s eyes on her. Michael was trying to gather support, coax Finn and Ailbhe over to his side where she would be given a better title, more money and respect but Ailbhe didn’t care. She was sure that she had made quite the impression in New York but that didn’t mean she wanted this restructure in the slightest.
Noise and commotion broke through the tension in the Garrison, the door slamming open and Isiah bursting in.
“Tommy! Liam! He’s bitten through the fucking rope” He shouted and they all knew who he was talking about.
“They’ve got him cornered but they need help” He added, but Liam, Niall and Arthur were already on the move. Even Aberama and Finn were on the move when Tommy shouted for someone to go get him.
The room cleared out quickly, leaving just Michael and Gina opposite Polly, Tommy and Ailbhe.
Tommy turned his back on them, leaning his hands against the mantelpiece and closing his eyes, trying to find a coherent thought.
“I’m doing this for you, Tommy” Michael told him, but Ailbhe had to stop herself from scoffing.
Like fuck, he was doing this for Tommy.
“It’s time… and you know it! Mum’s leaving, John’s dead, Arthur needs help. Niall is getting old and Liam can’t hold London. Ada’s man was killed in your own backyard because you fucked up!””
Michael told him but Tommy didn’t react, not even to the truth that sat between them. Michael’s eyes flitted to Ailbhe who sat there watching Tommy carefully.
“Ailbhe’s going the same way her mother went, you know as well as I do that she’ll meet her end at the end of a rope, be it by her own hand or someone else’s!
Ailbhe and Tommy’s patience ran out at the same time and while Tommy grabbed the bottle of whiskey and threw it into the fire, Ailbhe found herself on her feet and feeling like she’d finally had enough.
“Go on, Tom. Cut me, like the good old days” Michael taunted him, holding out a knife that had sat on the table.
It was a tempting offer and Ailbhe wanted to do it herself for a split second but then she saw Tommy’s face.
“Or see this for what it is, a natural succession that must happen someday” Michael warned them.
But that succession, no matter how many times Tommy thought about it never once let Michael onto the throne.
“I gave you an opportunity Michael. You betrayed me, you betrayed this family. Don’t be here when I get back”
Tommy warned him, calm again but only just.
“And you” Tommy snapped, stopping in front of Gina who looked as though she had known this was how the meeting would play out.
“You tell your family”-
Tommy started to warn her, but she cut across him.
“Let me guess, don’t fuck with the Peaky Blinders” she drawled, a bored look on her face.
But she got a fright when Ailbhe slammed a blade down in front of her. Gina hadn’t even seen Ailbhe pull it from under her sleeve and hold it in her hand in case things got nasty.
“You tell your family that Michael Gray is a little farm boy playing dress up and that he’ll piss away your money just like he did ours”
She warned her, leaving Polly to deal with her son and daughter-in-law as Tommy headed for the door of the Garrison behind them hoping that they would be gone when they got back.

 He pushed past them, grabbing Ailbhe’s arm and making sure she came with him. He couldn’t have her listening to him anymore. Michael didn’t know what he was talking about. Ailbhe wasn’t losing her mind like Michael suggested but if she heard that’s what people thought, she might just start to think it herself.
And Tommy couldn’t afford to lose her now, not when she had become so valuable and important, not when she was his sister who he wouldn’t be able to watch unravel, not when he knew it was his fault.

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