6. Unintentional

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A/N Written in hurry

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A/N Written in hurry.... alert me for any mistakes..... Enjoy the element of surprise!!!

*Beep *Beep *Beep

I heard a faint noise of a heart monitor, it was almost impossible to open my eyes, I was feeling weak, tired, and out of breath. Maybe it was because of the sleeping pills I tried to reason, usually, that doesn't happen when I take these pills. Again the noise was ringing in my ears. I groaned as my chest felt heavy thankfully oxygen mask over my mouth provided me with sufficient oxygen to breathe, additionally, it left me in more confusion.

Slowly opened my eyes and stared at the white ceiling, tilted my head towards my right, saw the heart rate monitor beeping. What am I doing here? I was supposed to be in my bathroom, sleeping. But something happened, I can't remember...

I tried to sit straight which was again next to impossible, the nausea still refused to leave my body. Was I about to die? A question crossed my mind, at the same time I heard a door open from my left, and a person entered, he had a white coat over his blue denim, white shirt, brown locks, and a sweet smile.

"Dr. Reign" I whispered under my breath, probably inaudible to him, my throat hurt badly. I was glad to see him. He closed the door behind him and walked over to my bed, meanwhile I stared at him. Dr. Reign was my doctor when I had the breakdown after Stephie's death. He is helpful and kind but strict as well.

"Zel, glad to see you up" He added in, I nodded back with a smile and pulled a chair next to me, and sat down. There was silence for a few minutes before I tried to speak up again.

"What happened?" I managed the words out of my mouth. He stared at me with concern and fished something from his pocket, my eyes widened when I saw the bottle of sleeping pills in his hand.

"Wait, I don't get it" I spoke up with some strength. He put the bottle on the desk by the bed and stood up.

"Let me help you" he helped me into a sitting position and asked me if it is fine for me to breathe without the mask. At first, I hesitated, fear crept that I might pass out because of the lack of oxygen, he patiently waited for my answer, I nodded, felt his hands on my head as he gently removed the mask, and returned to his seat.

"Care to explain as to why you over-dosed?" he quickly inquired, I stared at my hands that rested on my laps afraid to make eye contact. I was able to hear my heartbeat increasing as the sound from the monitor grew loud. That meant Reign was able to hear it. 

"Zel, answer me," he asked his voice demanding and gentle at the same time.

"I did not over-dose, I just took only one of the pills" I put conscious effort to answer every word that left my mouth, he stared at him and sighed out. I gave him a confused look, sweat trickled down my forehead. Did I overdose?  If I did then it must have one or two pills I guess 

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