chapter thirteen- welcome home

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I AM SO SORRY!!! my phone was lost in a snow bank and it had so much water damage we couldn't recover it. So I had to wait until I got my new phone to update.
Sex- the 1975
Worth it- fifth harmony
Wrapped around your figure- 5sos
English love affair-5sos

Michael's POV

A week after scarlet woke up the said I could take her home. But that I'd have to keep a close eye on her. Which I planned on doing anyway.

She passes out on the ride over to her house which the doctor told me she would. The gave her some sort of long named drug that puts her to sleep couldn't tell you the name even if I wanted to. Mostly because I was to busy staring at her. Her bruises started going away. Cuts were healing.

As I pulled into her drive way I noticed three cars. One silver one blue and one black. Black had to be Perrie's. Silver was Ashton I knew that for sure.

I ran around the car opening the door for her."thanks mike." She smiled.

"No problem." I replied closing the door.

The house was small with out Perrie Ashton, Cassey, calum, Luke and Lyle. All crammed into it. Plus me and scarlet.

"Welcome home scar!!! " Ashton cheered.

"Thanks Ashton." She smiled as I helped her over to the couch. She was still weak even though she would never say it out loud.


Scarlet POV

Everyone left shortly after me and Michael got home. I was cuddled up on the couch. While he was looking for a movie.

"Guardians of the galaxy or Thor the dark world...." he questioned.

"I don't know.. you chose."

"We'll watch Thor then Guardians."

"Okay." I smiled as he curled up next to me.

"Loki!!! God I love him!!" I fangirled as Michael just kind of sat there confused."Loki is king.... just saying."

"Okay then... I prefer venom."

"Oh are we gonna do this now?!"

"Do what?!"

"Fight over best villain cuz I'm sorry but Loki and his army slay."

"I think you seem to be forgetting he got his ass kicked by hulk and ironman."

"Actually it was all the avengers." I countered.

"Mostly them." He sat back as if to silently tell me this conversation was over.

"Who's your favorite super hero, Michael?"

"Spiderman. You?"

"I too am fond of the friendly neighborhood web-slinger." I chuckled.

"Nice! It feels good knowing someone likes him other than me."

"I was like the poster child for spiderman when I was younger." I smiled.

"No way same!!! I have pictures and everything!! Halloween I went as him." His eyes twinkled.

"Aww. Little spidey mikey" I cooed.

"Shut up!!" He blushed.


Michael's POV

It seems as if every time I watch a movie with her she falls asleep on me. I smiled grabbing the playstation controller. Searching threw her movie downloads.. there was only one movie listed. The Princess Bride. I ended up falling asleep half way threw right when westly is being tortured.

I woke up sweating. Trying to untangle myself from Scarlet. She groaned tightening her grip... great.

"Scarlet..." I shook her.
"Hmm.." she buried her face into my chest. "Michael go back to bed.."

"I kind of can't..." I laughed.

She picked up her head giving me a confused look."what do you mean?"

"I gotta take a piss.." I chuckled.

"Oh!" She got off of me immediately. "Sorry."

"It's alright." I tell her stepping into the bathroom, closing the door behind me.

"Hey mike?" She talked to me threw the door.


"Do you think you could just stay here... with me?? just for a few days.." she asked shyly.

"As you wish." I reply.

"Okay." I could hear the smile on her face.

I washed my hands and walked back out.
I walked over to the bed and sat down next to her.

"So what do you wanna do today?" She questioned as I pulled her into my lap.

"We could go shopping.. I got paid yesterday." I suggested.

"You work??" She looked at me bemused.

"Yeah.. Mcdonalds.." I explained.

" Well that's a Shitty job."

"Yeah you're telling me!" I laughed.

"Okay... shopping it is." She smiled, jumping out of my lap and to her feet. "Mike can you get out so I can change?"

A sudden burst of courage showered over me."no. I'm perfectly fine right here." I smirked.

She turned to face me shocked. "Uh." Her face turn 50 shades of red. "O-Okay..." she said gripping the bottom of her tank top pulling it up over her head exposing her chest to me. Perfect. That's the only word that came to mind as I sat there eyeing her chest. Perfectly proportionate, symmetrical, just... perfect. She turned her back to me. Tease.

She opened the dresser pulling out a black bra. She struggled to clasp it.

"Do you need help hun?" I spoke softly as I stood walking over to where scarlet stood.

"No... I got it." She explained finally getting it to clasp.

"Alright." I put my hands up surrendering, as I walked back to the bed.

She threw on an over sized t-shirt, before pulling off her pants. Probably to hide her body from my sight... she failed.

I watched intently as she slid off her underwear...

fuck.. I had to look away before I did something I would regret.. I should have left the room like she asked... but she really didn't put up much of a fight...

God she's so hot. Her legs, her body... perfect. I could feel my pants getting tighter..

I didn't even realize awe had finished getting dressed until she was shaking me out of my thoughts.

"Michael.. you okay?" She questioned as a curl fell in front of her line of vision.

"Yeah. I'm fine... you're beautiful."

Her face lit up at my words. "Thank you." She blushed.

"You are absolutely gorgeous..." I grabbed a hold of her. Our faces only a few inches apart.

"Shhh.... don't speak." I cut her off. Pressing my lips to hers.

So soft.. so sweet.

God I love this girl. I'm head over heels for her. My heart pounding out of my chest, as she parts her lips a little allowing my tongue access in.soon there's a battle going on in her mouth. My tongue verses hers. Passion. That's what this was. She climbed into my lap straddling me. Pushing me on to my back. Not once did we break this kiss. I could live in this one moment for the rest of my life. But scarlet pulls away too soon.

"Sorry.." she states climbing off of me walking over to the closet....

What the fuck just happened?!?!

GAHHHHH I HATE MYSELF!! The next chapter will be so much better..... I hope. But until then love ya!!! KAT ¤¤

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