chapter 10-my scars

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" Mikey! Smile real big, baby!!" Mum smiled as she snapped the picture of me and my dad, I absolutely refused to smile.. Pain shot through my arm, I winsed in pain.

"Smile." My dad muttered through gritted teeth. I smiled for my mum.. I didn't give a flying shit about the scumbag standing next to me. He wasn't even my real dad he was my fucking step dad.. My real dad... Daryl, he... Well he died when I was six..

I snapped back into reality . God damn it.. I miss my dad.. I miss him so fucking much. I miss my mom too. But sadly she was ripped from me.. That scubbag Emmet was the cause for this. He killed my mother.. Drunk driving. Fucking great right. Yeah. He got off with minimum charges while my mothers body lies cold at the bottom of a lake.

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