chapter 20~ Making new friends

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So I went back and read most of this story and.... it really sucks.. like I'm so ashamed.. I'm thinking about changing the entire first half of this book. It was so poorly written..Also I'm introducing a few new characters like for instance the newest character is Josh  ~KATY¤¤

Michael's POV

Eric ended up get suspended for kicking the snot out of harry.but I think we can all agree it was worth it. We all ended up getting a detention because we just stood there..

I walked back into school with this kid named josh. he was pretty cool. I've met him a few times but we've never really talked until now though.

"so you're with Scarlet?" He questioned as we waked down to History.

"Yeah.. Why?"

"We have Science together.. We're actually lab partners. she seems so sweet."

"she really is." I smile. I can't help but think of how lucky I am to even have her.

"Oh Michael, you're a nerd right?"  Josh questioned.

"yeah I guess."

"you gonna go see the new Deadpool movie?"

"hell yes! Deadpool is the shit! Him and spidey are kick ass!" I yelled. He's the first person to bring up the movie since they released the trailer for it, I didn't really wanna bore Scar with it so I've been holding in my excitement..

"I was actually at Comic con when they revealed the teaser trailer."
He explained.

"you lucky little shit! I was in the hospital with Scarlet.."

"oh yeah.. Fuckin Jacob's such an asshole." He yelled.

"yeah tell me about it.." I rolled my eyes

"Well I'm glad a sweet girl like scarlet is with a guy like you, mike. You're a really cool guy."Josh smiled

"Thanks man!"

"Anytime" he smiled as we entered Ms.Edengroves class.

Scarlets POV

I ended up puking in the girls bathroom after the whole fight broke out so I got sent home. For the past hour I've just been sitting in my bed with the blankets over my lap watching American Horror Story Hotel on On Demand, since I've been with Michael I haven't really been watching it that much. I got to about the part when they were introducing James Patrick March, Played by the beautiful Evan Peters, when i heard the ground door open and slam shut.

"Mikey?" I questioned. Maybe he had a bad day and had to come home too.

No response. "Michael?" I said a little louder as I leaned towards my open door. Again no response. I paused my show and went over to my doorway peering down over the railing.

"Mike?" I said response but i heard footsteps. My heart pounding out of my chest i closed by bedroom door and locked it. I made my way over to my phone and called michael. 3 rings and then he picked up.

"Scar im at school what is it?"

"Michael someones in the house!" I started panicing.

"Okay I'll call the cops. Can you get to a window or an exit?"

"Yeah I'm right next to my window." I whispered as the footsteps got closer.

"Okay climb out the window and run. Run as fast and as far as you can go now." I didn't even bother hanging it up i pulled the window up looked back and heard my doorknob jiggling. I climbed out landing on the roof below climbing down onto the cold grass running to the main road and down the street towards the school. Towards Michael. The rocks hurt the bottoms of my feet. I scuffed them a few times. I heard sirens behind me. The cops thank god. But i didn't stop i kept running like Michael told me to.

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