chapter nine- hospitalized

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Michael's POV

It was about 25 minutes into social studies aka hell. when I realised scarlet wasn't in class.. normally she would be 15 minutes late due to the fact she had to walk from one end of the school to another... and it's a pretty big school. I started to worry.. but I just didn't know who to ask about where she might be... Perrie.Perrie might know where she is. I raised my hand and asked to be excused.

Miss stevens just glared at me. Her eyes only meeting the brim of her glasses. "What for Mr. Clifford?" She said skeptical.

"I need to use the bathroom." I lied. I'd been getting good at lying lately.

"Fine.. If you must. But I do expect you to stay after today for your ignorance."

Bitch. I thought, as I grabbed the bathroom key and dashed out the door.

Perrie was in Mrs.Vile's room down the math wing. I knew if I ran fast enough I could make it there in a few minutes. I made it to the room and saw Perrie sitting in the front row her pink hair was curled perfectly and pinned back.. Which only meant her and zayn have a date tonight. I waved and flared my arms until she looked up. She gave me a look that said "what?" I motioned for her to come in the hallway. She rolled her eyes but raised her hand anyways. A few seconds later she was walking towards me.


"Do you know where Scarlet is? She's missing class.."

"No i don't kee-" She was interupted by a certain doughebag boy with curly hair.

"Perrie. Shouldn't you be in class."

"Oh whatever styles." She exclaimed turning o her heel and walking back into Mrs.Viles class.

Harry kept in his direction and left me there.. alone.

Scarlet's POV

I was coming out of the bathroom on my way to social studies when I noticed Lizzy, who was in my biology class with me getting picked on by a group of people. "Hey!" I yelled at the crowd. All their eyes turned to me and I began to make out some of the people. "Get away from her" i said sternly walking up to them. Lizzy's sobs got quieter as i walked towards the crowd. "What do you want?" Jacob growled at me with a set jaw. I walked between him and Lizzy whispering in her ear on the count of 3 to run. "I want you to stop picking on her" I growled back at him and motioned to 3 with my fingers. I took a step forward so she could sprint through. Jacob watched her go, "Aww, you had to ruin all the fun, huh bitch?!" his eyes narrowed at me. I stood my ground. "Beat her up baby! show her not to mess with us" Megan yelled. Before i could see it coming a fist slammed into my gut, knocking me back against the lockers and onto the ground. I groaned and tried to stand up but only came to getting kicked in the side of the head. I felt the blood start to pour out of my face. My eye swelling up from the blow. "What can't handle a little fun you little bitch?!" he kicked me in the stomach again. I yelped in pain, and tried to take my mind off it and get myself up."Stay down you fucking whore!" him and megan kicked me this time. The rest of the crowd just cheered them on and watched. Jacob kneeled down to my level, "You're in my world bitch, and you've just begun" he said as he grabbed a handful of hair and punched me in the face 4 times, and an extra 2 in the gut. They all laughed and spit on my now blood covered body. They started walking away and when they were far enough i tried to get up one last time to fall back and hit my head of the ground. Blacking out in a pool of my blood.

WOOOOWWW INTENSE!! I had so much fun writing this chapter because i got to write it with my best friend! If you ever get a chance check out some of her stories on momo-murder~KAT

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