Chapter eight-Shut up for once!

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The picture above is Cassey.

Many things scared me, the day I went back to school. But Mikey was right there for me through the whole thing. He stayed with me through out the night. that way I wouldn't feel so alone.

Mikey offered to give me a ride to school. but I was a bit skeptical, so I told him I'd meet him there. Boy was that a mistake. When I got on the bus people were staring and whispering and some how I felt like this year is just gonna keep repeating its self.

After a long stress filled bus ride. I finally made it to school. "I told you! didn't I?!" Michael yelled playfully from behind me.

"Yes, Mikey. you told me." I smirked throwing my backpack (more like a led weight) over my shoulder. He pulled me in for a hug.

"I promise, your life will get better, love." my head was rested on his chest. we must have look stupid hugging in the middle of the high school parking lot.

"It doesn't feel like it will.... it feels like everyone I get close to leaves or the just drop dead... like flies." I felt so horrible talking about my brother, best friend, and father that way but it's true."I'm an Orphan now!"

"Well.. I guess that makes two of us........ Scarlet. this is a weird question but.. what's your middle name?"

"May.. Scarlet May." he is the only person besides Lia and my family who knows...or knew my middle name.

"That's really pretty.... Scarlet May Parker." he smiled his goofy little smile.

"Hey no PDA you two." Cassey taunted us from her car.

"Oh shut up you're just jealous coz she's got a guy!" Michael yelled back.

"Be nice!" I swatted him.

"I was just playing." he acted all innocent.

Cassey started to walk over to us with Perrie.

"And she has someone." I defended referring to ed.

"Actually... I don't. Ed broke up with me for some bimbo, Name Marie Anne." she snapped.

"Sorry for her." Perrie smiled. "We heard...... are you okay?" I knew she was talking about tommy. of course I wasn't... but that didn't matter. I was happy even if my brother had just died. because for once in my life I had friends and a boyfriend..... was he my boyfriend? either way I felt like I was on top of the world, only being brought down a few notches... And besides what doesn't kill you makes you stronger..right?

"I'm good. Mikey helped a lot." his face turned red at the mention of his name.

"That's good."Perrie smiled her blonde hair was pinned back with probably a dozen bobby pins."Common lets go inside."

we all obliged and followed Perrie inside.a lot of people were staring and whispering about my brother. The only reason I didn't start crying was the fact that I had Michael to help me through this.

"Hey I was wondering.... maybe you'd like to go to panda express with me today.... after school?" Mikey said shyly. it was weird seeing him act shy again.

"I would be stupid if I said no." I smiled.

"Sooo.... is that a yes?"


"cool." he shoved his hand in his pocket before walking away. I wished he'd come back and walk me to class but he doesn't. instead I watch as he walks over to Luke Cal and Ash and starts talking.I catch up with the girls in the hallway as we make our way to class.

Michael's POV

"Hia!!" I yell over to Luke.

"hey. what's up?" something was wrong I could tell. I wasn't gonna say anything but I knew something was up.

"not much...hanging out with scarlet..You?"

he didn't answer he just stood there.

"he's fine." cal spoke up. "he'll be fine."

"okay..... so I was thinking we could practice tomorrow instead. cause I kind of have other plans today..."

"What's so important that you have to miss band practice?!?" Ashton yelled.

"My....I need to.. help someone." why the Fuck did I hesitate!

"You're lying." Lyle's head peeked from around the corner.

" no I'm not." I wasnt lying I promised Scarlet I'd help with the funeral.

"oh yeah then who are you helping?"

"Lyle this has nothing to do with you. just stay out of it."

"you're helping her aren't you?!" The way he said her made me want to punch him out right then and there infront of everyone.

"Yeah you fucking jack off I am. I'm helping her with her brother's funeral service if you must know! I'm fucking trying to be a nice guy which is something you all should try for once!" I had snapped. they had pushed me to the breaking point.

"I-I didn't know... when did he die."

"two days ago. why the hell do you care Lyle."

"because... he went to school with my brother and they were best friends. tell her I'm sorry." he hung his head as he walked away from us.

the guys didn't say anything after that. except that I could miss band practice just this once.

the bell rang and the boys left me standing here...alone.

sorry for such a short boring chapter but they will get better soon. promise. ~KAT¤¤

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