Chapter seven~The Accident

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Michael's POV

When I woke up Scarlet wasn't in my lap anymore. In fact she wasn't even in the room. As I got up I noticed the tv was still on. the news was playing in the background as I made my way to the bathroom.

"In other news last night 27 year old Thomas Parker was killed in a car accident. officials say they do not know what caused the accident, but they are determined to find out. back to you Nick."oh no.

Does Scarlet know? or is she oblivious to the whole thing? I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I ran out of the bathroom and turned the tv off before the story came back on. knowing our town they'll play that story over and over again.

"Morning Mikey!" she smiled and hugged me.

"Hey.. Scarlet." I tried not to sound upset but it failed.

"What's wrong?" she pulled away to look at Me.

"" she cut me off.

"Yeah! what about him? is he okay did he call?!" her face brightened.

"N-No... H-He's dead....." it came out colder than I wanted it to.

"No..... H-He can't be...." tears started pouring out of her as she fell to her knees. "Tommy was all I had left." It hurt to see her this way.

"Scars are deeper than they appear." was all I said.

"That's what he used to tell me.. He'd say it when ever someone important to me past away." she smiled through the pain.

"that's what my mum used to say....great minds think alike I guess." I said kneeling down so we were at eye level. "Everything's gonna be okay. Don't worry.." I reassured her, with a sweet smile.

"I gotta get dressed." she explained standing up.

"Okay.. I'll be down stairs." I said as I walked out of her small bedroom.

Scarlet's POV

I threw on my favorite shirt and a pair of blue jeans. my converse were down stairs and flats looked better with this outfit anyways.

as I made my bed the sweet scent of bacon filled my room.I ran down stairs to meet back up with Michael. His hair was tossed everywhere like usual and he was wearing a rolling stones shirt and a pair of black jeans.

"Hey beautiful." he smiled shoving his hands into his pockets." ya doing?"

"I've been better." I answered lowly.

"I'm sorry." He looked down sighing.

"it's not your fault." I smiled sheeply.

"Do you wanna watch frozen?... to get your mind off things."



Me and Mikey watched frozen about ten times and sang every song twice.

"Hey.. Scarlet."


"Do you wanna build a snowman." Michael sang.

"It doesn't have to be a snowman." I joined in.

I love how he can brighten up anything.....including my brothers death.

"We were supposed to go to school today." Michael laughed.

"oh shit that's right!" I yelled.

"We can skip today." He smiled and moved closer to me.

"okay." I giggled.

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