Chapter two-The girls

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The day ended and i felt kind of happy as i walked home.. The second i walked through the door Thomas questioned why I was smiling so much. instead of answering him I just ran upstairs and into my room. I ran over to my phone. I pulled a number that Perrie gave me out of my pocket. The phone ran three times before she answered.


"Hi Perrie... it's Scarlet." I twirled my hair.

"Oh! Scarlet! I'm glad you called!" I could hear the smile on her face. " Me and Cassey were wondering if you'd like to go to the mall with us... on Friday?"

"oh! I'd love too." I was a little nervous.The only person I'd ever gone to the mall with was Lia.

"Great! see you then!" she hung up.

Thomas knocked on my door. "you never answered my questions little lady."

"uhh... it's nothing Tommy.. But I'm going out on friday....ok?"

"out? uhh... ok Scarlet.... be careful, please."his voice was muffled.

"thanks Tommy."


I met Tommy down stairs about two hours after our talk, for dinner. My brother was the only person I had left. Our mother left when I was twelve and our dad died on Tommy's twentieth birthday.... I guess you could say my family has bad luck.. Tommy had gotten custody of me so I wouldn't go into a foster home. He's been very responsible.

"So where are you going Friday?"

"To the mall.... with some friends." I smiled

"Oh really?! my little sis has got friends?!" he joked. I hit him playfully in the shoulder.

"Shut up!" I giggled.

"well I hope you have fun."

after dinner I headed back up to my room. I turned on the tv and ended up falling asleep watching teen mom.

I had tossed and turned most of the night. When I finally got up at six in the morning my hair was tangled and horribly greasy. I took a quick shower and then looked in the mirror. My burgundy hair looked awful, my green eyes didn't shimmer anymore. I had looked like I was hit by a train, and the worst part was Thomas didn't allow me to wear make up. I brushed my hair but it didn't do anything, my hair was still a mess.

It was Thursday, which meant one more day until I go to the mall with the girls. I threw on a blue sweater and a pair of blue jeans. Thomas called my name from down stairs.

"coming!" I yelled at him.

I jumped down stairs. grabbed a piece of toast and three pieces of bacon. " I'm gonna walk today. ok Tommy?"

"uhh... sure sis."

"Thanks bro." I said slamming the door.


The bell rang. D's class. I felt a smile creep across my face as I thought of how I had friends. and they're real! Lia would be so happy for me.

"Scarlet!!" Harry's voice rang out through the classroom. "Sit over here!" he pointed to the chair in between him and Perrie. I quickly ran over and sat next to him.

"Hi Harry... And Perrie." she laughed at me. it took me a minute to realise that it rhymed.

"Alright class! Everyone take your seats.. Mr. Styles!" Mr.D's voice startled him.

"YES!" he jumped as the rest of us laughed.

"Thank you for being on time today." He smiled.

The class laughed and Harry let out a sigh of relief. Just like yesterday Mr.D let us do whatever we wanted as long as we kept writing. Most of the class period me and Perrie just passed notes back and forth, until finally Harry snatched one of them from my hand. He read over it carefully - which didn't bother me because I was an open book. And didn't really have secrets- and then laughed loud enough to make Mr.D yell at him.

I snatched the note from him trying to figure out what was so funny, but before I could read it Mr.D confiscated it. Great! now I'll never know what it said!

After D's class Perrie laughed at me for getting caught.

" What was so funny?!" I was so curious and sometimes it got the best of me.

"I'll tell you at the mall. I don't want Zayn to hear." she smiled. Why wouldn't she want Zayn to hear? it didn't make sense.


"Scarlet!" I heard Cassey scream." We're over here!" she smiled and waved frantically from a table not to far away. The mall was bigger than I remembered.

"Hi." I smiled at Perrie."So what did the note say. why did harry laugh?"

"cause he's an asshole! That's why! the note said that I was gonna ask out Zayn and the bastured laughed!" she huffed.

"Ya Styles is a dick." Cassey snorted.

"Oh.. He seems so nice though?"

"Wait awhile he can be...... " Perrie huffed.

ok so this chapter isn't finished but I thought you'd like a little more to read. I will update the rest of this chapter soon though.I PROMISE!! ~KAT

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