Chapter one- the group

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Every morning since the funeral I've been a complete basket case. every time Thomas mentioned Lia I couldn't help but ball my eyes out. I hadn't showered in weeks yes weeks. I know, I know it's disgusting... but when you lose one of the only people you have left in your life.. Well then you have every reason.

Today was the first day of school and I knew that I would be stared at and pitied for the loss of my sister.. high school was't fun, and when your best friend commits suicide a week before school starts everyone knows.


When Thomas dropped me off I could sense that people were staring at me. I was a sophomore,16, starting over in a new school so it's not like I knew anyone.. Besides Lia I never talked to anyone. Throughout the hallways I could hear people whisper mine and Lia's name. The last thing I wanted was to be pitied.

My first class was English, and I was not excited. I sat in the middle row, I figured if I sat there I wouldn't draw any attention. boy was I wrong. teens ran into the room taking any open seat, except for the seat next to me. thank god! The teacher walked in and strode over to his desk.

"Hello class. My name is Mr.D. Now I know what you're thinking god this is gonna be such a boring class! well I can honestly say you're wrong." he smiled at the class. "English is gonna be fun! This is a time for writing! A place where you can write about whatever the hell you want!" I was shocked that he was allowed to say that. A blonde girl sitting in the corner was staring at me, which was making me uncomfortable. I looked over at her. She had pink highlights and beautiful blue eyes. Just as I looked at her she turned away.

"I want to go around the room and have you guys introduce yourselves." Mr.D smiled "we'll start over here." he said pointing to the girl who was just staring at me. "what's your name."

"umm.. Perrie." she smiled. Mr.D continued down the line.

"Ed." He had firey red hair.

"Zayn." A boy with black hair and brown eyes that you could just get lost in answered.

"C-Cassey." a black haired girl weakly said.

before long he had make it through the first line and came to me. "Scarlet." I said hanging my head low.

just as we were nearing the end of the introductions a boy busted into the room "Sorry I'm late!" he yelled. his emerald green eyes were memorizing. his brown curls lazily tossed everywhere. He ran over and took the seat next to me.

"What's your name?" Mr.D asked.

"Harold... but please I prefer Harry." He smiled faintly. He looked at me. "Hey." he whispered.

"Hi." I whispered back.

Class felt like it past by way to fast. As much as I'd hate to say it. I loved English. We got to pretty much goof off the whole class period. The rest of the day kind of dragged on. but lunch was the worst. I had no clue were to sit. Until I same that Harry kid waving me over. I decided I'd see what he wanted. As I got closer I saw some of the kids from languages arts class. Kids like that Zayn guy and what's her face, Perrie I think it was.

"Hey. Your Scarlet right?" Harry asked me.

"Yeah..." I answered uncertain if this conversation was out of pity or not.

"Cool! glad I got your name right, man that would have been embarrassing." he smiled nudging a blonde haired boy, who gave him a weird look. "Wanna sit with us?" he smiled revealing a set of dimples.

"sure." I returned his gesture and sat down next to a girl with auburn hair and grey eyes.

"hey Zayn did you finish the math home work?" Ed questioned.

"no..I probably won't even do it."

"Hey Scarlet.. Why do people keep staring at you?" Harry had to be joking, but from the look on his face he seemed to be clueless. The blonde haired boy smacked him in the back of the head.

"How FUCKING insensitive can you be Styles?!" He yelled.

"What the hell Niall?! it was just a question?!"

I answered any ways "My... Friend committed suicide last week." I did it as if it was nothing. His smile quickly faded into a frown, as regret flashed across his face.

"I-I'm so sorry." And awkward silence had dawned upon the lunch table. I hated silence.. It drove me nuts.

"Can someone please say something?!" I giggled.

"What do we say?" Zayn questioned. " Hazza kind of put a damper on things." He chuckled shaking his head.

"so what? we're just gonna sit here in awkward silence?!" I was a little depressed. I hated silence because it gave me time to think... think about Lia.

"I just..... I hate silence." I finally said."And please don't pity me because of my sister. I really don't need anymore pity." I said looking down at the crappy food.

"I won"t pity you." Perrie smiled at me.

"why would we pity you?" Zayn seemed very confused. "Pity friends are the worst people... and we're nice people as far as I know." he looked around the table as the group nodded in agreement.. I couldn't help but smile. people actually wanted to be my friends.

Sorry! Ik short chapter but I hope you like it.~KAT

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