Chapter four- the question.

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"Well then. I do believe Harry and Zayn are finally gonna stop acting like children." Lyle chuckled.

"Oh please Ly that'll never happen. Hazz has the mind of a five year old. and Zayn's over protective.... Even if Perrie doesn't like him." Mikey spat back. it doesn't make sense. why would they be bad mouthing Harry? I thought they were friends.

I got up and made my way over to Perrie."You ok? Harry said a lot of hurtful things to you."

she sniffed."I'll be fine... Harry always talks to me like that."

"He's a dick... Wanna hang out later? ya know to get your mind off things." I smiled.

"I'd love to." Perrie's makeup was running down her cheeks. She dried her eyes and stood up. "I've got to go my social studies teacher can be a bitch." she smiled letting out a small laugh before leaving. 

I felt a hand touch my shoulder. it was Mikey. his hair was tossed in a mess way I hadn't noticed before. he scratched the nape of his neck nervously. "umm... Scarlet.... How would you like to go out.. On a date.. W-with me, maybe pizza." he gave me a sheepish smile.

"I'll.... think about it." his expression changed he didnt seem so nervous anymore, now he seemed disappointed.

"O-Okay.... There's this place opening up in a few weeks." he smiled for a second before walking away. leaving me to feel like a complete asshole, for what I just said.

"Mikey!" I yelled for him, I watched as he turned back to face me." Pick me up at 8....don't be late." he laughed

"That rhymes!" he smiled."ok. 8 o'clock."


Around seven o'clock Perrie and Cassey came over. we talked about what happened at lunch and about how homecoming was coming up. Zayn had asked Perrie and Cassey got asked by Ed. I hadn't told them about Mikey asking me out.... I hadn't planned on it.

"So Scarlet are you going to the dance with anyone?" they smiled.

"ummm.. No....." I gave them a sheepish smile.

Cassey turned to Perrie and whispered something to her. Perrie nodded. "Scarlet.. If harry asks you, please god say no.." she turned to Cassey." This is pointless!"

"No it's not. Now finish!" She yelled as Cassey finished painting her nails

"If anything go with Michael or Luke." Cassey tensed up at the mention of Luke..


"Because harry needs to learn he can't get his way all the time."

"What do you mean get his way.. And uh.. Do you know anything about this bet.."

"Hazz has been beting people that he can get into your pants before homecoming.. Michael and Luke aren't having it.. Mikes actually a sweet guy.. But Uhh.. Don't get to close.. He might possibly be in on this whole fucking you thing.."

"How can someone that looks so sweet be so cruel.." I felt a tear stray away from my eye.

"I know how you feel."Cassey cooed. "Ed.... the only reason he ever went out with me was because of a bet he made to Harry and Niall. Now here we are..... two years later." she smiled but it quickly disappeared.

"I-I had no idea." suddenly my problems didn't seem so big.. her relationship was based off of a bet.

"my parents died... a month after my 16th birthday." Perrie voice was cold as she stared at the ground twittling her hair. "I moved here with my aunt... she hates me... and she's not too fond of Zayn either.." she smiled and shook her head.

"my mum left us and my dad died on Tommy's birthday." the words flew out of my mouth as if nothing."Our mom didn't want anything to do with us. we called and called but when she finally answered the phone she told Tommy to go to hell and that she would report him for harassment if he kept it up." The girls remain motionless. They just sat there staring at me like I was crazy.

"What kind of mother does what?!" Perrie yelled standing up.

"I agree your mom's got issues." Cassey not even looking up from her phone agreed.

"i know.... so what's up with that Luke kid?" I didn't wanna talk about my mother anymore..... even if I was the one who brought it up.

"Luke?! what about him? he's a spoiled brat who gets whatever he wants." Cassey snapped."he doesn't care who he hurts." she started to tear up.

Perrie nudged me."follow me." she whispered. I did as I was told and followed her into the hall leaving Cassey alone. "Cassey and Luke have...... history.... bad history. if you can avoid mentioning him in front of her. to answer your questions he's in a band with Mikey calum and Ashton, he loves Penguins and he plays guitar.... ignore what Cassey said... he's a nice boy." She smiled."C'mon let's go back and talk to her."

To be completely honest I didn't really care I just wanted to know why Cassey got all tense at the mention of his name..
ok so Ik this chapter sucked but I just needed to lead up to the next chapter.. I'm trying harder on this fanfic but.. I really think it sucks. but if your still reading you rock and ily :D~KAT

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