chapter 21~Jerrica

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I ran as far as I could. faster. faster. faster. I stumbled a few times but I keep going. I keep pushing through.I could see the school. And Michaels car coming towards me.

"Mikey!!" I yelled as he stopped the car and jumped out running towards me. He threw his arms around me.

"I thought I'd lost you.." He burst into tears. I've never seen Michael this emotional before. I figured he must have been like this when I was in the hospital too..

Jerricas POV
"Look Niall this just isn't gonna work out you have feelings for Alice not me. Not to mention Cas." I cried looking into his deep blue eyes. Someone who I loved so much who I spent over year with and Now.. Now nothing he never cared.. He lead me on while he fucked Cassey. I don't blame Cas she didn't know.. He told her we broke up. Well.. Now we have.
"Jay baby.."

"No niall! No. Don't jay me! You are only allowed to call me jerrica now. You're no longer my boyfriend and you're not my friend." I snapped walking away from him.

I struggled not to cry as I walked away from what I thought was the best thing that had ever happened to me.

"Hey jerrica." A sweet dark voice cheered. I turn around to see Calum's beautiful golden skin and big brown eyes looking down at me. "You okay?"

"Um.. Yeah. I-Im fine.." I say quietly. I've always been super shy around Calum. He was just so sweet and handsome. When ever he said my name my heart would skip a beat.. But he'd never find me pretty..

"He didn't deserve you.. He doesn't deserve anyone. To tell you the truth I hope he dies alone for what he did. He hurt you and played with Cassey's emotions." He blurted out.

"I-Its fine Calum. I'm used to this by now." I faked a smile.

Calum pulled me in for a hug."you shouldn't have to know what this pain feels like.. You're too kind hearted to be hurt like this." He whispered in my ear as he brushed back my brown hair.

My heart was beating so fast my mind was racing as I stared into his beautiful brown eyes.. I got lost just staring into them. Butterflies began to build up in my stomach as he got closer to me. Pulling me in for another hug. My head rested on his chest. I could hear his heart beat. A fast pace as his breath hitched.

"Calum.." I said looking back up at him. My eyes shifeted from his eyes to his plump lips back to his eyes. As a smile spread across his face he said."do it. I won't pull away. I promise." And with that I smashed my lips into his, as a rush of adrenaline and a spark lit inside of me I melted in his arms. Never ever wanting to pull away this feeling was so addicting. Niall never ever made me feel this way not even close.Calum's hands rested on my hips pulling me closer and deepening the kiss.

Calum's POV
I've wanted her for so long. Jerrica Lynn Bennet. Long dark hair green eyes pale complection light freckles across her cheeks and the bridge of her nose. The girl next door type of look. Her lips were so soft I didn't wanna pull away but then.. The bell rang. I wanted this feeling to last forever.. And now its ending..

"Um... I'm sorry Calum.."

"Don't be. I liked it." I smiled I don't wanna mess this up.

I watched as jerrica turned bright red and walked away. Her short curly brown hair bouncing as she ran down the hall..

"Hey Cal." Lyle smiled "what's up?"

"Jerrica Lynn Ross that's what." I cheered my heart had the warm fuzzy sensation you get when you feeling extremely happy.

Oh jeez what now?"

"Niall cheated on her she broke up with him me and her started talking and she kissed me!! She fucking kissed me man!! This is by far the best fucking day of my life!" I yelled out loud I couldn't hold it in. Since the second grade. The second grade!! I've loved this girl. Head over heels in love with her.

"Well I'll be damned... I owe ash and mike both 50 bucks.."he laughed.

"Haha very funny. See I CAN get a girl." I smiled walking away with my head held high. Nothing could drag me down today.

Scarlet's POV

After I was done telling Michael every detail of what went on we decided to go home. Michael had a gun if he needed to use it.

Michael walked into the house and had me sit in the car. Ten minutes later he came back out. "Everything's all good come on. I even checked the basement and the attic." He smiled.


"So did you finish your episode?" Michael questions wrapping his arms around my waste.

"No. I paused it just as they went to introduce James." I pouted.

"Awe well come on baby we'll watch it together." He said pecking me on the cheek and walking upstairs.

I met Michael upstairs after I finished the dishes I walk in my room to see Michael curled up in a ball in nothing but his boxers. His hair looked so soft and fluffy the fresh dye smell permeated the room. His hair a pale pink color.

"Mike?" I whispered not wanting to wake him.

"Him?" He hummed turning over to face me. "Hi." He said rubbing his eyes.

"Do you wanna watch it with me?" I smiled at him. Joining him in my bed. He moved under the covers with me.

"Yeah.." He said resting his head on my chest as I started the show over again.

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