chapter 23-a christmas surprise

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I made my way down stairs and as I looked out the window all I saw was snow. Its about time!! Its mid December and Christmas is in 4 days. Oh crap... Christmas is in four days!! What am I gonna get Michael?

I heard the water start from upstairs and Michaels voice rang through out the house. He had such a beautiful voice no wonder he was in a band. Their first gig was in a week. He'd posted it on Facebook and stuck it on the calendar. I couldn't be happier for him... I just hope he doesn't forget me.

I cooked up some pancakes and bacon for Michael before I made my way back upstairs, the water had stopped and so had Michaels beautiful singing. But I had worse things to worry about. My stomachs started twisting in knots I felt like I was gonna puke. And then I knew it. I was gonna puke. I started pounding on the bathroom door.

"Okay okay." Michael giggled as he opened the door. I pushed by him rushing over to the toilet. The contents of my stomach ejecting its self out of my system. Eww..

I looked up at Michael who had a worried expression on his face. "Baby is everything alright."

"Y-Yeah.. I feel better now.." I said pulling myself off the ground.

"Are you sick?"

"I don't feel sick.. I don't know what that was." I knew I was sick. I felt fine after I puked.

"O-Okay... Well if it happens again we're staying home." He gave me a stern look. I loved how sweet he was.. He's so understanding.. That's something I'd never had before. Except with Lea.. Lea.. God I missed her. If only she had been here to meet Michael.. She would have been so happy for me.. Same with tommy... I sighed washing my face off before going back down stairs. I sat on the couch and waited for Michael. Simba curled up in a ball on my lap. I pet his soft fur as he purred in my lap.

"Hey there." He smiled jumping onto the couch next to me. He leaned in and kissed me on the head. "How are you feeling?"

"I feel fine.. I have no clue what that was" I giggled leaning my head on his shoulder. He was so cold. But then again that was just Mikey. His skin was always cold. Probably because all his warmth was in his big heart.

"Scar.. I gotta go to band practice today.. I cant miss another practice."

"Okay Mikey." I smiled burying my face further into his shoulder. I didn't mind hey if it made him happy then I'm happy.


A few hours past and Michael was still gone.. I got kind of worried about what happened this morning.. I hadn't gotten my period yet which wasn't normal.. I normally got it a few days before the 20th. Its the 21st. I called Perrie and Cassey.

"I haven't gotten it yet.."

"But you and mike.. You used protection?"

"Of course we did!"

"Are you on the pill?"

"Uh... No? Is that really that important though?"

"YES." they both said in unison.


"Jesus Christ Scar!" Cas rolled her eyes.

"I puked this morning.." I looked at my lap. For some reason we always sat crisscross in a circle in my room.

"Have you taken a test yet?" Perrie questioned.

"N-No.." I kept feeling dumber and dumber..

"That's it I'll be back!" Cas yelled getting up. "You two stay."

Me and Perrie listened. We sat there and watched the movie inside out. I felt kind of bad I know how badly Michael wanted to see this movie with me.

Cas came back right as we met bing bong. She threw a small pink box at me. "Pee on the fucking stick wait twenty minutes."

I did as I was told.. I sat there and waited.. And worried.. What if it came up positive.. What if Michael got freaked and left.. What would I do then? What If he's not ready to be a dad.. What will I do?

I closed my eyes and looked down at the little white stick.. Here we go.

I'm thinking about wrapping this first book in the series up.

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