Chapter three-Trouble makers

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As promised the new chapter!! Yaaay~ sorry it took so long. but I'm on vacation now so I can update all week! So last chapter was boring but pwease keep reading it WILL get better I promise. one more thing I'm sorry for spelling errors~KAT

"Hello girls."Harry smirked "how are you?"

Perrie rolled her eyes and Cassey just stared into space.

"ok then.."he smiled clasping his hands together.

Zayn sat next to Perrie and whispered-but yet loud enough to ware I could hear. "is it true? We're you going to ask me out." He asked as Perrie fiddled with her hair.

"What!...Where'd you hear that load of crap." she laughed nervously.

"Hazz told me." Zayn lowered his head. "I guess it was just a rumor then." he looked disappointed as he stood up. "well sorry to disturb you girls." he smiled obviously embarrassed at the fact that Harry had 'lied' to him.

As Zayn walked away harry turned to Perrie."your gonna have to tell him the truth sooner or later prez. and if you don't I will." he threatened. he spun around heel and stomped off.

"Wow I see what you mean. What a dick telling Zayn you liked him.." I was completely baffled that Harry was so insensitive, but then again Zayn probably wouldn't listen to harry again.

"Yeah, but that's how he is he can be such a sweet and caring boy one second and the next......" a total ass Perrie didn't even need to finish her sentence.


The whole Harry incident and everything Perrie said kept running through my mind that night.. I didnt sleep at all. Who knew that he could be mean he seemed so nice this past few days.

I looked at the clock.2:47am.Great. feeling defeated I got up and walked down stars. Thomas was sleeping-halfway-on the couch with the tv on. I made my way to the kitchen the brownies Gram had made us were still on the counter. she had stopped by to make sure Thomas had Been taking care of me. She always does. And everytime she finds the same thing. I'm Alive and healthy.

The brownies were hard because of my doofus brother but they were still good. After eating all the brownies I made my way back up to my room.

Crawling back into my nice warm bed as my eyelids got heavier.


The rest of the weekend was boring. me and Thomas played gta5 all weekend. but that was about it. but something just felt off on Monday. Something had to have happened but I feel as if I missed something..

I jumped in the shower trying to take my mind off of things but I couldn't help it. when I got out I put on a little black dress that my father had gotten me right before she died. it still fit Like a glove. I grabbed my book bag and walked down stairs I slipped on my black pumps and snuck by Tommy who was fast asleep on the couch. I wrote him a note on the white board and left.

on the bus I knew people were staring at me.had I over dressed? did I look like a whore to them? I didn't wanna know the answers to any of these questions. I was just glad when the bus ride was over.

As I walked into D's class I saw Harry's head snap towards me. His mouth dropped. I took the seat right next to him. My dress kept riding up which made me a little uncomfortable. Liam and Ed whistled in the back row which made me laugh so hard.

"oh! Scarlet meet Luke, Mikey, Calum and Ashton." Harry smiled gesturing to the four boys sitting next to him staring bold eyed at me.

"hi." I smiled politely not trying to be nasty to them even though they were being incredibly rude, eyeing me up and down.

"h-hi." said a boy with black and purple hair. He was kind of cute. But he seemed a little too punk for me.. "Michael" he winked at me. I could feel my cheeks burning up.. I didn't understand why either.. I didn't really find him that attractive..

"hi. I'm Luke." The blonde boy smirked at me.. He had an accent but I couldn't quite tell if it was British or Australian yet maybe if I strike up a conversation with him.

Perrie and Cassey started giggling, Perrie leaned over and whispered in my ear "they're eyeing you so badly.." She giggled.

I turned back to talk to her." Its like they're mentally stripping me." I whispered in her ear as my dress started sliding up my leg again, showing off some of my thigh. Shit..

I looked over to see harry with the most disgusted look on his face. "So Scarlet why haven't we seen you around?" The boy with black hair smiled in a daze..

"I, uh... Just transfered here." I twirled my hair trying to hide my smile.

"Oh well welcome to the school.... and I'm calum."A boy with black hair gave me a devilish smile. Mr.D walked through the door apologizing for being so late and asked us to please get to work.


About twenty minutes into class Harry slammed a book on the ground and walked out of the class room. I turned to look at Perrie.

"psst... What was that about?" I asked in a hushed tone.

"Harry's an ass.." Perrie breathed "We told you!" Cassey giggled "And I'm pretty sure, you getting eyed by Luke and Michael was seriously pissing him off."

"What?! Why?! If they wanna fucking look at me they can look! I'm single nobody fucking owns me!! Harry's not my fucking boss!" I yelled a little. but why shouldnt I?! "I'll be back."

I walked to Mr.D and asked for a hallway pass.As I stepped out of the room I heard Harry screaming at someone. I ran down the hall my heels clacking like crazy. He slammed a boy with blue hair into a set of lockers. I hid behind a set of lockers hoping he wouldn't see Me.

"What the hell is wrong with you." the boy screamed. "Look Hazz its not my fault!! Maybe you shouldn't have introduced her to Michael 'sex god' Clifford." The boy chuckled.

"Shut up Lyle! Are you seriously gonna crack a fucking joke right now?! Let me think..." Harry tugged on his dark brown curls. "I can't fucking lose another bet to calum and Michael.. This'll be the fourth one this month.."

"umm.. Maybe stop fucking gambling away all your money." he said pushing up on his big set of glasses. for a boy with blue hair he was a nerd... A cute nerd but a nerd.

I slowly backed away, but bumped into something it landed-along with me- with a crash which made Harry snap his head towards me. He walked over.

"How much of that did you hear?" He bellowed.

"I-I didn't hear anything." I stumbled as I stood up. I had forgotten I was in heels. "I gotta go" I said tripping over the trash can again, pulling my dress down.


Harry didn't talk to me for the rest of the day thank god! but as lunch time rolled around I ended up with out a seat. Harry was sitting with my usual group of friends, so I was forced to sit with that Lyle kid and the four boys Harry introduced me to.

"Lyle. What was the bet?" I questioned sitting next to him.

"Y-You know my name." His grey eyes sparkled as he pushed up on his big bulky glasses

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Harrys voice rang out from across the room. "God Perrie you're such a bitch! Will you please shut you fucking trap before I shut it for you!" I so wanted to punch him in the face for talking my friend that way, but Zayn beat me to it.

"DON'T YOU EVER TALK TO HER LIKE THAT AGAIN! DO YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND ME STYLES!" Zayn screamed. Harry got to his feet and a full out brawl began between the boys.

"Luke they're at it again."Lyle whined.

"I know Lyle. Oh god here comes the superintendent."

"What's she doing here." Calum yelled.

"dude does it look like we know?!" Mikey snapped back.

"Boys! My office! Now!" she screamed. The two bloody boys followed her down the hallway and into a room. Leaving Perrie in tears and me dumb founded.

I will make chapter four tomorrow.. I'm sorry its short but I hope you liked it.~KAT¤

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