chapter eighteen- every body talks

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Scarlet POV
"So did you hear about Ellie and harry?" Cassey questioned with excitement in her eyes.

"Who's Ellie and no."

"Ellie is Lyle's brother Eric's girlfriend." Perrie informed me.

"Apparently she's cheating on him with harry." Her eyes glistening.

"That Bitch!!"

"Right?! Like how can you cheat on a man who gives you everything. He gave her his virginity you know." Perrie said as she sipped from her raspberry ice tea.

"So what about you and Michael, scar? He seemed quite cheery this morning.. more than usual, and a little more affectionate."cassey smirked.

"Nothing happened." I simply stated I wasn't about to tell them the full extent of the pain I went threw and am still going through.

"That not what I heard." Perrie gave me a look.

"What did you hear? And who from?"

"From Calum through text. And I quote Michael just confessed to me Lyle harry and Ashton that he had sex with scarlet."

Michael wouldn't blab.... would he? "It's a lie." I lied.

"You're shit at lying. So how big is Michael?!" Cassey questioned.

"I'm not fucking telling you how big my boyfriends dick is!" I yelled.. it's a hood thing were alone in a girls bathroom.

"Oh come on scarlet we won't tell."Perrie tried convincing me.

"Fine.... It's.... about 8 or 9 inches.." I could feel my face turning red.

"Well at least now we know He isn't compensating!" Perrie laughed. "have you ever noticed how michael likes to show off what he has... for instants you. He makes such a big deal about it and love to throw it in peoples face and shove it down their throats every two seconds?"

"Can't say I have."

"Well he does he may not do it in font of you but he does.. It's like he's trying to win at something.. to tell you the truth Michael has always ended up competing with Harry or Luke and I guess it makes him Happy that he can finally have something that Neither harry nor Luke has ever touched.... I'm sorry to put it like that but it's true."

Michael wouldn't do that... whole he? " How do you guys know all this?!"

"We talk to his ex girlfriend, who may I remind you Michael and Calum still hang out with."

"What?! who?"

"Her name is Margo. She tells us everything. She's actually really nice. She moved back to England so Michael broke things off. She actually just moved back." Perrie cheered.

"So you're telling me he broke up with her because she moved.."

"Yeah. They were really cute together too! Michael really liked Margo. They dated for what two, three years, cass?"

"Three. They started dating in 8th grade." Cass explained putting on lip gloss.

Hearing them talk about Michael and Margo just kills me..

"Remember the semi formal back before Michael ever started dying his hair?"

"Oh my god yes!! And he was so nervous to dance with Margo and he ended up falling on his ass!!" The girls laughed.

"Oh or the time we all went ti the movies and Michael went to go kiss her and ended up head butting her." Their laughs got louder.

Maybe if I wasn't with Michael he would be with Margo by now...

"What's wrong scar?" Perrie looked at me worried.

"What? Oh um nothing." I faked a smile.

Perrie shook it off as if nothing was wrong. "Well uh... I'm gonna get to class..." I smiled unlocking the bathroom door and leaving.


I couldn't stop thinking about Michael and this Margo girl. And then it happened she walked in.

"Uh hi I'm Margo.. I'm new." Her English accent was so pretty so elegant.. no wonder Michael liked her. Her baby blue eyes glistened.her curly sandy blond hair pulled back into a pony tail.

"Oh yes!! That's right!! Class I forgot to tell you this is Margo Slater she gonna be here for a while so treat her like one of us..... uh... actually don't do that." Ms. Mcgliss explained. "You can sit any where Margo."

Please not next to me please god. I thought as she walked towards me sitting in the seat to my right
Don't talk please don't fucking talk to me.

"Hi. I'm Margo.... wait she already said that" she said giggling. "What's you're name?"

Why'd she have to be so nice!! "Scarlet." I smiled. I'm not someone who's gonna be jealous of my boyfriend's ex even though she makes it really hard not to be.

"That's really pretty." She smiled her voice soft. Why even her voice was pretty.

Why'd Michael pick me?! God this girl was beautiful and then there was me... god standing next to her I look like even more of a potato. I mean I know I'm not ugly but I'm not that pretty either. Yet me and Margo have both dated the utterly perfectly imperfect Michael Gordon Clifford. Possibly the most adorable kitten I've ever met and yet he broke up with this girl who is practically a model and got with..... me.

Michael's POV

"Hey mike! Did ya hear!!" Eric yelled. Oh god he knows about Ellie and harry... I promised Ellie I wouldn't blab. Not because I cared about her but I couldn't hurt Eric like that we've been friends since we were 6.

"Look Eric.. man I wanted to tell you..-"

"Dude Margo's back!" He smiled..."wait, what did you wanna tell me, bro?"

"Uhh...." FUCK!! ABORT!!! ABORT MICHAEL ABORT!!!! "Uh... nothing man."

"Michael.. I've know you. What's going on?"

"I don't want you to hate me... promise me you won't hate me"

"I promise you. Now tell me." Eric looked at me with worry in his eyes.

"Ellie's cheating on you.... with harry.." I flinched as Eric sat on the ground..

"That skinny little Bitch... why would she do this to me? I gave her everything.... " he started crying.

"Eric.... I'm so sorry man..." I sat next to him putting my arm around his shoulder.

"How'd you know??"

"Harry told me.. but Ellie told me to keep it a secret... I didn't do it for her I did it for you... I couldn't hurt you like that... even thigh I kind of just did... god I feel like an asshole." I did I felt like shit.

"Thanks.... for telling me I mean... at least I know one person cares." Eric smiled through his pain. "But yeah... Margo's back."

Margo slater...I thought back.. she moved to England and cheated on me with Lewis Nichols. Lewis and I were pretty close in middle school. You could say like brothers almost as close as me and Eric are. But when he had moved back to Scotland I was really upset and that's when I met Margo Ann Slater. A beautiful girl from England. And it's just now dawning on me how many exchange students we have here. But back to Margo. When we hit 10th grade she told me she was moving back to England I couldn't believe it. She said we could keep it going long distance though. And that's when Liam one of harry's friends sent me a photo of Margo in bed with Lew... it crushed me. I told Margo I was breaking up with her because I couldn't handle the distance. She cried I said yeah sorry and we haven't talked since. Calum still talks to her and so doesn't.... oh shit! Perrie and Cass. What if they've told Scar about Margo?

"Uh hey Eric can I go talk to someone.."

"Yeah I gotta go talk to someone too." I knew he meant Ellie. And he was probably gonna kick the shit out of Styles later.

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