Chapter fourteen-why don't we go there?

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Michael's pov
I got dressed and met scarlet down stairs.. "ready to go?"

"Yeah." She smiled.

"Well let's go." I smiled grabbing my keys.


"Mike.. Come here!" Scarlet yelled dragging me over to a pet store window. Pointing to a little kitten.
"That one reminds me of you." She giggled. The kitten curled up in a ball, sleeping while all the other kittens played.

"How so?" I smiled.

"Cuz when you sleep you crunch your face like that. And his mouth is parted the same way you part yours." She explains as one of the kitten jumped on him. The rest started picking on him. I don't know why but I started to get really pissed off by them picking on him.

"Let get him." I looked down at her. Scarlet face lit up.

" Really?!" She smiled.

"Yeah. Why not I've got the money." I smiled.

"Okay." She tightened her grip on my arm.

We walked into the shop and asked the cashier about the kitten.

"20 bucks and he's yours. He's been the trouble maker of the group." The pink haired girl gave us a bored expression as if to tell us she could give a fuck less about her job..


After the poor cat got about twenty shots we were finally able to bring him home. Scar ended up naming him Simba.

We brought him home and set up all his stuff. Ya know food, water, toys.

"Thank you Michael." Scarlet smiled. Watching the kitten attack a stuffed kangaroo.

"No problem Scar." I smiled. I leaned over kissing her on the cheek.

Scarlets pov

His lips were so soft as he picked me on the cheek. I turned towards him.


"Hmm?" He raised an eyebrow.

"I think I'm in love with you." I spoke quietly hoping he wouldn't hear.. he did

"I know I love you." His eyes the bright vibrant green I fell in love

I leaned in grabbing his face with both hands slamming my lips into his. He tensed up at first but relaxed after a few seconds.

Michael leaned forward pushing me on the kitchen floor. "Scarlet......" he broke them kids just to bring his lips back to mine and pulling away again."where's this going?"

"I don't know.." I say honestly. Michael's the one encharge right now and whatever he does I'm going along with.

"Should we do this? I mean we can wait if you want." He informs me.

"I don't know... I'd like to see where this leads us."

He brings his lips back to mine and whispers. "Then I think we should go upstairs." I smiled and agreed. I pushed myself up off the ground.

Sorry!!! Short ass chapter.. there will be sexual content in the next chapter so if you're not into reading that then I suggest you skip the next chapter. Love ya for reading!!! ~KAT ¤¤♡♡

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