A Dream

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Packing was one of Clay's least favorite things to do. He knew he had so much ahead of him, seeing George's pretty face again, but packing felt like such a let down. He had been on the phone with George before, not giving too much information about when he would arrive; he wanted to surprise George in a way. Still, a surprise would be hard if he didn't know his way around the UK.

"Christine!" Clay yelled from inside his room, begging for her to walk in. He didn't want to walk all the way to Christine's living area.

"What?" Luckily for Clay, Christine opened his door, blinking her eyes quickly. "Where are you going?"

"Do you know anything about England?"

"I appreciate you dearly, but you're not giving me much to work with here." George was standing in his kitchen, prying answers out of his mom about Clay's arrival.

"At least you know he's coming. I could've just allowed him in our house without telling you. You wouldn't want that, right?"

"Why wouldn't I want that? Seeing him is seeing him."

"I saw how you were dressed at the airport. It's almost as though you were dressed to impress?" His mom was definitely teasing him. She didn't get many chances to joke around about him.

"Mom! T-that's none of your business."

"Go get some rest, George."

"Ok, but before I go, what day is he coming again?"

"That's not gonna work, son."

"Yeah, whatever."

After a full day of packing, Clay was able to make his way to the airport. When arriving inside, everything looked so familiar; he had been there four times in the past month or so. Walking to his flight, he was tempted to text George, spamming him about his arrival, but he held back, instead texting George a simple 'good morning'.

"Only a few hours." Clay kept reassuring himself that this wasn't all a dream as he boarded the plane. "I'll see his face."

"Excuse me, sir. Can I interest you in a beverage?" A flight attendant hovered over Clay, looking at him intensely.

Clay, obviously confused, ignored her questioning looks and replied, "Uh, yeah. Water, please."

While pouring the water, the flight attendant looked as though she was going to say something, stopping herself each time.


"Is everything ok?" Clay questioned, watching the girl stammer over her words.

"I- I wanted to ask for your number. Are you taken?"

Before Clay could answer, his phone notified him with a text from George. After reading the text, he cleared it, allowing the woman standing in front of him to see his lock screen, filled with pictures of him and George.

"Wait, you're Geo- that guys boyfriend, right?"


"Is he ok? I was on the last plane ride and saw him. He looked panicked. I had to rush him off the plane."

"Yeah, he's fine. He's great, actually. We were just separated, that's all."

"You're coming to see him?"

"Yeah! It's pretty exciting!"

"I'm so happy for you two. You're a power duo." The girl smiled excitedly, leaving Clay his water while walking off.

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