oh right there's Vic

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Why hello again, I hope you like my story and yeah, I have no Ideas on what to put here.soooooo let's start with chapter four.Side side note my instagram is @i_draw_art_not_tragedies or @piercethe.addy if you want to stalk me or something. 

I woke up to the sound of loud snoring, at first I thought that it was Tony but the big hair lead me to believe otherwise. Whoever it was I didn't want to wake them up. I slowly climbed over him and landed as gracefully as I could. I was still wearing all of my clothes so that was a good sign. I went back to the bed to discover that it was Jaime that was sleeping next to me. 

I never got a chance to fully explore Jaime's house so I decided that now was as good of a time as ever. I snuck through the long hallway, and I walked into the next room. 

This room was a lot bigger and it had a king sized bed. I walked over to the side of the bed to inspect who was laying in it. It was Tony, I have to admit he looked kinda cute. That was all about to end. I leaned in really close to his face and screamed "TONY GET YOUR BUTT UP"

He practically jumped out of the bed"Addy you scared the living shit out of me"

"That's just what I do, soooo what are your plans for today" I asked hoping that I could hang out with him and Jaime all day.

"Well  Jaime and I need to introduce you to some people, but first, breakfast" Tony promptly got out of bed and ran downstairs,Tony was like a small child, just bigger and with more tattoos. When i got downstairs Tony was making an omelette, he was wearing a sombrero and a poncho.

"Tony may I ask why you are aggressively Mexican," I asked Tony as he placed a poncho on me.

"It's a tradition, I don't know why we do this,but we do and now you do too"this place had a lot of weird things going on.

"So do you and Jaime live together, or are you lovers, either way I'm cool with it" Tony snickered at my question.

"I guess I kind of crash at his house every night for like the last 6 months, and I don't swing for the other team Addy, now go do teenager things while I'm cooking." 

"Okay Tony" I sighed and went over to the TV and sat in a reclining chair. I was looking around for the room for the remote when I made eye contact with a small Mexican."TONY WHY IS THERE A SMALL MEXICAN CHILD IN THE LIVING ROOM" I screamed.

"Oh that's just Vic, and he's 32 by the way." 32? How is that possible. He is 21 at most. I just stared at him, neither of us said anything, just inspecting each others faces. 

"So Vic... can you hand me the remote" I asked noticing that the remote was right by his side.

"Sure Miss Preciado" He slowly handed me the remote, I don't know why but I feel like I've seen this guy's face before. Maybe he adopted me before Jaime but I just forgot who he was, again not the first time. As soon as I got the remote I turned on Teen Titans. It has always been my favorite show, I feel that I am most like Raven, Jaime is like Cyborg, and Tony is Starfire. Vic started to freak out when I turned it on.


"um, I like raven, and I think my favorite episode is when we meet raven's dad." I said quietly, I soon realized that Vic is like a Mexican jumping bean.

"Jesus Vic you scared her already it's only her second day" Tony said while handing me an omlette.

"Oh it's fine Vic, you're just very hyper.." I said, still Half scared to death by Vic.

"VIC YOU'RE SCARING THE CHILDREN" Jaime screamed from the top of the stairs.

"exactly how many friends do you have that I should know about" I asked Jaime.


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