Thank you, Alex

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Why hello shameless self promotion: instagram- i_draw_art_not_tragedies / piercethe.addy and let the chapter begin.


I have lost of friends" Jaime boasted" And a couple of them are coming over today."

"who" Tony, Vic and I all asked in unison

"Well I decided to have a little party for your arrival so I invited Mike, Alex, Jack, Zack, Rian, Kellin, Justin, Nick, Gabe, other Jack, and Oli might stop by." Jaime stated, very calmly, might I add. That was a lot of people, like 11 plus the three guys that were already here. Also Jaime said that this was a party for me, that means that they will probably all try to talk to me at one point or another, and I will need to talk back to them, without vomiting. The thought of this actually killed me. I remember when I first went to the orphanage I nearly vomited on all of the kids when I had to introduce myself. Actually I only vomited on 10, so that was good.

"I need to go, I'll be right back" I stammered and then ran out of the room. I ran into the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. Maybe living with a normal conservative family would be better then this, at this point anything would be better than this. Then I started to think, my worst quality, thinking. Thinking about the party about all of the people about how none of them really care about me, they all just feel sorry for me; no one cares about me. Not even my own parents or else they wouldn't have killed themselves right in front of me. When I was 2 years old, maybe not even that. That is the only thing that I remember from my childhood. I don't remember my parent's faces, even. Just their lifeless feet dangling from their dead bodies. I started to rummage around the bathroom for anything to take away the pain of my existence. I found a rope that is in every room for fire escape, odd I know.

I heard the door open and Jaime yelled "Addy come down and meet Mike, Alex and Jack." Shit people are at the house three more that I was forced to talk to, unless. I looked down at the rope in my hand and tied it tight around the fan at the top of the ceiling. I tugged on it a couple of times to make sure that the fan wouldn't break and fall on me. I faced the window and slipped my head through the hole in the rope. Just end it no one cares about you. I just continued to repeat that line in my head NO ONE CARES I wasn't even saying it anymore, my demons were.

I was about to step off of the chair right when I heard the door open and someone yelled back "Jesus Jack chill with the beers, you cannot hold your-" he stopped talking when he saw me. At least that's why I think that he stopped talking. I soon heard a glass break and someone ran to me and picked me up off of the stool and away from the rope. I started to sob, that rope was the only chance at my happiness.
He brought me to my bed and I just sat there on his lap sobbing, still not knowing who he is. He moved the hair out of my eyes and said "I don't even know you yet, but from what Jaime tells me, you are pretty amazing. I don't think that I could live if another one of my loved ones took their own lives. Addison Preciado do you understand how important you are to people that haven't even met you." I just sat there shocked. I didn't know what to say. He cared, and I don't even know who he is.

"Listen, you don't need to go out and face all of those people today, if you would rather just stay here with me" I slowly nodded my head. "My name is Alex, by the way"

"Thank you, Alex" was all that I could manage to say.

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