And it's good enough to make me wanna fall in love

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*One month later*

I woke up in Tony's bed, but Tony wasn't there. I groaned and rolled around on the bed a little bit. "Tony, Tone Bone where the fuck are you?" I asked, but no response. I looked at the bedside table and noticed a note with a rose on it. "fuckin' hell Tony this is not the time to be romantic, I just want to eat ice cream with you" I mumbled to myself. I picked up the note and started to read it. "Good morning love, I hope you slept well. I hope that you are up for some exploration" that sounds like a lot of work, I thought to myself. "Think of the first place that we met, and go there. Next, meet me at my car. Sorry this wasn't more elaborate, I am shit at thinking of ideas. -Tony." Why did he need to be adorable when I was tired?

I groaned and put on my prosthetic legs. It took me a while to learn how to walk in them, and I still wasn't good at walking in them.

I got up and slowly hobbled to my room; the first place that we met. I looked around the room for a note. I finally found a note, it was a document made on my computer. There was a video attached to it. I pressed play on the video, and immediately started to laugh my ass off. All of the guys were dressed in Mariachi Band costumes. I continued to watch and they all started to play their instruments. It was a mash-up of all of my favorite Pierce songs it included, I'm low on gas and you need a Jacket, King for a day, Balcony Scene, Don't Fear (the reaper), Yeah Boy and Doll Face, Bulls in the Bronx. I started to cry it was so amazing. What made it even better was that Tony was singing along with Vic, and man could that boy sing. The video ended, and I looked at the note that Tony let by the bed.The next step was to go out to his car. I expected that after I went into the car we would be going places, so I wanted to get dress out of my pajamas. I changed into a sundress with a flower pattern on it, and a leather jacket. I looked pretty good if you asked me.

I slowly walked out of the house and looked for Tony's car. It was on the side of the road. I practically sprinted to it. When I got in Tony immediately kissed me passionately. I could almost hear my heart beating. "So where are we going?" I asked, braking the kiss.

"You'll find out soon enough" Tony stated with a sly smile.

About thirty minutes later we arrived at a cute little dog park. It was very well groomed. There were about twenty dogs just roaming around inside the fence, but there were no owners.

"Well, I know how much you love dogs and hate people, so I went to the local humane society and asked, if I took care of the dogs, I could use them for a special event, and they agreed." I was speechless, he knew me so well.

When I walked into the park almost all of the dogs ran up to me, and were close to trampling me.

Tony whistled and and they all ran away from me, and continued to sniff each others' asses.

Tony started to set up a picnic, and this one dog wouldn't leave him alone. He finally gave up on trying to get the dog to go away. "Hey Addy can you come over here" Tony asked, after finishing the picnic setup. I walked over to him and he just smiled at me before getting down on one knee. I burst into tears. "Addison Preciado, I know how terrible of a boyfriend I am, and how you deserve so much better than me, but fucking love you so goddamn much that it actually pains me" He started to tear up."Will you honor of marrying me, and making me the happiest turtle in the world" I actually couldn't speak. I just nodded furiously and wrapped Tony in my arms. He didn't have the actual ring in his hands, so I asked him where it was. He did a heavy sigh and opened the box connected to the dog that would leave him alone's collar. He pulled out a ring and out it on my finger. I was still speechless.

We didn't even eat, we just gazed up at the stars together, knowing that we would be together forever.

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