Three, Two, One where did it go

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Vic's POV:
I hadn't seen Jaime in five weeks. He hasn't answered his phone, or even check social media. Everyone was so concerned and confused about Addy. People went to me for questions, but I knew just as much as they did. I called Mackenzie to see if Jaime was okay, I knew that she went to go visit him every week. "Hey Mackenzie, how's Jaime doing" after I asked her that I could tell that there was something wrong, she waited a long time to reply.
"Well the last time I saw Jaime was two weeks ago, I peered open the door and he was singing Happy Birthday to her, and she was still asleep. It probably the most depressing thing that I had ever seen in my life." Hearing that broke my heart. Jaime has gone crazy, and I needed to save him.
I hung up the phone and got in my car. I needed to see Jaime if it was the last thing that I did. I got into the hospital and the front desk lady lead me to Addy's room. I looked in the tiny window in the door and I saw Jaime sitting next to her bed. Addy was still asleep.
I slowly opened the door. As soon as Jaime saw me he ran up to me and hugged me harder than I have ever been hugged. "Jaime I missed you so fucking much." I whispered to him.
"Can we go talk in the hallway" Jaime ask me. I nodded and followed him into the hallway.

Addy's POV:
Light, that was it, just light. I blinked a couple of times, and the light just got a little dimmer. Then I could hear things. Like the beeping noise that was slowly speeding up, and I could hear Jaime and Vic talking somewhere near me. I felt really well rested.
I blinked a couple of more times, and I could then see that I was in a hospital room. For some reason it smelled like shit. I smelled myself, and then I came to the conclusion that I was the one the smelled like shit. I saw a bathroom in the corner of the room. From the outside it looked pretty big, so maybe it had a shower.
I sat up and noticed that my leg itched, like really badly. I went to go scratch my leg but there was nothing there. I chuckled a little and then mumbled to myself "Wow, nice job Addy, you can't even find your own fuckin' leg." I pulled back the layers of blankets.

I had to blink a couple of times, but nothing changed. I had stumps. Constant blinking; hoping that the next time I opened my eyes things would be different, but they never were. I slowly guided my thumb across the end of what used to by my thigh. This was real. Both of my legs were gone. And according to my research, human legs don't regenerate. I took a picture of my stumps. They looked cool so I thought that I would make the best out of this situation that I don't completely understand. After I took the picture I posted it on Instagram with the caption "might as well name me Patrick #falloutboypuns .

Right after I posted it everyone started to flip shit. Well yeah my legs are gone now, but I've been off of instagram for like a couple of hours. i scrolled through the comment section. All of the comments said "I hope you're okay" or "OMFG YOU"RE JAIMES DAUGHTER IM GONNA BE YOUR MOTHER." How the fuck did they find out about that.

I was getting tired of just sitting in bed. No one was in the room so I had to make my own means or travel. I pulled myself onto the side table and pulled one of the chairs to me. I got comfortable in the chair. Now all I had to do was figure out how to move in one of these unstable chairs could move. i soon figured out that I could move the chair by using all of my body weight and pushing myself forward at small intervals.

It took me about ten minutes to get to the door. I pushed the door open and quickly scooted into the hallway. I saw Vic and Jaime talking at the end of one hallway but at the end of the other hallway was a wheelchair. I was tried of moving around in this stupid chair. I laid down on the hallway floor. "one two three... ROLL" I yelled before launching myself to the end of the hallway. I landed straight into the side of the wheel chair. I tried to pull myself up onto the chair, but my lack of arm strength failed me.

As I looked up at the wheelchair I realized the situation that I was in. It hit me like a train. My legs were gone. They would never be back; my life would never be the same. I just grabbed the side of the wheelchair and started to cry hysterically. I heard someone run up to me, and then I got picked up. I wrapped my arms around this person and continued to cry."Hey, sweetie, I know this is a lot, but everything will be okay in the end" It was Jaime speaking; i was surprised that I could tell over my crying.

"It hurts dad" I whispered before passing out again.

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