So you're leaving me

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Hello I am currently Writing this at 12:18 a.m. so it's probably shitty af.

When I woke up it was 5:30 a.m. I had barely slept because yesterday Jaime told me that I was basically meeting Sleeping with Sirens today (Technically the second time that I've met them, but this will be the first official time.) I decided that I might as well get ready now because there was no way in Hell that I was going back to bed.

I started to do my hair and makeup, but the silence was painfully awkward. So, like any normal human being I started to play some music, I had Pandora turned on to Sleeping With Sirens radio. Unbeknownst to me my phone was plugged into a very loud speaker, and the first song that came on was King for a Day by Pierce the Veil. The first couple of notes were okay, and then I actually fell out of my chair. Almost directly after that I heard a loud groan from Tony, Jaime and Vic on the other hand ran into my room started to sing along. Vic continued to and I started to sing Kellin's part as Jaime ran out of the room. He came back with Mike and Tony and their instruments (Mike had bongo drums), and they all started to play/sing along as I sang Kellin's part. I turned off my music to record the history that was being made in my bedroom.

After the song was over I started to clap furiously. Then for some reason all of the guys started to come in for a group hug, and a few minutes after we had all gotten a full hug Vic yelled "break" and we all went back to doing all of our normal morning things. These guys were very strange, but that's why I loved them.

After I had finished getting dressed (wearing- ATL sweater with a collar shirt under, and black skinny jeans and high tops) and straightening my hair I went downstairs. No one was down there so I was just playing games on my phone. I soon realized how boring that was so I made an Instagram account. The name was piercethe.addy (shameless self promo) and it was going to be a multi-band fan page. Some people immediately followed me, and a lot followed after I posted the video. Then they all stared to tag the guys, and I started to freak out. Right when that was gong on all of the guys came downstairs, and they didn't mention the video so I assume everything was alright.

All of us packed into Jaime's small car, and we were off, to go see Sleeping with Sirens.

Once we got there Justin immediately introduced himself, and he gave me a hug. Honestly the most normal thing to happen to me today. Kellin, Jack, and Nick all introduced themselves the normal way, but Gabe introduced himself by throwing me over his shoulder.

I was just chillin' on Gabe's shoulder until there was a knock at the door. Gabe set me down, by throwing me on Justin, and ran to the door. When Gabe opened the door a bald man with a cat and some cameras walked in "Hey there, I'm Adam" the bald man enthusiastically said. "Hi! can I hold your cat?" I asked while introducing myself he handed me the cat and said that his name was Mark.

"SO SHALL THIS MEETING BEGIN" Jaime yelled; getting all of our attention.

"Hey Justin, is it okay if I just stay here, on your lap; mark really seems to like you" I whispered to him, yeah it's Mark who likes him. Justin smiled and nodded as he pulled me in closer to him," Your hair smells nice." He whispered back to me.

When the meeting started Adam would occasionally take a picture, but all of the guys were talking over each other to the point where if I even tried to pay attention; there was no way that I would know what was going on. I spent my time taking pictures of Mark, and some of Adam taking pictures of the guys. Mike was sitting right next to Adam, and when he noticed that I was taking a picture he would always make a funny face.

Then Justin chimed in for the first time"So during the tour how long will we stay at each place." Okay what the actual fuck was going on. World Tour with SWS and PTV. If I wasn't living with them then I would be really excited. Concerts are the one place with a lot of people that I don't freak out over.

"Where am I going while you guys are on tour... ARE YOU GIVING ME BACK!!!" I nearly shrieked at Jaime. He didn't respond. I then got up, set Mark down on the floor, and walked out, and then countinued to run down the street. I was fucking seventeen and there was no way that I was going back there for four more months, and being let out of an adoption home homeless. NO. FUCKING. WAY. If Jaime was going to give me back; he would need to find me first.

I walked onto a thrift store that had the underlying smell of cigarettes. I looked around a while, and then I noted the giant wall that was really just a window, so I went deeper into the shops. I picked up an Edward Scissorhands shirt and a couple of flannels. I then went to the dressing room. I heard some guys walk in. When I paid attention to their conversation I figured out that it was Justin and Jaime. I could hear my heart beating through my chest. Jaime asked the cashier if she had seen someone that looked exactly like me, and she got very defensive. Honestly if two grown men with a lot of tattoos came into my store looking for a young girl, I would get defensive too. After that awkward run-in they decided to just looked around the store.I needed to get out of there, and fast. I looked out the curtain of the dressing room and I almost headbutted Justin. He was literally right in front of my; thank God he was turned around, and he didn't even notice me.

"Hey Jaime should I check the dressing rooms" he asked. OH FUCK. Jaime nodded, and I tucked my head back into the dressing room. Justin's hands were on the side of the curtain, and he was about to pull it."Um occupied sir" I said in the lowest voice that I could muster.

"Oh sorry sir' Justin responded right before he walked into my dressing room."You sound nothing like a man you know." I just nodded at his response. He sat down on the stool in the small room, and I just burst into tears. He immediately wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in for a warm embrace. "Shhhhh it's okay Jaime would never give you up; you're going on tour with us" He whispered to me. I broke the hug and walked out of the dressing room.

I walked over to where Jaime was and gave him a hug "thank you for not giving me up" I told him. He just hugged me and took me outside of the store with Justin close behind.

"There is no way I would give you up" he smiled down at me and took me to the nearest Mcdonalds all of the other guys eventually joined us there. They were all saying how crazy I was for thinking that Jaime would give me back to that shit hole. It looked like I was going on tour the next day.

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